Weird Feelings

Pursuing Dreams




Damn, it was so awkward in the recording room.
I had to talk to the camera, since it was still rolling.

Yup, it made me look like a demented e.

When Jamie came running back trying to catch her breath, I was more than glad.
She quickly paced to the work table I was sitting at and told me the information she got from her friend.
After I listened, I quickly searched up the two songs and downloaded it to the computer's desktop, so we could use it.

I opened a music merging software and blended them togehter where it sounded nice, and flowed very well together.

Proud of my work, I headed to the table Jamie was working at, and peeked over her shoulder.

She was sketching out all the choreography, as well as the new style of lyrics.
I was beyond surprised. I thought I had worked well, and she does all that is a matter of minutes?

Geez, she must have some musical talent running through her brain cells, I thought.

I sulked back to my desk and began to polish my work.
I was fully concentrated on my work, until I heard Jamie doing an interview. I pretended to work, but my ears were focused on her voice.

The cameraman asked,
"Who is your ideal type? What type of boys do you like?"

Really? I knew it was the scipt, but did the question have to be so...revealing?

Jamie chuckled and replied,
"Well, technically, my ideal type would be anyone who likes me. But since you probably want me to be more precise, my ideal types are tall boys with tanned skin. I know this sounds weird, but I've always had a thing for darker-shaded boys."

I was the Kkamjong, and very, very well known for my dark skin.
And my height?
I was very tall, and more compared to Kyungsoo hyung.
I felt my heartbeat thud in my ears, and blood rushing to my face.

I quickly put a hand on my cheeks, and took a deep breath.

Why was I acting like this?
I've never experienced this feeling before.
Was I sick? Did I catch a cold?

I decided that it was from working with the computer for a long time.
Nothing more, nothing less.

. . . . . . . .

I was done polishing up the merged song and Jamie was done sketching out the choreography, so we decided to share the finished products.

Jamie scooted her chair to my desk, so she could listen to the song better. I handed the headphones to her, and played the song from the beggining.

As the music was playing, my eyes focused on Jamie's experssions.
First, during 'Amazing Grace', she looked normal. But when 'What makes you Beautiful' came on, she started bobbing her head up and down, and sang along with the song.

There it was again. The thudding in my chest. It was softer this time, but it was definitely there.

I was confused.
In the past 21 years of my life, I've never experienced this feeling.
It felt different from the thuding after a fast-paced dance routine. This was more soothing, in a way. It wasn't an uncomfortable beat, but more rhythmical.

Jamie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Hey, Kai, this is great! I didn't know you were so good at arranging songs!"

I couldn't tell if she was sincere or doing it for the cameras, but I smiled at her.

"Thanks. Can we take a look at the choreography now? I'm guessing theres a lot of dancing in it, and I also have a feeling that you're not the main dancer."

Jamie sheepishly smiled at me.
"Yeah, you're right. I guess I have to learn from you now. Here, lets go to the dance studio. We'll have more room there."
With that, she exited the room, skipping in the process.

I smiled inside, following her.
On the way to the studio, a subconsious thought ran across in my head:
Whoever will have Jamie, would be an extremely lucky guy.



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Your comments keep me going<3

oh btw did you all see the EXO winter spcecial album 'Miracles in December' teaser and Highlight Medley?

It's so gorgeous... I can't wait!!!

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Chapter 11: Ouhh~~ a duet.
Chapter 9: Ooouuuhhh~~~
Chapter 8: haha really good story c: update sooon~
Chanyeollovespie #4
nice first story :) I'm doing my first too <3