Maybe he's not so bad?

Not into Idols?


Taemin: “Hey, Have you seen ______?” Stopping some girls in the hallways that were in your class

Girl: “Yeah, I think she went outside for lunch” pointing to the door that led to the outside

Taemin: “Okay, Thank you” Patting the girls shoulder before rushing off to the door

He pushes the door open, looking around for you. He steps out, turning his head left to right, trying to spot you. Taemin’s eye finally catches you seating down underneath a shade of a tree. He quickly but quietly makes his behind the tree so that you don’t notice him. You were eating your lunch in the shade while reading the math assignment you was just assigned.

Taemin: “Hey!” Jumping from behind the tree, making you jump

You: “Taemin!” putting your hand to your heart “You scared me!” playfully hitting his shoulder while he giggles and sits down next to you

Taemin: “So What are you working on?” looking over to your lap where your book was

You: “Math; We have a big test next week and I need all the study I could get” Taking a bite of your apple and turning the page

You were used to Taemin hanging with you now. Ever since you told him that you weren’t into him, he’s been coming around more and more! And when you repeated yourself, his simple reply was ‘How about just being friends?’ And of course you couldn’t say no to that or else you would sound mean! So you let Taemin be and just let him be around you whenever he comes

The 2 of you sat in silence; you were focused on homework while he sat there, leaning against the tree in boredom. You could see and hear him sighing to himself, gradually getting louder so you can take more notice.

You: When his sighing got a little too loud for you to concentrate “Taemin, if you’re bored, you can always leave?” looking at him now

Taemin: “Me? Oh I’m not bored! I’m okay right here” smiling back at you. You sigh to yourself and continue reading “_______,” You look at him to see what he wants this time. Still smiling a big smile at you, he holds in front of you a wild flower that he must have found around where you guys were seating

You: Focusing your eyes on the flower now “Taemin, I said I’m not into you…” Thinking he’s trying to flirt with you

Taemin: Laughing a little but still edging you to take the flower “I know. But take it anyway… as a friendship flower!” He takes your hand and puts the flower there. You keep your eyes looking at the flower “It’s pretty, just like you…” he mumbles under his breath

You: “What?” looking up at him now, not catching what he said

Taemin: “N-Nothing…” he awkwardly stands up and grabs his bag “Come on, bells going to ring”

You See that everyone that was outside was heading inside now, you quickly close your books and get up to catch up with Taemin who was already walking to the door.

Every time lunch was over you and him walked to class together; since your class was right next to his.

You went your own ways and entered your classes. The next few hours went by pretty fast, just like any other day at school really. The girls who sit in front of you, again, passed notes to each other talking about Taemin.

When the bell rang, you were again the last person to head out and when you did, you saw Taemin leaning against the wall waiting

Taemin: “______!” Standing up right now, matching your pace as you walked to the exit

You: “Taemin? What are you doing here?” It was the first time he actually stayed behind, usually leaving right when the bell rang to attend practice with SHINee

Taemin: Walking with his hands in his pockets, “Well… SHINee doesn’t have any plans today and I was wondering if I can walk you home…?” shyly asking. You look at him, thinking it’s another 1 of his plans to flirt with you. He sees your look and puts his hands up innocently “I’m not trying to flirt with you, I swear”

You: Thinking about it “Okay… But no funny tricks got it” Stopping were you stood and turning to him, pointing a finger towards him, kind of like a threat

Taemin: laughing “Okay okay, No funny business” You continue walking with him “So? Where’s your house?” You stopping at a curb, waiting for the signal to walk across the road

You: “Just through the park”

You 2 start talking about school, songs you like, and other things that you guys actually had in common. The 2 of you guys were enjoying a laugh from a story he was telling when you hear a sudden kid crying. Taemin hears it too and turns his attention to the direction of the sound.

At the bottom of a tree was a little kid, crying. You were looking at the kid when you suddenly see Taemin walking in that direction. Starting to walk slowly in that direction, you see Taemin get on his knees to talk to the little kid. You see the kid point up at the tree and see a little red balloon stuck between some branches.

Brining your attention back to the little kid and Taemin, he gets up from his knees and starts putting a foot on the trunk of the tree; making sure he has a good grip. He starts climbing the tree like it was the easiest thing to do! He carefully reaches for the balloon string while holding on to another branch for balance. Once grabbing the string, he climbs down and gives the balloon back to the kid. The kid’s sad frown quickly turned into a cheerful smile in the blink of an eye, Thanking Taemin before running to join his friends that were playing on the playground

You: “Maybe… Taemin  is alright” tilting your head in awe from what Taemin just did

Taemin: “Hey, Thanks for waiting” rejoining you again where you were standing

You: “No problem…” Continuing to walk to your house

While Taemin talks about stories when he went to other countries, you think to yourself about the time at the park. “Maybe I’m being too harsh on him? I mean, Taemin does seem like a nice guy? And he’s better than all the other I guys I met…”

You reach the steps of your house, and turn to face Taemin who was nervously putting his hands in his pockets

You: “Thanks for walking me home Taemin”

Taemin: “You’re welcome…” Smiling

You: “Well, it was pretty fun… maybe we can do this again?” You ask; blushing a little

Taemin: “Really!” You nod your head while his face brightens up “Okay, sure!”

You: “Um… Bye…” You nervously kiss him lightly on the cheek before waving good bye and disappearing behind the door.

Taemin stands there in shock, touching with his hand, where your lips were; his mouth slightly opening in an ‘O’ shape

Taemin: “S-She kissed me… She kissed me!” happily jumping up and beginning to start walking home

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)