Late Night Call

Not into Idols?




You were tossing and turning in your bed, but you just couldn’t sleep. You came home from the SHINee dorm at around 6:00pm after having dinner with them (They kept pestering you to stay longer) Trying to fall asleep, your mind was too concerned about tomorrow,

You: Laying on your back and staring at the pitch blackness of the ceiling, “What if… What if his feelings aren’t mutual? What if I end up making a complete fool out of myself!?!? ….. What if I’m not good enough….” You sighed to yourself and reached for your phone. The sudden glow of light made your eyes blurry but you adjusted and scrolled down your contacts.

*Ring, Ring*

Taemin: “Hello?” sleepily

You: “Hey” nervous a little about calling him suddenly “I’m sorry, I woke you up didn’t I? I’ll hang up now” regretting your decision of calling

Taemin: “N-No! I was just uh, heading to bed!” stammering over his words as he comes up with a lame excuse

You: Taking a glance at the clock, “It’s 1:34am, you’re only heading to bed now?” not falling for it one bit

Taemin: Sighing into the phone “Okay, so you did wake me up but knowing you, you wouldn’t call unless it was important. So what’s the problem?”

You: Smiling to yourself as you hear his voice. It was like he was right next to you, “I can’t sleep…”

Taemin: “_______, that’s what’s so important? That can easily be fixed” laughing into the phone, you hear him give a big yawn “Close your eyes.” He orders. You close your eyes. “I want you to think of a happy dream”

You: Laughing “I can’t think of one”

Taemin: “How about thinking of someone you love, think about them.”

You: “Okay…” images of Taemin filling your head

Taemin: “Now, picture the best memory you had with them…”

Scenes of Taemin played in your head. The time he offered a flower, the first day in the library, the park, the balloon, the piano…

The words of his song began playing as he sang it to you through the phone. You let yourself get indulged with pictures of Taemin, his voice filling your ears, being the only thing that existed.

In a matter of minutes you were fast asleep,

Taemin: The song finished, “_______?” he waits and hears no reply “If you’re going to sleep, then at least hang up the phone” laughing a little as he listens to your steady breathing. He stayed on the phone just listening. “______…” he says, biting his bottom lip “I know you don’t feel the same way but… I love you… I really do. I know you can’t return my feelings but, I just wanted you to know” He hears you mumbling into the phone

You: “I love you too ice cream” you say

Taemin: After hearing you say the silliest thing he heard, he tries to hold back his laughter “Haha, Sweet dreams _____”

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)