

"Suho, it has been two weeks already!! How are things going?"

"... Not very good."

"What do you mean? You took just eight days to gain full control of Tao."

"Chen is extremely powerful. He's way stronger than I thought he would be..."


"I just discovered that Chen has a protective barrier on his mind. I can only think of one reason... He is a member of the HUMP."

"What's that? A wank club?"

"Oh please. It stands for Headquarters of Universal Monitoring and Protection. Members of that association are all given a extra layer of protection."

"So how are we going to infiltrate his mind, now?"

"I think I know of a way."


Chen found himself kicked awake roughly, and he struggled to sit up. His limbs felt as heavy as lead and his breath came out in huffed pants. Worse of all, his head hurt like a million daggers were stabbing relentlessly into his skull.

Where am I? What am I doing here?

Chen groaned loudly, and received another shove. Suho glared at him angrily, looking rather pale and worn out. 

"Wake up!"

"My eyes are open..." Chen tried to emphasise his point by blinking blearily and leaning up close to Suho.

"Good. Because I need you to...-"

"I'm hungry..." Chen truly was hungry. He felt extremely uncomfortable and his muscles felt rubbery like they haven't been used for ages.

"You are beginning to sound like that bratty kid." Suho grumbled, but threw him a sandwich anyway.

"Oh Sehun...?" Chen mumbled, as he quickly unwrapped the food packet.

"Whatever who cares. Anyway, I need you to tell me where the plaque is."


"Yes." Suho sat back on his heels impatiently.

"Why do you want to know? And what has been happening?" Chen rubbed his temples, wincing at the stiffness of his arm muscles. "I won't tell you unless you fill me in."

Suho sighed in exasperation. "I... You.... Fine. To cut the long story short, you were in a induced coma. It has been two weeks. I need the plaque to complete my mission."

"Which is...?" Chen could barely process his words, mechanically chewing on the bread.

"You don't need to know." 

"Park." Chen replied before he knew what he was saying.

Suho darted out of the van almost immediately.

Chen blinked sleepily as he was once again engulfed in the darkness of the van. Wait, did he just say, two weeks? Induced coma?

I was out like a light for two whole weeks?!

Reality set in and his eyes widened in shock. Holy , this is not good. Chen frantically grabbed the van door, but it was tightly shut, even his Brute Strength was not working. Chen wasn't surprised; two weeks of zero nourishment and zero activity enclosed in a small area with zero ventilation is not doing any good to his body.

Luhan... I'm sorry...

He whimpered in sadness and slumped against the door in defeat.



Chanyeol turned to look at Luhan with great concern. He was talking to himself again. That wasn't the most worrying part though. It was the fact that his self-conversations didn't make sense.

"I... You come back... Trust you... Not come back why... Now you... Not..."



"You're putting baby jumpers in the women's lingerie section."

Luhan nodded slowly, before gasping in shock as he processed Chanyeol's statement. "WHAT?!"

Chanyeol tilted his head in amusement. "I was actually kidding. But judging from your reaction, you actually didn't know what you were doing, am I right?"

Luhan sighed and placed his palms on the folding table, his expression helpless and filled with longing. "I can't help it, Chanyeol. I miss him."

"I know... But he said he'll be back right?"

"I still miss him." Luhan's bottom lip trembled, and he felt a bout of tears welling up in his eyes once again.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder..." Chanyeol ventured quietly.

"Shut up. I don't want his absence. I want him to come back." Luhan almost snapped at him, and he stalked off, fists bunched up at his sides, ignoring the stares that the customers are shooting him.

Chanyeol shrugged. He's way too used to Luhan's angry outbursts that he's almost immune to it already.

Luhan returned home and threw his work bag on the countertop roughly, dashing straight to his room and crawling under the sheets.

Today, more than ever, he missed Chen. The sound of his laughter, the feel of his soft hand clasped with his own, the warmth of his body when he presses close to Luhan, his radiant grin, his eye smile, his gentle caresses, his subtle caring gestures. Everything

Fists bunching up in the sheets, Luhan gasped into the pillow. It hurts so much...

He knew for sure what this feeling was. It wasn't mere infatuation, it wasn't foolish fanboy lust, it wasn't plain physical attraction towards the angel of a boy who walked into his life and flipped it upside down.

It was love. He loved Chen so much, there was no turning back anymore.

Luhan hated himself.





Chen felt a searing pain in his head. "Arghhhh...."

It wasn't something he felt before. It was deep, probing and very very strong. Chen coughed violently and clutched at his head, feeling the world spin around even though he wasn't moving.

What's happening?!

Suddenly Chief's words played back in his head. 

"Be careful of external forces trying to infiltrate your mind. If you ever suspect that your mind is being pried into, remember to activate your backup."

My backup... How do I activate it again?

I don't have much time... Chen felt himself almost slipping to unconsciousness. What was it again...? Argh!!

Right before Chen out, he flipped a switch in his mind. Please, please may this be the right activator, please...





"He's finally opened."

"He is? Are you serious, Suho?"

"I should have done this earlier!! The plaque was the perfect source of energy for me. Now that I have reached the deepest core of Chen's brain, I can finally start on the hypnotism."

"You're a genius, Suho!!"

"Thanks, thanks. This might take a few more days, though."

"It's okay, buddy!! Take your time, you can get Tao to entertain our dear boy while waiting."





It was the third time this week that Tao was patronising their store. And Luhan was sure it wasn't some coincidence.

Tao strolled up to him, hands in his pockets, his extremely long gangly limbs poking out of the hideously ugly glittery garb he was wearing.

Luhan would try his best to ignore Tao's continuous smirking and staring, but he couldn't take it anymore. Stomping up to Tao, he shoved an outfit into his hands.

"If you wanna come here, at least try on something. Your fashion sense is that of a 5-year-old."

Tao scoffed. "Is it? Well I think I like very much, thank you." He pushed the clothes back in Luhan's arms.

"Then stop bothering me." Luhan averted his gaze carefully.

"Can't, I love seeing this heartbroken you. It's an... Artistic sight..."

Luhan bit his lip as his mind screamed at him to just punch Tao right in the face. Tao grinned, and Luhan caught sight of really sharp, vampire-like fangs peek out of his mouth. He gasped.

"Are you using your power on me?"

Tao continued to grin and not say anything.

"What's your power?" Luhan found himself asking.

"Conscience. I read your conscience." Tao leaned closer, his breath fluttering against Luhan's face as he peered deep into Luhan's eyes.

"You...think dirty about Chen sometimes."

Luhan felt his cheeks blossom into a stunning red, and he sputtered, pushing Tao's face away. "Oh god don't do this. Get out of my head!"

"You peek at him when he's sleeping, you trace your eyes over his face and collarbones and..."

"STOP!!" Luhan stormed away as fast as he could and locked himself in the changing room, clutching his pounding heart.

It wasn't so much the embarrassment of being told what he thought of with Chen. It was more the pain of remembering those memories that made Luhan miss Chen even more.

Dammit, Tao's out to provoke me. I cannot fall under his prey anymore, he told himself with a stern nod. 




Chen opened his eyes and stared straight into Suho's chocolate orbs.

"Hello." The other man grinned so widely that it almost seemed spastic.

Chen blinked at him, slowly and steadily. "Master."

"That's right, I'm your master, Chen. Will you listen to me?"

"Yes." He nodded, not once breaking eye contact with the short, smug-looking man in front of him.

"Good. You are Luhan's greatest enemy. And I am your lover." 

Chen stared at him, as if processing the words one by one. "Luhan's greatest enemy. Your lover." The words glided off his tongue smoothly, and he nodded again. "I understand."

Suho leaned over a placed a chaste kiss on Chen's lips, murmuring against them. "Sorry Tao babe, I'll get you in the end, but meanwhile let me play with this guy first. He's kind of hot, to be honest. Irresistible."

Chen just watched him silently, not breathing a word.

"Let's go meet Luhan now, shall we?"

Chen's eyes tightened just a little, and he nodded. "Okay. Luhan, greatest enemy."

"Perfect!!" Suho laughed and rubbed his palms together. "You're perfect. Let's go now."




A/N: Suspense!!! Haha. Next chapter is BOOMZ~ (My favourite haha) so stay tuned xD

I won't be updating for the next few days becasue I'll be at camp. But by the weekend the next chappie will be up i promise!!

To be honest i'm almost done with writing the whole story :D but it needs major editing so i can't rellease them any faster. 

Aww. Anyway...



SM really went all out for this. 

Flowers, check. Candles, check, Romantic atmosphere, check. Beautiful boys, check. Beautiful voices, check. Feathers (that only stick to chen's hair for some reason), check. 

Yep this is perfection. 

Now if only the rest of EXO could go stand behind them and sway or something, that'll be awesome HAHA.


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This is so cute POOR SEHUN haha!! And caring Chen awwh~


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Kai + puppies SORRY still can't get enough ARGHHH


I have just listened to all the songs in EXO's new album!!

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My feels~~ 


TIll next time :D




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I will update by todayyyyy I promise haha. Going for a dinner now


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And really cute
This was so good
Hayleywill #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for updating this too. You know, I've been your reader since you catastrophe fic. And I'm glad that you decide to keep continue your old fic.
Chapter 29: at the end chen and luhan relationship remind history and mystery.. at least both find their happiness even they are not together..
Absolutely love it!
Hayleywill #6
Chapter 28: Isn't there still one chapter left for Chen's part??
Chenchenlay #7
Chapter 28: tooo good to finish...:(
plappermaul #8
Chapter 28: That was sooo good. Funny and a little heartbreaking. I love Chen's character here. The whole story was simply awesome. My LuChen feels...
Beautiful autor, thank you for creating such a great story.
Chapter 27: Omg pls pls pls pls update chingu ya hehehehe I really love it u made me like LuChen and thank u very much :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwww! So cute. I'm glad things work out for Luhan, in some way. Now I'm curious about what happen to Chen on in the other dimension. Can't wait for the next chapter:)