Not into Idols?

Not into Idols?



Title: Not into Idols?

(TF= Taemin’s Friend)

TF: “Hey Taemin!” Catching up to Taemin in the hallway “You going to join us for lunch in the classroom?” Holding up his lunch with 1 hand, and laying his other one on Taemin’s shoulder

Taemin: Looking like he’s in a rush to go somewhere “Nah, I got to go to the library”

TF: “Ooh, Going to see ‘her’ again huh?” Nudging his shoulder

Taemin: “Whatever,” Brushing his friend’s hand off his shoulder

TF: “Okay man, Suit yourself! Have fun!” Leaving Taemin and heading into the door to the classroom

Every day this week, Taemin skipped lunch to go to library for a special reason. He entered the library looking around, but only seeing other students. Taemin goes deeper inside and takes a seat at a table, looking through the aisles for you. Sighing to himself, he takes out his books and starts working on his math. Slumping in the chair, He takes a look around 1 more time and sees you walking into the library and heading in his direction. Taemin quickly starts sitting up straight and pretends to be working on his homework. Looking up from what he was writing, he sees you sit down only a few chairs away from him and start working on your homework.

You and Taemin were in the same grade, but he wasn’t in your class. Instead, he was in the class next to yours. Every single girl in your class would always talk about Taemin and how it was so cool that he was in SHINee; But you found it otherwise. Not that you hate Taemin or anything, it’s just you thought idols were a little over rated; So you didn’t take much attention to him or anything about him.

*Riiinnng* School bell

You gathered your stuff and stood up

Taemin: “Hi” nervously speaking up above the noise of the other students leaving

You: Hearing his sudden voice, you turn around “Um, Hi?” You give him a little wave before taking off

Taemin froze in place a little after that short conversation. “She said hi!!” thinking in himself. He felt so accomplished! Grabbing his things and running to his class so he won’t be late.

TF: “Taemin! How’d it go?” Coming up to him when he walks in through the door

Taemin: Settling down in his seat “I finally said Hi and this time she heard me!” Smiling proudly. His friend laughs at him as the teacher walks in the class and asks the class to hush.


At Home-

Taemin walks in, dumping his bag on the floor and goes into the fridge for Banana milk

Key: “How was school?” coming out of his room

Taemin: “Okay,” Smiling to himself

Key: “Okay? What happened” Suspicious

Taemin: “Nothing… Just the usual” Drinking his milk casually

Key: “Uhuh… okay then” leaving the room to another one

That whole day, Taemin thinks back to the moment in the library just day dreaming


Next Day- (Lunch)

TF: “Today’s the day huh” Looking at Taemin getting his stuff into his bag

Taemin: “Yup” preoccupied with getting his stuff

TF: “Good luck!” patting his back while he starts to leave

Taemin makes his way through the crowded hallways to the library once again, but this time finds you sitting at the same seat you sat at next time. Taking a deep breath, he nervously goes to the seat he sat at yesterday, pulling it out quietly so that you don’t really notice him. When he laid his bag on top of the table, it made a really loud ‘thump’ which made you look up from your work

You see him smiling, embarrassed, and silently mouths sorry. You smile back like it was okay and put your head down, focusing on your work.

Taemin: “U-Um, Hi, I’m T-Taemin” Holding a hand out to you.

You: Seeing him kind of blinking repeatedly, “I’m ______” shaking his hand and going back to work

Taemin: Trying his best to keep a conversation “So _______, do you know about SHINee?” Hoping maybe he could use his position in SHINee to impress you

You: Taking a break from writing “Yeah I heard of them. I listen to some of their songs, their pretty good” smiling a friendly smile

Taemin: “Really! W-Well what song do you like?” kind of excited that you and him are really having a real conversation, also leaning in your direction a little

You: Trying to write out your homework, but had to stop to answer his questions “Umm, WOWOWOW?” And heading back to writing

Taemin: “Oh… Well ______, I was kind of wondering if-” He was about to finish his sentence when you stand up and cut him off

You: “Look Taemin, You’re a nice guy, but I’m not that into ‘idols’” Gathering your stuff and putting them into your bag “Sorry” Shrugging your shoulders and leaving the room. Right when you left, the bell rang.

He stands there, and starts packing his stuff in a sad way. He enters his class, head down.

TF: “So, What happened?” when Taemin took his seat next to him

Taemin: Laying his head on the side of the desk, his face facing his friend “I didn’t even finish! She said she wasn’t into idols??” frowning

TF: “Ooo, Tough luck? You gonna give up?”

Taemin: Thinking “No, I’m gonna keep trying” lifting his head now, getting his strength back

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)