t w e n t y t w o.

My Love Story Begins in SNS
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t w e n t y t w o.




I stood up and almost fell down. I felt dizzy because of my low blood pressure but before I fell, A pair of hand grabbed my waist. I felt safe on his arm.

"Are you okay?" His voice sounds so calm and sweet in my ears. 


But I'm too weak to care and just in a second, my surrounding went black.


"Jiyeon will be fine, right?"

"Calm down, Miranda."

"She freakin fainted!!! OHGOSH!"

"She is fine. Relax ~"

"I'm trying Krys..."

I could hear Miranda and Krystal 's voices. What happened with me?

I opened my eyes slowly. My head felt so hurt like a thousand stones just hit me. The first thing I saw was Miranda's panic expression with Krystal patting Miranda's back, calming her down.

"Ji... How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"I nearly got a heart attack you know, becareful next time okay monkey? promise?" Miranda held her pinky towards me and we made a pinky promise.

"Okaaaaay eomma ~" I chuckled. "Oh but where am I?" I asked while trying to sat down and looking around at the white room.

"Villa's clinic." Krystal said. "OH OH OH but but but you must know something ~" Krystal suddenly became excited.

"Know what? I'm fainted? pffft please I already know ~" I playfully pushed Krystal's shoulder.

"Nooooo... gosh! It's more awesome than you fainted... just kidding..." Krystal fanned herself with her hand. 

"This Krystal just got a crush." Miranda grinned.

"You...? With whooo?" I stared at Krystal and I could see a red shade on her cheeks.

"Your knight in shining armor ~" Miranda eyed Krystal. Teasing her.


Who the hell is my knight in shining armor...

Oh wait a minute... Those arms... Those warmth...


Krystal told me about 'my knight'. She said he was handsome and hot and she told me with a squealing-dolphin voice. Too bad she didn't know his name. I really want to say thank you to him but I didn't know his name, I didn't know his face, I just knew his warmth.



After that accident, Miranda became more like a bodyguard. GOSH! let me tell you, IT WAS ANNOYING! She following me everywhere like a stalker, Preparing my needs like a maid, She even scolded EXO without reason. I'm a freewoman okay she just made it like i'm a prisoner. After a long talk and a lot of my rare cute aegyo finally Miranda agreed to quit as my bodyguard. And I don't know why but Luhan seems bothered over something. He's more quite now and not picking fight with me but we're still bickering everyday but it's just different.

Today's the 3rd day. We doesn't have any plan so for now we're going to rolling on the bed. I'm still under my blanket while Miranda already put a lot of liquid things onto her face in bathroom and Krystal as always reading her novel. There's a knock sound from the door. Since I'm too lazy to move my , Krystal went to check the peson who-just-ruining-my-sleep. 

"Oh! Annyeong Luhan oppa~" I could hear clearly, the person was Luhan. That bastard!

"Annyeong Krystal~ So where's that mister pe... oops monkey?" 

"Under the blanket, wait! let me drag her to you." Krystal beamed and ran towards me and like she said before she DRAGGED me! full of FORCE! 

"YAAAH! lemme gooooo ~" I whinned while Krystal still dragging me to that missy bastard. When we're reached the door, I could see Luhan stood there with a smirk on her face. GOD! what's in his mind? 

"Here you go ~ take her!" Krystal just pushed me and I bumped onto Luhan's chest. "Have fun!" I could hear Miranda's shouted from the bathroom. What the hell with them???

"Let's go mister pee, my maid!" He smirked at me and dragged me. I dumbfounded.


We're now in the garden near the villa. It was really beautiful and quite. No one in sight. And I really loved bugs and flowers just a little. But first of all, don't worry I already took a bath before I went back hiding under the blanket earlier. I touched a blooming rose with a sweet smile on my face. It's blooming! and it smells nice! Without I noticed, Luhan smiled at me. Finally your genuine smile. Luhan thought. ! Whatever with your smile. 

Luhan didn't realize that Jiyeon already ran away to somewhere in the garden. He lost in his thought. I looked at Luhan and I decided to teasing him.


"MISSSSSSSSY!!!" I shouted into his ear and he backed off.

"YAH! what was that for?" He frowned and rubbed his ear in annoyed.

"Don't just stand here, let's walking around!" I beamed and laughed. I had a good mood because of the garden, flowers, and bugs. Unconsciously I held his hand and dragged him to sunflower field. Luhan shocked at my hand that held his hand. He just accepted it and held my hand back.

"SUNFLOWEEEER!!! OHGOOOOSH!!!" I beamed and still didn't know that I still held Luhan's hand. "IT'S SO MANY AND IT'S SO AWEEEESOME!!!" I'm spazzing again like there's no one around but... after awhile finally I realized that Luhan was beside me and I HELD HIS HAND!!! I'm freaking out and let his hand go and a shade of red covered my cheeks. Luhan looked at me and chuckled at me. 

"You look cute." He chuckled. I'm at loss. Did he said 'you look cute'? you... it means me, right?

"Hey, missy. Did you turn into a stone?" He poked my cheek. I looked at him in disbelief. "What?" He said.

"Did you jus

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Chapter 29: luhan is so cute !! xD keep updating author-nim. hawiting!
girl2112 #2
Chapter 26: okay lemme calm my self, why suddenly there's a deer pop up? in the evening when they home? ahahahahahahahah just don't predict that you, authornim have this kind of random though keekekeke... update soon :D, this chap is entertaining anyway kekekekeke
MaRiA2000 #3
Chapter 26: neext pleaseeee <3 !
MaRiA2000 #4
Chapter 25: <33 it very muchhh
your poster is done nd rdy for pickup :3
girl2112 #6
Chapter 23: ehey..... something come up in Jeju ??? kekeke
update soon
nicky_yourhopeless #7
Chapter 23: OMG!!! I love this!!! I'm a new reader here!!! Pls update!!
Chapter 23: yaay finaally reached where it reached *-*
Chapter 16: who is that unknown number? o.o andthat runaway hyung is.. e.e
Chapter 9: XDD she mistook him for a girl?? XDD this is going to be fun :P