The Begining - The Dream

Evensong - The Noble

   'No, stay back, I'm warning you..... Go away.......' 'Ariel! Ariel! Wake up its just a dream honey.' Ariel immediately forced herself to open her eyes, leaving her nightmares, again...... Her only relative, her grandmother gently wiped away the sweat on her forehead, looking at her only grandchild wilth full of concern. ' Ariel, honey, you had that dream again? Tell me, was it exactly the same dream you had for the past few months?' Ariel wasn't really in her right mind yet, it took her a few seconds to reliase that her grandmother asked her something. ' Huh? Oh, you mean my dreams just now?' Her grandmother nod at her granddaughter, waiting pateintly for her answer. 'Erm, yeah it was the same dream. Its the same dark golden eyes staring at me the full time. It wouldn't even bother to blink... Its quite creepy actually...' Ariel saw her grandmother's face was full of concern. She added, 'But grandma, I'm fine. Those dreams won't bother me, so you shouldn't be bothring about them too okay?' Ariel tried her best to put a smile for her grandmother. Her grandma finally smooth her hair, just like what she will do when Ariel was scare during her childhood times. Ariel still find it very comforting and loving. She gave her grandma a peck on the cheek and went to the bathroom to wash up.

  'So, who are you going to school with? With the boy, TOP today?' Grandma looked at her Ariel, busy packing her school stuff into her bag. Ariel looked up to asnwer her grandma, 'Yeah, TOP is will coming to our house then both of us will walk to school together. Why, anything?' its weird since her grandmother never bother who will accompany Ariel to school. Its also the first time her grandma asked about who will be going to school along with her... She saw her grandmother's face became slightly relax, her grandma smiled faintly, 'Its nothing. Just it has been awhile since TOP came to walk to school with you. I always dislike it when you have to walk to school alone.' Ariel laugh at her grandmother's concern ' Its not alone grandma, the road the full with people passing by. Besides, I am 17 already, I can and will take care of myself, no worries needed.' Ariel walked into the kitchen, finding breakfast to eat, she felt so hungry early in the morning.

  When she was almost finished with her two sandwiches which her grandma made for her, her house door bell rang.'That must be TOP. I'll get it, finish your breakfast honey.' Grandma walked towards the door while Ariel continue with her breakfast. Something wasn't right with her. Is it normal for a teenage girl to be always that hungry? Eventhough her had two huge portions of sandwiches, Ariel knew herslf that it was just a matter of time that she will be hungry again... This weird hunger only starts the begining of the year. Ariel have been always eating since then, but the funny thing was that she never get fat or grew taller, then where did all those food went to? 

   When Ariel was in her deep thought, she felt a heavy weight with on her shoulder. The next thing she know is that her childhood friend- TOP was eating a big bit of her sandwich. 'You and your big mouth!' Ariel slapped on TOP's head hard. 'Hey, it hurts! Its your fault you dint answer me when i called for you in the living room. And hurry up, we will be late if you still continue to stuff food in you mouth.' Ariel couldn't help it but to roll her eyes at her childhood friend.

  Just like any other days, TOP's fashion is always the best in town. Wearing a black simple t-shirt, dark jeans and his fake glasses. Ariel always asked him why he likes wearing the fake glasses when he dint need them. And the answer she got from him was becuase he thinks that he looked more handsome with it. Well, TOP was handsome for everyone with or without glasses. 

  TOP was Ariel's best friend since they were 6 year old, which mean both of them were friends for at least 11 years. Many girls are attracted to TOP actually, since he was tall and of course, not bad looking. But Ariel had been seeing TOP since small so sibling is the best word to describe their relationship if anyone asked. In a wink of an eye, Ariel quickly finished her breakfast and bid her grandma goodbye 'Bye grandma, take care okay? I will be back by four i guess?' Her grandmother passed Ariel her bag and gave her granddaughter a big kiss 'You take care too. Just take your time to get home, don't rush. And its better if someone accompanies you home.' her grandmother then moved to TOP, gave him a peck on his cheek too ' TOP, my boy, please take of my little girl will you?' TOP laugh at Ariel when she made a face and then nod at her grandmother 'No worries, Mrs Loki, I will assure Ariel's safetly to school and back home to you. We are running late, lets go Ariel.' 

  'I dont understand why grandma is like that this morning... She was never so protective about me all along. What do you think TOP?' Ariel asked her best friend on their way to school. TOP was looking at his cell phone, his attention was all over the phone, leaving Ariel to talk by herself. Ariel was pissed off so once again, she slapped his back, hard. 'Ouch, Ariel it hurts! What happend to conversation? Have our world turn into a battle war? Do you have to converse with hitting?' TOP was at the top of his voice, he dint care about the people surrounding passing by. Ariel couldn't hold her laughter and stared to laugh non-stop. 'It's amaze that I actually have a crazy friend like you.. So you wanna tell me why did you hit me, for the second time?' It took Ariel quite long to stop her laughter 'Okay, okay, I am so sorry, I dint know I had such amazing strength. I asked you do u think that my grandmother is acting weird this morning?' TOP was rubbing his back, turned his head towards Ariel 'You notice too? I thought I was the only one thinking that your grandma was funny this morning... Maybe it because of the dreams you had this few months I guess.' yeah, maybe TOP was right thought Ariel. TOP and her grandma was the only ones who know about Ariel's dreams. 'And by the way, you have to control your strength Ariel, its not normal for a girl to hit so hard like that. Luckily I am strong enough, otherwise my bones will break into pieces...' TOP quickly added. Ariel just laugh at her friend. 

  'Oh, and why were you staring at your phone like that? Any new news in school?' Both of them were almost reaching their school. TOP smiled and said 'So far nothing fun, oh, there's one. They said there will a new boy in school...."

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Sorry about the late update~ was kinda busy with student exchange program thingy!! XOXO
Nice description & story! Keep it up - Yuki
SehunXOXOwolf #3
OMG! I love the latest chapter! Plz plz plz upload more!
Please feel free to comment~ Hope you guys like my first fanfic~