To Infinity & Beyond

Not into Idols?


(Before reading, The song with this Part is "Happily Ever After (To infinity and Beyond) Cover by John Cedrick)

^ Listen to the Song While reading it so that it makes sense xD


After that incident with Taemin in his room; you got a text from him saying he was sorry. Just reading his text made you feel sad because you knew it wasn’t his fault, it was yours. You just couldn’t calm down whenever you were around him.


You: “When is this going to end?” lying on your bed that night. Maybe you can learn to control yourself whenever you’re around Taemin?


It was a 3 day weekend, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Saturday you went to tutor Taemin but Sunday you were too busy with things at home to come. After a long day on Sunday, you got ready for bed, taking a shower and changing into comfy Pj’s. You walked into your room, drying your hair with a towel when your phone vibrated on your night stand

You opened your blinking phone to see a text

Taemin: -Hey, Still awake?-

You: -Yeah?- Dropping your phone on the bed. You started to comb your hair, waiting for Taemin’s response.

Instead of a simple text, he decided to call you. You see his caller ID on the screen and laughed before you picked it up

You: “Yes Taemin?”

Taemin: “Hey _____, how was your day?” smiling into the phone

You: “It was okay, you?” Laying on your bed now, pulling the covers over you

Taemin: “The worst. It was boring the whole day” laughing with you at his comment

You: “Did you study?”

Taemin: “…No….”

You: “Taemin! You’re going to fail that test!” snuggling into your blanket

Taemin: “I’m not! I have an excellent tutor” You smiled to yourself, not knowing how to respond to that “So, what are you doing tomorrow?” pacing in his room

You: “Nothing, why?” looking up at the ceiling in your room

Taemin: “I was wondering? Do you want to come over? I need your opinion on something… So will you?”

You: “What do you need my opinion on?” curiosity filling you

Taemin: “Sh, It’s a surprise” playfully saying in the phone

You: Yawning into the phone “Alright, I’ll come over” your eye lids start to fall a little, but you try to keep them up

Taemin: “________? Aw, sorry for keeping you up. You can go to bed now, I’ll see you tomorrow. Night” He chuckles a little and hangs up the phone. Not even closing your phone, you fall asleep, your phone next to you.


Next Day-

You were on your way to Taemin’s house, remembering the way. You texted him when you were just outside the door. Right when you stepped in front of the door, there he was, opening it for you

Taemin: “Hey” letting you in

You: “Hey” coming inside “Where is everyone?” seeing that it was empty and quiet

Taemin: “Oh, they are all at a taping”

You: “How come you didn’t go?” looking at him as he comes from behind you

Taemin: “Because, I have work to do” flashing a quick grin to you. “Come” he simply says as he starts walking to another room

You follow him and go to a door you never seen before. He looks at you and smiles before he opens the door and goes inside. Right in the middle of the room, there was a white grand piano.  You stood there, astonished by the sight

You: “Wow… you play this?” gliding your hands over the smooth surface. You could practically see your reflection as you look at the piano.

Taemin: “Yep” taking a seat. “Here, sit right here” scooting over, to give you spot to sit next to him. You shyly make your way to the seat, sitting so close to him.

You: “Play something” you say, looking at the pure white keys

Taemin: “What do you want me to play?” resting his hands on the keys, his eyes watching yours

You: “Anything,” looking up at him and smiling. He smiles back and takes a deep breath.

Right at that moment, a soft melody fills the room, gently playing. Taemin’s face serious as his hands skim through the keys, quickly but smooth. You’ve never witnessed such a sight so up close, it was almost… magical. You recognized the piece quickly, “River Flows in You by Yiruma.” His hands flow over the Keys so gently as the song plays. You sat there quietly as you listened to wonderful piece, letting yourself drown in its melody. You watched Taemin as his hands begin to end the song, letting that last note echo in the room.

Taemin: “What do you think?” his voice breaking your trance, bringing you back to reality.

You: Really speechless after his performance, “It was… beautiful…” looking up at him. You’ve never heard something so wonderful in your life. You had just literally fell in love with the soft melody

Taemin: “That wasn’t why I brought you here” giving you a quick smirk. You look at him confused, wondering what could be the real reason.

His fingers start pressing the Keys, as he starts singing a soft melody. The sound grows louder as he looks into your eyes while singing

this feels like those love stories from disney
where we’ll always end up so happy
so let me show you what we can be
all of these amazing things
i can be your hercules
protecting you from all that is mean
and i can take you to mount olympus
and you can be my wonderful goddess
we can live under the sea
darling it’s better take it from me
our love is like no othaa
cause its like “hakuna matata”
you can be my snow white
give a kiss and make you my wife
make me wonder how i have you
because this is too damn good to be true

we can live happily ever after
no matter what we go through
you know i’ll always love
cause we can be forever and ever
just tell me you love me
and i’ll live happily ever after

we can be in a toy story
i’ll be lightyear and you can be jesse
and our love will go on so long 
like “like to infinity and beyond”
baby you are so incredible
i dont want to ever let you go
so just take hold of my hand
and we can go off into neverland
if i was granted 3 wishes
1 would be a billion kisses
2 our love would be endlessly
3 nobody buy you and me

we can live happily ever after
no matter what we go through
you know i’ll always love
cause we can be forever and ever
just tell me you love me
and i’ll live happily ever after

this feels like those love stories from disney
where our love will go on forever
no matter what ever go through
you know i’ll always love
but i dont want this story to ever end
this isnt just one of those fairy tales
so baby just tell me you love me
and i will live happily ever after

we can live happily ever after
no matter what we go through
you know i’ll always love
cause we can be forever and ever
just tell me you love me
and i’ll live happily ever after


His hands stop playing, as he rests his hand on his lap

You: “You wrote that?” looking up at him, amazed

Taemin: “Kind of. It was pretty hard… but I really like the song…” looking back at you, smiling softly

You: “It’s great. I loved it” placing your hand on the key’s

Taemin: His smile growing bigger “Really? Because I kind of wrote that for you…” his head down as he scratches the back of his head

You: “I love it…” you smiles as you side hug him. “Thank you” you laugh.

Taemin blushes at your touch and wraps his hands around you too, resting his head on top of yours. You spent the day, learning the song with Taemin; as he plays it over and over. The song was really special, and you knew it. You couldn’t help but get butterflies whenever you sang it with him…

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)