The Leader - The One

Evensong - The Noble

   'Hahaha, I should have know that Xiu Min will be getting that response from her.' Kris was laughing by himself while his eyes are closed. Just like any other days, he sat at swing outside his house, enjoying the aroma of the flower, the cooling breeze and the sunny sun shine. Kris sat at the swing with his leg crossed, trying to focus at his poor dongsaeng who just got said by Ariel. Kris could only just smirked when he saw the picture of it. 

   Sehun was sitting at the window, looking at his hyung from the house with full of worries. Just when Tao came out from his room, he found Sehun running towards him. 'Hyung! What should we do?' Sehun was so panic that he was jumping up and down when he asked Tao. Tao wasn't in his right mind yet since he just woke up from his sleep, so he just patted his dongsaeng's head and went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. When Tao was preparing his coffee, Sehun continue his statement 'Hyung! Look at Kris hyung! He has been sitting outside for almost an hour laughing by himself!' Sehun face looked so worried which made Tao wanna laugh at him, but Sehun was the dongsaeng that he loved and cared the most since he was the youngest. Suddenly, a strong cool breeze blowed into the kitchen which made Sehun sneezed and shivered, that day's weather was too cold for him. Tao wasn't wearing any shirts on, only jeans, but the breeze was nothing to Tao since he had turn into a full grown wolf one year ago, which leave only Xiu Min and Sehun the only ones who are still pups in their clan. 

   Sehun sulked when he sneezed, he felt that he was a weak pup. 'Argh, Sehun is so bored without Xiu Min! Hyung, play with Sehun...' Sehun yawned while he said that to Tao. Looking at his dongsaeng yawning, Tao patted Sehun's head again 'Don't tired yourself, go rest. I will fix Kris, don't worry...' Tao then took his and another cup of coffee out of the kitchen, leaving Sehun alone there grumbling by himself. But Sehun was at his limit, he has to get some rest, otherwise his body can't take it. Slowly, he dragged himself toward his bedroom.

   Tao took a sip of his coffee when he reached outside, trying to adapt with the bright sunlight. Kris sensed his buddy easily, with his eyes still closed, he said to Tao without changing his position 'Tao ah, should you wear something? You six packs are showing off themselves.' Kris laughed while Tao only smirked when his friend said that. Making his way towards the swing Kris was sitting at, Tao commented 'Kris, you know our shirts will be ripped off when we changed into a wolf.' Tao passed the cup of coffee to his friend 'Black, no sugar, no milk' Kris finally opened his eyes, giving Tao a wink when he reached his coffee.

   'Maybe that wink will work if the person is a girl, Kris....' Tao rolled his eyes at Kris, making Kris laughed. Having another sip, Tao asked 'So how is the poor Xiu Min that you sent to the school ALONE to find her?' Tao specified the 'alone' word. Kris just nodded his head ' Well, he found her, but she is one stubborn girl.' 'I knew it, that's why Sehun was saying you were laughing by yourself. You are spying at Xiu Min..... or might as well say you are spying at the girl right?' Tao made a you-are-a-prevert face to Kris. Kris only smile 'I would prefer if you use the meaning 'look after', Tao.' 

   'Well, how are you going to look after them when you are here and they are at the school? Remember the Damons clan are there.' Tao was very worried about their clan's little pup Xiu Min, being alone there. 'No worries when they try to do anything funny, Tao will appear before them aren't I right?' another wink was given to Tao again. Tao rolled his eyes at Kris 'Wow, I dint know I was that helpful... For your information, everything depands on my mood..... And stop winking, LEADER' Tao really dislike it when Kris starts to wink whenever he wants something from Tao. 'Does it bothers you my friend?' Kris asked Tao when he saw Tao getting up. Tao nodded immediately without hesitating. Kris pointed to Tao and said 'Now that is exactly why I love doing it.' Tao ignored his best friend and headed toward the house door.

    Then he turn and asked 'Eventhough you found her, doesn't mean she will follow Xiu Min to you right?' Kris laughed a little 'She will...' then lazily turn his head back towards Tao, giving him a smirked and said 'Because I am not just Kris, I am the one.....'

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Sorry about the late update~ was kinda busy with student exchange program thingy!! XOXO
Nice description & story! Keep it up - Yuki
SehunXOXOwolf #3
OMG! I love the latest chapter! Plz plz plz upload more!
Please feel free to comment~ Hope you guys like my first fanfic~