
Not into Idols?


His left hand goes to his lip, his middle finger lightly touching it. He looks at his finger, seeing some blood. He walks out of the dark room and leaves it open, walking back to the classroom. Everyone had left already, the room and hallways being empty; a few scratch paper on the ground. He walks to his desk, grabbing his bag off his chair and swinging it over his 1 shoulder.

He drags his feet to the front entrance, his eyes on the ground. The car for him was waiting for him, as he walks slowly to it. The driver opens the door, seeing the cut on his lip but not asking any questions. The car ride home was quiet, all Taemin did was stare at the passing buildings and people as the car drove. Once they stopped in front of their building, Taemin opened the door himself and just went inside, still not saying a word.

He opens the door; all the members were in the living room, everyone turning their attention to the front door. Their eyes widen as they see his cut lip which was really noticeable.

Key: “WHAT HAPPENED?” Getting to Taemin first since he was the nearest. He lifts Taemin’s chin to see it better in the lighting

Taemin: “It’s nothing! Just a little scratch!” pushing Key’s hand away with 1 hand and dropping his hand on the ground with the other

Minho: “A little scratch?!”

Onew: “That’s not little! Taemin you have to be careful!” While everyone was up against Taemin, Jonghyun went to get the first aid kit, giving it to Key.

Key: “Here sit down” pulling Taemin to the couch. Everyone’s eyes are on them as Key opens the kit and starts cleaning the cut, getting rid of the dried blood and everything. When the cut looked okay and was kind of not visible anymore they started questioning Taemin, not letting him go until he answer’s all of them.

Minho: “What happened?”

Jonghyun: “Who did this??”

Key: “What did you do!?”

The 3 of them all asked at once, all their words coming out gibberish

Onew: “OKAY! 1 at a time!” he shouts over them

Key: “What did you do?” Asking first since he was right next to Taemin

Taemin: “NOTHING! I didn’t do anything!” Getting annoyed by everyone

He wanted to go to his room right when he got home but instead was being harassed with questions by his hyungs

Minho: “Who did this??” he asks, taking the words right out of Jonghyun, who was just going to say that. Jonghyun looks at Minho who mouths sorry, then turns their eyes back to Tamien

Taemin: “I don’t know?! Some guy’s from my grade?? I’m not in their class?!” He exclaimed

Jonghyun: “Okay, what exactly happened?” Everyone looks at Taemin, waiting for his answer as they all listen closely

Taemin: “I was just packing my things when the bell rang and 3 random guys came in and dragged me to the supply room and started beating me down and kicking me in the stomach and back” He stops, his hyungs eyes become filled with concern and worriedness.

Key: “You’re back?” he asks. Taemin nods his head and lifts his shirt, revealing the purple bruises. Key’s mouth shapes into an O as he gets shocked at the sight. Taemin drops his shirt, Key looking at the other members with wide, and really concerned eyes

Onew: “Then what happened?” wanting Taemin to continue

Taemin: He lowers his head, his voice getting softer and lower “Then ______ came and ran in front of me…”

Flashbacks come to Taemin as he remembers that scene in the room…

“Stupid Taemin! I hate you!…. hate you!” You’re voice lingering in his mind

Minho: “Wait who’s ______?”

Taemin: looking up at Minho “Just some girl in the class across from mines. She’s in the same grade as me” simply explaining

Jonghyun: “Hold on, she came in and ran in front of you? She protected you when you were getting hit??” Clearing things up. Taemin nods his head “Wow, that’s some brave girl to run in front of someone who’s getting punched….”

Onew: “Then what?” thinking there’s still more to the story

Taemin: He clenches his fist to Onew’s words, not wanting to go on “Then the 3 guys left and I yelled at ____. Then she told me she hated me and ran out, crying I think…” his head looking down at his fingers as they twine with each other

Key: “You yelled at her?! Why!?” his voice shocked that Taemin actually yelled at a girl

Taemin: “Because! I don’t need some girl to protect me!”

Key: “Yeah well at least she is a girl WILLING to protect you!” Everyone looks at Key as he starts to yell at Taemin “Where are you going to find a girl brave enough to jump in the middle of the fight and use her own body to protect someone!? Did you ever think she was just scared for you?? So scared that she was willing to get hurt herself so that you wouldn’t?!?! She could of ran and get a teacher but she chose to risk her own self for you! You could have gotten worse injury’s then just bruises you know! You’re lucky she came and found you just in time!” He yells, everyone surprised but agreeing with Key.

Taemin looks at Key, starting to really feel stupid.

Key: “And what do you do in return?! You yell at her just because you don’t need a girl to protect you!? You didn’t even say thanks or anything?!” He continues

Taemin: “Okay! OKAY! I get it! I made a stupid mistake! I got it!” Wanting Key to be quiet now

He puts his head in his hands, running his hand through his hair

Key: “Yeah you really did make a dumb mistake” he finally says, getting up from the couch and going to his room. The other 3 don’t say a word, all leaving the living room to go along with their business

Taemin gets up and goes to his room, kind slamming the door shut. He jumps on his bed, lying on his back. He puts both hands on his face, running it down, staring at the ceiling; just thinking

“Stupid Taemin! I was only helping you! You don’t have to yell at me! You’re the worst! I hate you!”



You were walking to class, kind of stomping your feet a little because….

Taemin: “_____! ______! Wait up! Let me talk to you please!” trying to get pass through the hall way with a lot of kids

You: “No, there’s nothing to talk about” you walk into your class and slam the door shut in his face

Taemin sighs in front of the door and slumps across the hallway to his class, plopping himself in his chair.

The whole school day was you avoiding him by asking your classmates to not let him in. They didn’t question you so when Taemin asked where you went, they lied to him, giving him false answers. Soon enough it was the end of school, and like always, you were the last to leave the room

You: “What do you want” you strike as you see him leaning against the wall outside your door. Not even stopping for him to answer, you start walking to the exit

Taemin: “_____, Look I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have said what I said yesterday; I was just mad from what those guys said! I’m really sorry!” he pleads. He stops you by grabbing your shoulders, making him in front of you. You guys were standing by the gym supply closet by was on the grass instead

You: Staring at him, his eyes looked really guilty inside. This was the first time you was actually mad at Taemin, and for some reason you just couldn’t keep being mad at him “Ugh, Fine. I forgive you. You got lucky” pointing your index finger in front of his face

Taemin: Overjoyed that you forgave him “Oh Thank you Thank you Thank you!” pulling you in, hugging you really tight around your shoulders

You: “Okay, Okay! You’re hugging too tight!” He laughs and let’s goes of his grip

Guy#1: “Well, Well. Who do we have hear? SHINee’s Maknae & his little protector” his voice all cocky

The other 2 guys all laugh at his comment. The 3 guys from yesterday all face you, their arms crossed. Your eyes widen at the sight “Oh No, Not again” thinking to yourself as you cover your mouth with both your hands. Taemin stands his ground though, pushing you behind him this time

Taemin: “Why not you guys just leave us alone”

Guy#3: “Why not you guys just leave us along” he mocks Taemin ’s voice as the other 2 laugh some more “What are you scared? It the wittle Taemin scared?”

Taemin: “I’m not scared of you guys; you’re nothing but jerks”

Guy#2: “Oh you’re gonna get it now!” Holding up a fist at you and Taemin

You cover your eyes as Taemin does the same, wrapping his hands around you this time.

Guy#2: “What the?!” You open your eyes and see the Guy’s hand being held behind his back by Minho

Taemin: “Hyung!” his face lightening up at the sight of him. Minho gives a quick smile at Taemin

You: “Look out!” you yell, seeing the other guy (#1) getting ready to punch Minho

Jonghyun: “Whoa, Not so fast” doing the same thing Minho did. Guy#3 look at his friends who were being restrained by the 2 hyungs; starts to get scared and tries to get away but…

Onew: “And where do you think you’re going?” grabbing him too.

You and Taemin’s face look at the 3 of them, happy they came just in time

Key: “So these were the guys that hurt our Taemin” using Taemin’s shoulder as a rest for his elbow “Well… we’re going to have to do something now won’t we?” he asks, pacing in front of the 3 as the other members keep them still

Guy#1: “We’re sorry! We won’t do it again!” his voice nervous and scared. The other guys nod their heads, saying the same thing

Key: “Okay… We’ll let you off this time, but let me tell you. If you ever mess with our Taemin again… Well let’s just say we have ways for people like you guys…” his deviously smile coming out.

Onew, Jonghyun, and Minho all let go of them, each one tripping as they try to run away as quick as they can

Taemin: “Thanks hyungs”

Minho: “No problem” smiling as he ruffles Taemin’s hair

Jonghyun: “And who’s this?” referring to you as he tilts his head at you

Taemin: “Oh… That’s _____.” He explains as you bow to them, saying hi.

Key: “_____! We heard so much about you!” coming to you and wrapping 1 arm around your shoulders “Did you perhaps forgive Taemin for what he did to you yesterday?”

You: You look at Key, starting to blush. “Yes” you innocently reply

Key: “You did! Well you shouldn’t have done that! You should have made him do something to get your forgiveness!” he starts walking with you, Onew, Jonghyun, and Minho following him; leaving Taemin behind

Jonghyun: “Did you know Taemin doesn’t know how to treat girls?” he tells you

Minho: “He also always loses his things; he has a really bad memory” he comments

You laugh at all their comments as they all just say bad comments about Taemin, putting him down

Taemin: “Yah! No I don’t!” he yells as his hyungs tell you more embarrassing stories and facts about Taemin “_____! Don’t believe them!! Their lying!! Hyungs be quiet! Stop telling her these things!!” trying to get to you but all 4 of them push him out of the way

Onew: “We’re not lying, We’re just simply telling _______ the truth!” he smiles as they continue to tell you more facts about Taemin that just got him more embarrassed.

Taemin: “Yaah!! You guys are mean!” he stomps his right foot, crossing his hands, pouting where he stood

All of you guys turn around to face Taemin, seeing his cheeks red and his pouting face

Jonghyun: “Aw, we got the little baby mad” he jokes. You laugh a little but trying to not to since Taemin was mad

Taemin: “Well at least this baby is the most liked in SHINee” he teased

Minho: “Oh now he’s gonna get it” he says; the 4 of them all start to run towards Taemin. As he sees his hyungs running towards him, his eyes widen and he starts to run away

Taemin: “Yah! I was just joking!” he yells, but his hyungs still not stopping. They all laugh as they tackle Taemin, messing up his hair with their hands.

You stand there, watching the 5 of them tease Taemin some more, laughing a little at some of them.

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)