First Attempt

Not into Idols?


Taemin: “Okay, Now you try singing it” smirking at you as you watch him across the piano

It’s been the 5th time you had Taemin sing you the song in that 1 day. & It’s the 4th time he suggested you sing the song instead of him, wanting to hear your voice. Of course, the shy you were too embarrassed to even sing 1 note in front of Taemin, who was already a great singer.

You: “No” saying it in a childish voice and shaking your head like a little kid

Taemin: “_____” laughing as he stands up from the piano and walks over to you. As he comes closer, you turn around, leaning your back on the piano. “Please, for me?” pouting against you. You look down at your feet, avoiding his puppy eyes. Taking a chance, you peak through your hair to see if Taemin was still pouting.

You see don’t see him? Standing up straight and looking up, you look left and right for Taemin who just magically disappeared.

You: “T-Taemin?” looking at your back now, gliding your hands over the piano as you go around. “Where’d he go?” wrinkling your forehead

Taemin: “I’ll be back” he says quickly, popping his head through the open doorway you didn’t notice. You jump at his voice and turn around, seeing him have a big smirk on his face for making you jump before he disappears.

The room goes quiet as you gently take a seat on the piano bench. The keys were so shiny; you could see your reflection in them. You brush your hands on the keys, placing them on the first notes for the song. You softly press down, causing the room to echo with the first chord. After that you stopped; placing your hands on your side again. You sigh loudly to yourself,

You: “When am I going to tell him?” deep in thought, “What should I even say?? Hey I know I didn’t like you before but now I like you! Let’s go out!” You play in your head “Ugh, No that sounds so stupid!”“Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!” slapping your palm to your forehead

Taemin: “What’s stupid?” coming into the room with his hands in his pockets. Your eyes are wide, wishing you could rewind time and prevent yourself from doing that

You: “Uh… Nothing. It’s just,” looking around the room quickly for a way out, “I’m not sure how the first part of the song goes… that’s all” giving Taemin a weak smile

He laughs a little and walks toward you. You strain your head to look in back of you as he comes up from behind.

Taemin: “Here, let me teach you again.” Smiling as both his hands goes on top of yours, guiding them to the keys.

You watch your hands in his, feeling your heart beat faster. You don’t move, staying still as his face gets closer to you.

Taemin: “This finger down, then this one” he teaches, pressing your fingers down with his. You have a hard time paying attention, feeling his hot breath on your skin. He was so close, his voice sounding so deep in your ear. “Okay, now let’s try again from the beginning” he says after teaching you the first few parts of the song

His hands move with yours over the key as you play the intro to the song. You smile a little as he starts softly singing the song into your ear with the piano. Soon, you played the whole song on the piano with Taemin’s hands on top of yours while he sang it.

Taemin: “There, that wasn’t so hard now was it” smiling bigger as he sits next to you on the bench. Taemin turns his head to you as you do the same

You: “Taemin, I have to tell you something” taking in a big swallow as you see him patiently waiting and listening carefully. “I-“

You were interrupted by a big bang coming from the front door

Key: “We’re home!” he loudly says, his voice echoing

Minho: “Taemin?”

Taemin looks at you,

Taemin: “You what _____? Quickly tell me” he says, not wanting his hyungs to bother you too

Before you could get out another word, Jonghyun comes in and starts to smirk at the doorway

Jonghyun: “FOUND HIM! And he’s not alone” crossing his arms against his chest. You look down and blush a little at Jonghyun’s words

Minho: “Well who could be with him?” you could hear his voice as he comes down the hall, followed by Onew. Soon all 3 of them entered the room, surrounding the piano

Onew: “So, what were you guys doing here while we were gone?” dubu smiling

Taemin: “Nothing, just playing the piano that’s all.” Standing up from the bench and walking to Onew. You sit there, watching Taemin as he walks to his hyung

Key: “Here you guys are!” finally coming inside “Oh ______! What brings you here?”

Everyone looks at you for an answer. You could feel their eyes watching you closely

You: “Just, learning a song from Taemin; that’s all” you nervously say, feeling the pressure

Jonghyun: “If you wanted to learn a song, I could help you” winking at you

Minho: “Hyung, please don’t be like that” he calmly says

You giggle a little, always finding the atmosphere so fun and warm whenever you were surrounded with SHINee.

Onew: “Hey are we still on for tomorrow?” looking at s for an answer

Key: “Yeah; the van will be here at 9 tomorrow” answering Onew

Taemin: “What’s happening at 9?” looking confused

Minho: “Photo shoot; It’s for summer so it’ll be at the pool” backing to a wall and leaning against it

Jonghyun: “Hey! What if ______ joins us!” coming to sit next to you on the bench and wrapping 1 hand around your shoulder. You look at Jonghyun, astonished with what he said.

You: “No, no, It’s okay” shaking your head, already feeling embarrassed

Key: “Yeah! She should!” he happily says as his hands start clapping from excitement “It’ll be so fun!”

Minho: “What do you say _____? Want to come with us tomorrow?”

You: looking up at everyone’s faces “If it’s alright with Taemin…” you nervously say, not sure what his opinion about this was

All s look at him who was surprised with what you just said

Taemin: “O-Of course it’s alright with me” he nervously says

Onew: “You want to see ______ in a swim suit, don’t you?” nudging Taemin on his side with his elbow

Taemin: “N-NO!” Blushing a deep red

Everyone laughs at Taemin, finding it so easy to pick on him

Jonghyun: “So it’s settled! ________ is coming to the shoot!” he shouts, raising his fist into the air

SHINee cheers at the news while you giggle at the sight of them excited about having you join them

“Tomorrow for sure. That’s when I’ll tell him” you think to yourself, admiring Taemin as he cheers with his hyungs…

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)