Finally the start of Something New

Not into Idols?



You groaned in your bed extending your hand to your alarm. Your hand repeatedly slams the top of the clock until it finally hit the snooze button, shutting off the sound.

You: “Tch,” running your hand through your hair as you sat up. The clock read 8:30am. You had about 30 minutes to get ready before SHINee was picking you up at your door. “I actually slept well….”

You thought to yourself, remembering how restless you were. You thought back to your dream last night, dreaming Taemin saying ‘I love you.’ You shook your head, knowing it was nothing but a dream…

You looked back to your pillows where you were sleeping and noticed your phone. Your mind flashes back to your latest memory before you fell asleep.

You: “.” I swore under your breath as you jumped to your phone. It was hot from running the whole night and charging at the same time. You unlocked your phone and saw that you were still in a call. The top read ‘Taemin’ seeing that you and he were on call the whole night. You slowly slipped the phone to your ear, hearing slow heavy breaths. In the background you could hear rustling noises.

Key: “Aish, Usually it’s Minho that’s the last one up” he mumbles to himself. You quietly laugh in the phone as you hear Key in the morning. “Taemin! Yah! Wake up!”

Taemin: “Mmm??” he answers half asleep

Key: “It’s almost 9! Hurry up and get ready!” he yells, throwing a pillow at Taemin to get up faster. You smile to yourself before hanging up and getting ready yourself.

You: “Today for sure. I’ll tell him.” looking at yourself in the mirror, repeating everything you needed in your head until you heard a honk outside. You gasped in surprise and quickly grabbed your bag, running out the door.

Right outside were the 5 boys, outside of the car waiting for you. Each of them had a smile on their faces as you turned around after closing the door. But the first thing you noticed was Taemin who was standing closet to you. He had both hands in his pockets and a small smile on him.

Jonghyun: “All ready to go?” he asked as you approached them. You nodded your head at him, “Great; Then we’re all set! Let’s go!”

Everyone climbed into the car, and you expected to be seated next to Taemin but were instead put between Key and Jonghyun, while Taemin was placed between Minho and Onew. You tried to not look a little disappointed and went along with it. The whole drive there, Key and Jonghyun talked to you non-stop; not once did you say a word to Taemin yet!

Before you knew it, you guys arrived in your destination and were getting out. Looking around, there were people scrambling everywhere. The boys were surrounded by people by the time they stepped out. People were pulling off their clothes and putting on make-up. You stood there, not knowing what you could do, just watching SHINee get ready.

Taemin notices you and walks towards you,

Taemin: “_______, we just have to do some group pictures first and then we can hang with you, okay?” he smiles brightly

You: “Sure, Don’t worry. I’ll just watch for now.” Shyly smiling back at him

Flashes of your dream come to you from last night, causing you to become nervous in front of him. The only thing you could think of was what you were going to tell him later on that day… it lingered in your mind, making you nervous every minute that passed by.

You watched silently as SHINee was taking photos by the pool. It was hard to believe that it was already summer….

Laughing at the poses they did was fun. Just watching the 5 of them having fun together can make you feel like you’re having fun with them. Their photo together has the same atmosphere as they are at home; Just enjoying the company of each other. After a few a few more shots, the group shoot was over and went to the individual shoots.

You saw everyone walking towards you except Onew, who was getting into the pool out of the orders of the director of the shoot. You watched Onew as flashes of lights flashed again and again.

Minho: “He volunteered to go first” he whispered in your ear as he past

You: “Oh..” you mindlessly replied

Key: “Come on ________, we can go swimming here” taking your arm and showing you the other pool since the other one was being used for the shoot. Taemin and Minho were in back of you, while you and Key were following Jonghyun. You approached the pool in the deep side, sitting down at the edge with Key and placing your feet inside.

Minho: Nudging Taemin’s shoulder, “Wanna jump with me?” Taemin of course agreed, and both took a few steps back, and ran into the pool, jumping right at the edge. They hit the water with a big splash, causing drops of water to fall on you and Key.

Key: “Yah! That’s cold!” he yelled as Taemin and Minho came up for air. The laughed together after moving their hair from their eyes and started splashing Key some more. “YAH! I’m wet now!”

Jonghyun: “That’s the point Key,” laughing with his hyungs “It’s a pool, you’re supposed to get wet”

Key grumbles to himself as s continue to laugh at his silliness. Jonghyun slowly climbs into the pool, getting his body use to the cold water and soon warming up to it.

Taemin: “_________ why don’t you come inside? The water’s not that cold after a while of being in it” smiling at you as he swims.

Key: “Want to swim with her that badly don’t you Taemin” getting back at him from before. Taemin begins sinking his head into the water, embarrassed at Key’s comment.

Jonghyun: “Or, maybe you can’t swim?” he smirks

You: “I can swim!” you argue back

Minho: chuckling a little, “Show us then”

You bite your lip and suddenly stand up. Taking a few steps back, you jump into the pool, falling deeper and deeper. You finally open your eyes and see nothing but clear blue water. Looking up, you see the feet of the members above you. You start swimming up, holding your breath for as long as you can. You take a deep breath as your head reaches the surfaces.

Moving your hair so you could see, you hear clapping.

Key: “Wow, so she can swim” he comments joking a little

You smile while looking around you, seeing that Taemin was closest to you. You blushed a little being so close to him without his shirt on…

Onew: “Key, your turn.” Coming back, already wet from his shoot. Key looks towards the photo shoot and stands up. Onew smiled and jumped into the pool with no warning, splashing everyone.

You laugh as Onew’s splash starts a splash war between everyone. You feel a slight tug on your arm, and turn to see that Taemin was pulling you to come closer to him. With his hyungs distracted, you and Taemin drift to the other side of the pool. Taemin covers the area with floaters so that you won’t be seen…

You: “Taemin, why are we over here?” curious as you watch him carefully setting the last floater

Taemin: Turning to you “Oh, uhh, I kind of wanted to speak to you alone…”

You: “Oh… yeah I kind of wanted to tell you something too…”

There was a short shy silence between the both of you,

Taemin: “Y-You could go first.”

You: Taking a deep breath, “Um, you know how we first met and I said that I wasn’t into Idols?” fumbling with your fingers in the water and looking down at the water. You were avoiding his eyes.

Taemin: “Yeah, how could I?” he smiled

You: “Well I’m still not into idols; but somewhere between now and then, I kind of fell for you…” you said. You waited for his response but nothing was said… You finally got the courage and looked up, and saw nothing. Taemin was no longer in front of you?? “T-Taemin?” you stuttered, looking where he could have gone.

You hear in the distance the members coming towards your direction. They noticed both of you were missing and was looking for Taemin since he was the last one for the shot. Just when they were getting closer to you guys, you were pulled underneath the water.

You opened your eyes to find Taemin with you. Before you could think of anything, Taemin held your face between his hands and pulled you closer…

Your cold lips from the water was replaced with warmth from Taemin. You closed your eyes, feeling nothing but his skin touching yours. What must have been only a few seconds, felt like forever,

His soft lips on yours was enough to make you lightheaded. Taemin kissed you repeatedly, deepening the kiss as much as he could. He finally pulled away to look at you, and your eyes stared back. He gives you a small smile in which your return,

Both of you swim back up, breathing heavily from the lack of oxygen.

Onew: “Taemin! _______! There you are!” coming to the edge and pulling you guys out of the pool. “Guys! I found them!” he calls back to s

Minho: “Here, “handing you 2 towels. “Taemin, it’s your turn. Hurry up.”

Taemin gets up and gives you a quick smile before heading the other pool with Minho. You smile back, shivering a little from the cold air.

Key: “What were you guys doing down there??” rubbing the towel against you, seeing that you were cold.

You: Coming back to your senses “Oh, uh… we thought we saw something down there but turns out it was nothing” laughing as you lied.

Key and Jonghyun believed your story, and helped you change into dry clothes. By the time you came out of the bathroom with dry clothes, the shoot was done, all of them were dry, and they were thanking everyone for their hard work.

You: “The shoots finished?” asking as you approach them

Onew: “Yep, it was a great success!”

Jonghyun: “Time to go home now!” he laughs as he points to the car. Everyone follows behind him, slowly walking

You feel another tug on your hand and see Taemin. You both stay in back of everyone and walk silently together to the car hand in hand. In the car, you fell asleep on his shoulder, as he fell asleep on your head, bother tired from the day. Your hand was still linked with Taemins,

Minho: “Ah, they really are a couple of love birds” sighing at the sight of you 2 sleeping

Key: “Silly love birds” he adds, “Their finally official after so long” laughing lightly to himself

The ride home was silent as 1 by 1 they fell asleep. You and Taemin snuggled together, feeling warm together.

This day was finally the start of something.

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)