
Five days later

Chen pulled up onto shore, gasping and wheezing, tumbling and rolling onto the soft sand. 

That was a hell of a workout. I'm burnt, whooh!!

He had arrived, not at Pennsylvania, but at New Jersey. Pennsylvania was just a state away, though. He was pretty close.

The early morning sun rays was warm against his numb raw skin, drying up the water and leaving a layer of salt caked on his face and body. Chen pulled himself off the ground, ignoring the dull ache of his overworked muscles. With the end destination in mind, Chen just wanted to get there quickly. There was no time to waste.

Chen headed over to what seemed like a small hut, and was glad to find a tap with running water in it. He took a quick warm shower, washing off the sea salt and peeling off his second swim suit that was already ripping at the seams from the friction of the waves. Chen dried himself off and put on a casual outfit, and then sat down on a bench for a quick bite before setting off to cross the state.

New Jersey was freezing cold, colder than Seoul. Chen clicked his tongue in annoyance when he realised he didn't pack anything more than a furry coat. 

It's okay, I have Touch Heat anyway.

Chen bounded along, allowing his inner strength to propel him across the forests and the valleys. He did contemplate dropping by the city just to sight-see, but it was an added three hours of journey, so he decided to skip it for the time being.

It took him more than half a day to finally reach the Appalachian mountains, breathless and exhilarated. The journey there was long and arduous, and Chen had to constantly dart away from the eyes of jungle hikers, lest they witness his incredible speed and unnaturally nimble reflexes. Not that it really mattered though, as they would've brushed it off as their imagination. But Chen didn't want to take any risks.

As he moved along in utmost silence, Chen thought about the conversation he had with the HUMP Korean employee.


"Hello, this is Kim MinSeok speaking."

"Minseok? My name is Chen, I'm a being and a member of HUMP from the parallel universe."

There was a short pause and he could hear fingers flying over a keyboard rapidly. "Chen. Yes, you're registered in our system. It says you are here in this universe on a mission, am I right?"

"That's right."

"How may we help you?"

"Uh... I have a favour to ask of you."

"Ask away, Chen."

"I want to fix my mind barrier, as well as restore the plaque's energy."

"... That sounds serious. Tell me about it when you get here. Do you know how to get here?"

"I can figure it out easily."

"Alright, I'll see you here in...?"

"Around a week?"

"No problem, see you."


Chen closed his eyes and tried to focus. It was nearing dusk, and he was nowhere close to his destination. Oh well, I guess I'll try again tomorrow.

He flopped onto a patch of grass under a thick-branched tree and whipped out his phone. The battery was running low, but it was just enough to make one more call.


"Chenchen!!" Luhan's happy voice squealed at him through the phone, and he grinned. "Where are you now?"

"I'm nearly there, Luhan. Tomorrow I'll be at the headquarters."

"That's good." There was a soft sigh. "I'm cold... I miss your Touch Heat."

"Go wrap up in blankets." Chen chuckled, and his heart filled with longing. No distractions, Chen. Go straight home after this trip and grab that adorable boy and kiss him senseless.

"Wrapping in progress..." He heard some whooshing sounds and heavy breathing as Luhan probably clamped the phone between his neck and his cheek.

"Okay. Stay this way. I'll unwrap you as my welcome-home present when I come home."

Luhan whined and started yapping at him about cruelty and prolonged suffocation. Chen smiled with affection. I'll be back real soon, Luhan.


It wasn't difficult to locate HUMP in the brightness of the morning. Chen went straight towards it, and as he was nearing the building, two men clad with full protective gear approached him.

Chen waved them away. "I'm Chen." 

They nodded wordlessly and backed away.

He headed over to the main doors and pressed his hand on the scanner, the automated sliding doors hissing open for him almost immediately. Chen had done this many times before in the other universe, so he knew the procedure very well. 

The interior was modern and mostly covered with metal. Sleek metallic walls, automated transport systems within the building, more men in protective suits patrolling the area. Chen wasn't intimidated. In fact, the men seemed a little intimidated of him instead.

He was, after all, a being.

Chen stepped into the lift and scanned the buttons, that were labelled in English. He wanted to smack his forehead and groan because I don't understand the language!!!! Thankfully an employee walked in and jabbed a button, and the doors closed. Chen figured he would have to follow this guy then.

The lift opened into what seemed like a large office. Chen smiled at his luck, and stepped out, walking over to a large electronic microphone device at the side near the entrance.

"Speak." The machine instructed in accented English.

"Uh... Kim Minseok?"

There was a short static sound, before the familiar voice popped up beside him. "Hi Chen."

Kim Minseok was a rather short, sturdy man with a round face, big feline eyes and a broad cheeky grin. Totally not what Chen was expecting. He gulped nervously as Minseok pulled him over to his desk excitedly.

"I've never actually met a Korean being! It's my first! Oh my god!" He squealed like a fanboy, and Chen felt his palms sweating.

"Didn't you meet Tao and Suho before?" Chen questioned.

"I did... But I didn't get to talk to them. Tao is Chinese anyway, and Suho refused to look at anybody so..."

"How is Suho?" Chen found himself asking.

Minseok chewed at the side of his lip. "He looked shaken and uneasy and kept muttering some guy's name..."

Chen froze. Do MinJeok's apprentice?! 

"What name?"

"Sounded like... Jung-something."

Chen stored the information in his brain. Jung-something. 

"Thanks a lot, Minseok."

"Nah", Minseok chuckled with a wave of his hand. "Anyway, wanna go for breakfast while we talk about things?"

Chen was positively hungry. "Sure. Could you help me charge my handphone in the meantime?"


Minseok was rambling away on the phone to some dude back in the office in rapid English, regarding the recharging of the plaque's energy. After an hour of talk, (and Chen literally dozing off right in front of his very nose) Minseok hung up with a wide mousy grin.

"Don't worry Chen, we are sending some men over to Korea to recharge the plaque and restore it to normal."

Chen blinked at him sleepily. "Yeah, okay, good."

Minseok leant his elbows on the table and stared at him with great interest.

"Chen... You're kinda cute."

"What?!" Chen choked on his drink. Is this guy trying to hit on me?!

"No offence, just voicing my thoughts." Minseok chuckled and took a large bite out of his sandwich. "You know if you're interested we could-"

"Uh, Minseok?"


"I kind of have a boyfriend..."

"Aww he won't know, we can keep it a secret. I mean, not like he can check on us while he's in the other universe right?"

Chen shook his head in exasperation. "No no, my boyfriend's from this universe."

There was an awkward silence while Minseok processed the statement. His eyes slowly widened and his jaw dropped open.

"You... Can't be serious about him, are you?"

Chen averted his gaze, and Minseok took one of his hands worriedly.

"Chen ah, you have to remember that you can't stay here forever. Once it's time to go back, you have to go back. And it's highly unlikely that they will ever let you come back here again, let alone have any private communication with this universe."

Chen bit his lip. I know... But...

"Don't get too attached, Chen ah."


Luhan received an SMS from Chen that night.

"Luhan, sorry I can't call. Security is really tight here, and the private signals are haywire. Once I'm out of here, I'll call you okay? Don't be upset, it's not something I can help. Okay? I love you <3 ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆"

Luhan shut the phone and stuck out his tongue at it bitterly. Cute emoticons or not, it wasn't the same as hearing Chen's voice. "You promised!" He pouted at it.

Then his eyes lowered to the bed sheets, hesitation and fear swimming within them.

Chen, I had wanted to tell you something today...


Chen agreed to begin his mind barrier replacement treatment the next day. The entire process took 5 days of intense therapy and isolation, and Chen was not allowed to move an inch during the treatment. The procedure involved high-level radiation to erode the remnants of the current mind barrier, and then to remake the entire barrier from scratch. 

Chen made Minseok promise to call Luhan everyday to assure him that he was alright. Minseok made a face and grumbled about "having to face some lovesick boy with incessant whining" and "I'd better get some form of payment for this" and "I told you not to get too attached!"

Right before he stepped into the machine, Chen turned to Minseok. "Will I lose any memory from this?"

Minseok chuckled. "Do you want to?" When Chen growled lowly, he laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry, nothing will be gone I promise."

Chen sighed in relief. "Okay. See you soon, Minseok."

He stepped into the machine and it hissed shut.

That evening, Minseok stood at the balcony where the signal was better. He sighed and fiddled with Chen's handphone for a while, before pressing on Luhan's contact.

"Chenchen! Oh my god I missed you!! You evil guy how could you not call me yesterday? You promised everyday! I-"


"..... Who is this?!?!?!"

Minseok wanted to face palm. "I'm Minseok. I'm a Korean employee from HUMP."

There was a shaky sigh on the other end. "What happened now?"

"Not to worry, Chen has begun his radiation therapy today. It will take five whole days and he's not allowed to come out. So he instructed me to call you."

"..." There was a small sniffle at the other end.

Minseok started. "Don't cry..." Godammit I knew it. Lovesick boy, check.

"He promised to call me everydayyyyyyy...." Incessant whining, check.

"I even..." Then he paused. Minseok waited. "Even what?"

"Minseok... I... I feel like I'm being watched."

"Luhan." Minseok sat up straight and steadied his slightly trembling voice. "Are you alone now?"


"Is it possible to go stay with someone you know? For safety's sake."


"You know that it's impossible for Chen to come and save you now, if anything happens. Chen is way too far to come to your rescue. You need to keep yourself safe."

"Okay... I'll stay with Chanyeol."

"I have no idea who's that, but good please go stay with him. I'll call you everyday, don't worry too much. If there's anything you can call this phone too, I'll be holding onto it."

Another sniffle. "Thanks Minseok."

"Nah it's okay. Take care of yourself."



Baekhyun bounced up and clung to Luhan like an overexcited puppy, refusing to let go. Luhan sighed, his expression downcast, as he pulled his luggage (and Baekhyun) into the house and towards the spare room.

Chanyeol didn't say anything. He just watched the two of them disappear into the corridor. 

When Luhan called him last night to ask if he could stay, his voice sounded scared and trembling. There is something not right, but he's not telling me. Luhan has way too many secrets. Chanyeol sighed and flopped onto the couch.

I just wish he would tell me soon. 

And Chen. I need to have a chat with him when he's back.

Oh yes. Where did he go this time?!


A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long!!! Hadn't got a chance to use my PC, where all the chapters are stored (my other stories like Spell book are stored in my Ipad so i can access them more easily.)


Okay so everyone has watched Oven Radio already right?

(In case you havent the links are: Teaser ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE )

OMG why are all EXO's backdrops for MOD so so so so beautiful?!?!?!?! ASDFGHJKL

And they look so freaking cuddly in the sweaters. (i couldnt help but notice Chen trying to kick something off his shoe @4:34 HAHA)

AND LAY'S CHINESE AHHHH!! (and also, why did kyungsoo pass the trophy to Chen to hold?)


Until next time :)

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I will update by todayyyyy I promise haha. Going for a dinner now


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And really cute
This was so good
Hayleywill #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for updating this too. You know, I've been your reader since you catastrophe fic. And I'm glad that you decide to keep continue your old fic.
Chapter 29: at the end chen and luhan relationship remind history and mystery.. at least both find their happiness even they are not together..
Absolutely love it!
Hayleywill #6
Chapter 28: Isn't there still one chapter left for Chen's part??
Chenchenlay #7
Chapter 28: tooo good to finish...:(
plappermaul #8
Chapter 28: That was sooo good. Funny and a little heartbreaking. I love Chen's character here. The whole story was simply awesome. My LuChen feels...
Beautiful autor, thank you for creating such a great story.
Chapter 27: Omg pls pls pls pls update chingu ya hehehehe I really love it u made me like LuChen and thank u very much :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwww! So cute. I'm glad things work out for Luhan, in some way. Now I'm curious about what happen to Chen on in the other dimension. Can't wait for the next chapter:)