
Not into Idols?


Taemin - Not into Idols? - Pt.4

Title: Helping??

You sat down in your seat after returning to your class from lunch. You exhaled loudly, as you took out a book and opened it for the next class. Taemin had believed you, that you had no feelings for him and that you only say him as a friend.

“Is this what I really want?” You thought to yourself. Could you really be by Taemin’s side only as a friend? You wanted to be something different to Taemin; Not just a girl who likes him like every other fan he has, but someone he can lean on. You wanted to be the person he could turn to when he’s in trouble, especially in school.

You sighed as you flipped the page and started reading. Today in class was all review, so you already knew everything and didn’t pay much attention to it.

Looking around your class, you saw some people dozing off to sleep, texting underneath their desks, and then there were the girls who sat in front of you. As always they were chatting about SHINee so you paid no attention to them and started doodling in your notebook.

Girl#1: “Pst Did you hear about Taemin?” She whispered to the girl next to her. It wasn’t exactly a whisper since you heard it perfectly from where you sat. “I heard something’s going to happen to him afterschool… something BAD” she emphasized the word bad. Right when she said that, her friend’s mouth shaped into an O shape, her hands covering . You also dropped your pencil loudly from the word bad.

The whole class looked at you as you bend down awkwardly to get your pencil, their heads turning back to what they were doing one by one. The girls in front of you look at you in disgust.

Girl#3: “Ugh, Stupid” she muttered

You looked at her as she just continued to write down notes. “Was she talking about me?” Trying to find out why she might have called you that. You were always like a ghost to those girls but for some reason there was a different atmosphere whenever you passed them. You brushed it off as nothing and continued you’re doodling, thinking what was going to happen to Taemin that was bad?

The bell rang for class to be over and you quickly gathered your stuff, trying to get out of class fast. You tried to squeeze yourself through the other students as they were also trying to get out of the door quickly. By the time you got out of your class; Taemin’s class was already empty. You looked down the halls for him, but could only see other kids going home. You ran outside to the front of the school

You: “Where are you??” talking to yourself. Ever since you heard the girls talking in front of you, you had a very bad feeling in your stomach. You looked left and right, trying to find Taemin.

You ran to the back of the school where there was hardly any kids

You: “TAEMIN!” you yelled, hoping he might here you. It had been 10 minutes already since the bell rang, “Oh, I hope he’s alright” beginning to run some more

You were near the supply room for gym when you heard some guys talking

Guy#1: “So you think your so cool now huh?”

Guy#3: “He’s not cool, he’s nothing but a wimp!”

Guy#2: “Where are your hyungs now huh?”

You run to the door and open it, letting light inside the room. The light in the room was off, the guys were a couple of guys in your grade and were all surrounding him. Your eyes look down to the floor where you see Taemin scrunched up on the floor, his hands on his head protecting it.

You: “Taemin!” you ran up to him, getting on your knees to be next to him “Taemin, what happened?! Are you okay?” You look at his bruised body. There were bruises on his arms, and some on his forehead. He had cuts on his lip and his hands

Guy#2: “Who the hell are you?” The 3 of them looking at you, surprised you were there

Guy#1: “Who cares, let’s get him” Guy#3 pushes you away towards the door again as the 3 of them start kicking Taemin in the stomach

You: “NO! NO!” Your tears coming “GET AWAY FROM HIM!” you shout, trying to push them away from him. Once they backed off, you went by Taemin again, protecting him with your body “Don’t hurt him anymore” Your voice cracking, your tears coming down now. You couldn’t believe what they were doing Taemin

Guy#3: “Oooh, lookie here! Taemin has a little girl to protect him!” He jokes, the other 2 laughing at his comment

Guy#1: “Come on guys, let’s go. He’s not worth it. He’s just a little girl that thinks he’s all that since he can dance” They laugh so more, leaving the room

You: “Taemin, are you okay?” you say nicely to him. You could feel him shaking under your hands “Where does it hurt?” trying to help him

Taemin: “Get away” he mumbles, his lip bleeding a little. He sits up and starts to stand

You: “W-What?” thinking you misheard him

Taemin: “GET AWAY!” He shouts more clearly this time. “I didn’t need your help! I could’ve handled it myself! I don’t need a girl to protect me!” He yells at you, his eyes mad

You look at him in shock, scared. You never saw him like this before; seeing him like this scared you, you didn’t know what to do

You: “I-I was just trying to help” you whisper as you slowly stand up, your voice scared, a tear running down your face

Taemin: “Well I don’t need it!” limping a little. He didn’t like the fact that you just saw him like that; getting kicked, bullied, seeming weak. And he really didn’t like the fact that those guys said that he needed a little girl to protect him. He breathed heavily, his chest moving

You look at him, too scared to move or say anything. This is how he repays you for helping him? Getting yelled at? If it wasn’t for you he’d probably be beaten to death!?

You: “Stupid Taemin! I was only helping you! You don’t have to yell at me! You’re the worst! I hate you!” Yelling at him now

You run out of the room, 1 hand wiping your tears away

He stands in the room, his hand on his stomach because of the pain, watching you run away

Taemin: “Hate…?”

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its amazing <3<3
update soon :))
this is the most sweetest story ever!
please please please update soon :D
update more plz plz plz keep it up fighting <33
AISH! I feel so special that even in a story, Taemin felt accomplished to even talk to me! *Extreme nose bleeding!* T^T
strawberrylumps #5
update soon, please~ :3
Omg the phone call <3 I love you too ice cream~ XD
Can wait till she confesses~ >u<
Awwwww so cute and awesome ;)