2.Love At First Sight

The Perfect Match
Kris's POV:
I walked out the elevator and looked for Zelo and sure enough I found him with a laptop and A girl. A girl. A girl. Can you believe it Zelo is in the library with a girl. AHHHHHH I must be seeing things Zelo hate girls, he hate talking to girls, he hate the way girls look at him, fan girl over him and every thing. But this girl is different, she doesn't fan girl over him she just acts calm and normal around him. I looked at her closely, she has a sweet smile planted on her soft kissable lips, my heart skip a beat, wait why am I acting this way AHHHHHHHH. 
"Zelo", I called.
Your POV:
You looked up and met eyes with a tall with sharp jaw lines guy, him for some reasons he reminds you of an angry bird, well back to reality he was calling Zelo's name and when Zelo look up he smiled widely and said 
"Hyung". I looked at those two and then snap back to reality and you spoke
" Zelo why don't I do some more research while you go outside and talk to your Hyung". 
Zelo smiled and said 
" okay, thanks", the. Other guy just nodded at me and I felt a flip flop feeling in my chest but soon pushed it away and with a smile I said
"see you guys later and Zelo introduce me to this Hyung of yours another day okay" and with that the boys waved and left.
Zelo's POV:
"So, do you want to tell me more about the girl with you earlier?", Kris asked me hesitantly.
"Hyung, to be honest I don't know a lot of the girl, I don't even know her name. But why do you ask anyway?" I replied blindly. I knew Kris since elementary school, and he never even looked at a girls direction other than his noona yet he is now asking about one. Kris didn't answer me, he just looked away. Man, why is it so awkward with Hyung today. Is it because of something I said.
 "So where shall we go this afternoon" I asked trying to break the awkward antomesphere.
Your POV:
You kept staring at the at the place where the mischievous guy stand before and tried to keep your heartbeat racing at a normal speed.
'Aish, what's wrong with me today', you mentally asked yourself.
'Must be hungry, I should eat lunch more nowadays', you shook your head and went off to steal food from Krystal, she wouldn't mind anyways since she is on a diet right now. 
As you walked out of the library a guy watched your back disappeared from his eye sight and smiled.
"It's been a long time -------ah".
Kris's POV:
After a quiet walk to the nearest coffee shop, me and Zelo settled down at the nearest window seat. I looked over and saw Zelo nervously glancing at me. I chuckled.
"Loosen up bro, you only left for a day and you already looked uncomfortable around me".
"Yeah, well you looked you were in deep thoughts earlier so I didn't want to disturb you", he replied meekly.
"Um...Zelo, what does it mean what you met a girl for the first time your heart skipped a beat", I asked trying to sound as calm as possible.
"Either you have a problem with your heart or you have fallen for her on first sight", he replied and looked at me closely."Why have you felt like that", he asked me suspiciously.
"N..noo, anyways let's change the topic", I stuttered looking away in embarrassment. And the rest of the afternoon past like a flash as we talked about boy things....To be continued...
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Chapter 9: Lol pls updateeeeeee