10. Empty

The Perfect Match
Zelo's POV:
I greeted Mr Won as he walked through the entrance of my house. 
"Mr Choi, I have some good news for you. I found out who your parents are", "I will need some more time to check for if you have any siblings though". 
I was at lost for words. Did he really found my parents....how? I was an orphan because my parents abandoned me on their trip to Korea and now I can meet my parents again. 
 A/N : Clarification- So I made Zelo from Busan and he got lost from his parents on their tip in Seoul... Somehow his parents thought he was dead after an accident in Seoul so they...gave up. o.u.o.
( 4 year old Zelo walking through the aquarium of Seoul ).
"Wow look at the the size of this this fish, mommy", exclaimed Zelo as he jumped up and down.
"Junhong-ah...slow down mommy and daddy can't walk as fast as you", panted parents.
Zelo walked faster never the less, suddenly he saw a strange man that is hiding behind the glass of the aquarium, Zelo walked up to him.
"Ahjussi, what are you doing", Zelo asked out of curiosity. 
"Damn", the guy cursed. "Then I guess this is the perfect timing", the guy took out a gun and shoot it up the air. 
"Listen up people, if you want to live then stay still and don't move", the guy narrowed his eyes into the people near by. "I have a reason of doing this, the owner of this aquarium killed my daughter in the name of an 'car  accident', I came here to destroy everything that he owned and then him. 
Zelo gasped and run up to the man, "but you'll get into jail for that and before that I will call the police", everyone felt sorry for him at that instance and his parents tried to ran up to Zelo. But it was no use the people around them wouldn't budge. 
The man lifted up his gun and said "then the first to be destroyed will be you". After that the only sound can be heard was the sound of a gun fire and the pained yells from his parents. Zelo was rushed to the hospital, the doctors got mixed up with the patients and told his parents that Zelo was gone.
-End of Flashback-
Your POV:
You walked into what your parents told you was your school. You grew up in Busan and that's all You can remember so You don't remember anything on the past 3 years.
"------ah", a couple of voices rang out from your back. You looked back. 
"Um...we are and still is your best friends" Fx chanted together.
"Oh I'm sorry and thank you for being my friends", you said meekly.
"Omo", Amber cried out, "why do I think that you are more like able now, I mean you never apologize".
"Amber!", Sullie scolded, "um..you don't have to use formalities with us and please be comfortable".
"Anyways we always will be friends even if you can't remember us", Victoria said and hugged you, soon all your friends joined into the group hug. 
Then for the first, second and third session they explained that you and Fx are the Queenkas of this school and every boy loves you guys and other stuff. You, of course was surprised with some of the information the girls provided and in no time you were more than comfortable with Fx. 
"-------", some one called your name. You turned around and met face with a complete stranger. 
"I'm sorry but do I know you", you asked trying to be as polite as possible.
"So Kai was right about you not remembering anything in the past 3 years", Kris said looking hurt.
"Yes and do you know Kai", you asking while blushing.
Kris's POV:
Yes, Kai did told me that you lost your memories within the three years but it still hurts seeing you not remember me and blushing because of another guy.
"Um...not really", I spoke bitterly answering your question.
"Do you really not remember me", I asked using the last bit of hope I have left.
And my hope was crushed with the slight movement of your head. I was about to leave when I heard Kai calling for people's attention. I looked over to you and you were staring dreamily at him. I clenched my fist. 
"I would like you all to listen to the next thing I am about to say", Kai stated. Pshh, what is it, you need more money, well I ain't lending you any, I thought annoyingly.
"I would like to confess to the girl that has my heart from the first time I met her, being with her makes my heart race." Kai said sternly while the girls giggled. 
"From now on I would like all the girls to stop interfering with my life cause no one will stop my ongoing love towards her". Kai continued. "------ would you go out ith me." My heart raced please say no please say no. 
I looked at her, I regretted straight away.
"Yes I would", You blushed. Enough those three words made me completely broken and lost. My heart ached. I am empty without you.
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Chapter 9: Lol pls updateeeeeee