Lying or Not

Not into Idols?


Taemin – Not into Idols? – Pt.3

Title: Lying or Not

You walk to school, holding your books close to your chest, minding your own business. Yesterday afternoon replayed in your head, and every time you thought about it, your face just turned a deep red.

You: “Aish, Why did I kiss him” Slapping your hand on your forehead. You tried very hard not to like Taemin, not wanting to be like the other girls in school. But you just couldn’t get him out of your head! What made it worse was that kiss! It was more embarrassing the more you thought about it. “I don’t like him, I don’t like him” You repeated yourself as you walked on to campus

Taemin: “Hey _____!” Catching up to you from behind.

You don’t turn to him and kind of just ignore him when he started walking beside you

You: “Oh, Uh… Hi” Continuing to walk with your head down. His sudden appearance startled you; you hoped he didn’t hear you repeating what you were saying

Taemin: “So? Are we walking home together again?” Asking you, but this time stepping in front of you, bending down a little so that he can see your face

You: Avoiding eye contact, you walk around him “No thanks” leaving him to stand in the hall.

He looks at you dumbfounded for a while, before coming beside you again

Taemin: “Um? Did I do something wrong?” Seeing that you were kind of avoiding him back there

You: “No…”

Taemin: “Then why are you avoiding me?” His voice kind of going up

You don’t answer him, just continuing to walk into your classroom. Taemin walks inside with you, following you to your desk as you seat down. He takes the chair from the desk next to yours, sitting down, facing you

Taemin: “______? Are you okay?” Thinking something’s wrong since you weren’t answering him

You: Taking out your homework and putting it on your desk “I’m fine” beginning to finish some questions you didn’t do

Taemin: Trying to find out the problem “______, are you not answering me because of that kiss yesterday?” tilting his head so that he can see your face more clearly to see your reaction

Shocked that he brought it up, you stop writing. You could feel your cheeks getting hot

You: “N-No” Stuttering

Taemin: His eyes widening at your reaction “You are! You’re really not answering me because of the kiss yesterday!” pointing at your light red face

You: “SHHH!” seeing around the room if anyone heard what he said “Don’t say it so loud! People are going to misunderstand! And plus, it was just a small kiss. It doesn’t mean anything” Even though you said those words, you even knew that you didn’t mean it. As much as you WANTED too, your heart wouldn’t let you; too bad your brain was more stubborn and ignored the fact that you actually do like Taemin

Taemin: liking where this conversation was going now “______, since you kissed me; Does this mean you have feelings for me now?” smirking

You opened your mouth to argue, but his smirk just made your face get hotter! Luckily you were saved by the bell, and Taemin got his stuff and went to his class. You sighed in relief in your chair, continuing your homework as your classmates came in and got settled.

As class started, it was already boring. You eventually drifted away from your teachers lecture and ended up staring outside. Taemin going through your head; replaying over and over that you kind of got lost in your thoughts

Teacher: “_____?….. ______!” Yelling from the front of the class. His yelling brought you back to your senses, looking around the room to see that everyone was looking at you. You look at your teacher, confused “______, can you please stop day dreaming and read the next paragraph.

You look down at your desk where you English book was opened up at a page about Shakespeare. Embarrassed, you stood up with your book in your hand, reading the quote from 1 of Shakespeare’s play. After reading you dropped back into your seat, putting your head down. You just made a complete fool of yourself in class

The bell rang for recess, and you started to put your books away.

Taemin: “Hey” placing his hands on your desk. You look up from your bag and see him smiling

You: “Hey” watching him as he pulls out a chair again

Taemin: “So… You didn’t answer my question this morning?” reminding you of your lucky escape

You: “And?” trying to find a way out

Taemin: “Annd, does this mean you actually have feelings for me now?”

You: “Oh look its (A girl from your class)!” You get off your seat, and went to go talk to her. You were able to keep up a conversation with her for the whole recess! Making Taemin go back to his class again when the bell rang

For the next part of class, you paid attention for the first half, and ended up losing it towards the end, drifting back into your thoughts again. You knew that you couldn’t avoid Taemin’s question at lunch, so you thought that maybe you should tell him.



You beat Taemin out of class and walked to the Tree where you were having lunch. Soon enough, you could see Taemin walking in your direction in just a few minutes. He was smiling at you as he walked; But then a couple of girls run up to him. Now he was surrounded by 4 girls, all jumping up around him and holding pens and paper. Taemin gave them a weak smile, and signed the paper for them so that they could go away. You watched him, noticing that he was annoyed but was polite anyways

Taemin: “Ah” Finally sitting next to you, relaxing

You: “Had a detour huh?” referring to the girls who walked up to him

Taemin: “Yeah. It gets so annoying sometimes! I mean, sometimes people would only be friends with me or go out with me just because I’m with SHINee! They would only be close with me just for my popularity. I really hate people like that”

You think about what he just said, letting it kind of hurt you. You didn’t want him to think about you like that; and you didn’t want him to think you were like those girls from earlier

Taemin: “So?” Breaking the silence, seeing you deep in thought “My question? Do you like me now?”

You: “Oh…No” you decided to not tell him your real feelings “My feelings about you never changed; Your still Taemin, my friend” smiling back at him.

Taemin: His face kind of saddened from the news that you don’t like him still, but jumping back up into a smile again “Oh”

“Whew, he believed me” Taking his reaction as you think he believed what you said

 “At least I could still be his friend right?” You thought. As long as you were by his side, you were okay

The bell rang and the both of you got up to head to class


(Taemins Point Of View)

You: “Oh…No” you decided to not tell him your real feelings “My feelings about you never changed; Your still Taemin, my friend” smiling back at him.

Taemin: He looks at you closely as you say those words “Oh…”

“She’s lying” He thought. He could tell already when you were lying since you were a really bad liar

The bell rang and the both of you got up to head to class

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)