Twenty-Fourth of December

He's My Teacher

There was a knock on my window, interrupting me from my peaceful sleep in the coldest winter I’ve ever experienced. I ran my finger through my hair and stood up, opening the window and welcoming the man that made climbing as his habit.

“Hey” I sleepily greeted

He kissed my cheek, “Did I disturb you?” he asked, lying down on my bed

I smiled weakly, “Yes. Yes, you did” I laid down beside him, my back facing him

He wrapped his arms around my waist, cradling me against his chest. His warm skin against my skin, his breath hitting my nape, his fingers entwined with mine, his heartbeat was with rhythm with mine. His lips found my neck, kissing it. I smiled as my fingers went up to his forearm, feeling his arm hair. His nose was against my jaw, inhaling my scent.

“You smell so good, baby” he whispered, kissing my temple

I turned my body to look at him, “I love you”

He smiled, “I love you more” he whispered

I pulled on his hair from the back, pulling his face closer to me and I planted a kiss on his lips. He smiled against my kiss and his fingers went through my hair. I bit his lower lip and he opened his mouth, letting me in. I the corners of his teeth and I on his tongue. My legs went over his and my feet crawled up behind his claves. He placed himself above me, pulling my wrist over my head. His grip was tight, like he never wanted to let me go. I opened my eyes at his sudden aggressiveness and he was staring down at me, his breathing was heavy and his eyes were dark and needy. I in a breath and arched my back to kiss his Adam’s apple. I heard him grunt and he rested his body on mine, all his weight was on me. He kissed me and when I was about to respond, he placed his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat.

“Why?” I played with his hair

“Why what?” he asked, not looking at me

“Why stop?” I asked

I heard him giggle, “I don’t want to be impatient with you” he spoke

My heart skipped a beat, “I love you so much” I whispered

“I love you too” he spoke, pulling the end of my tank top up, exposing a small portion of my belly and kissing it quickly.


I never realized how a single person can instantly change the way you look at things in life. I never realized that I would even enjoy my new perspective of life because of that person, but I did anyway. Looking at myself now, fresh from the shower, I realized that there was that one person that made me look at things differently. He made me see that as a person, I was more. I was amazing, smart, beautiful, unique and magnetic to his eyes. I thought deeply on how he managed to see me as a person who actually has an impact on him, but to me, there was no question on why I loved him. He was perfect.

“Min Ri?” Kyuhyun called from behind the closed door

I cleared my throat, “Yeah?”

“You alright?” he asked

“Yeah” I spoke and I started wearing my clothes

As I went out, he stood just outside of my bathroom and he looked up at me, “What took you so long?”

“I was trying to pick a good outfit” I smiled

He nodded, “I’ll see you by my car” he spoke and walked out of my window


I went down stairs and greeted my parents a good morning, “Mom, I’ll be meeting Kyuhyun today for breakfast, is that okay?” I asked

She smiled and nodded, “Of course! Tell you what, why don’t we celebrate Christmas with Kyuhyun and his family?” she smiled at me

“You’re okay with that?” I asked. I know she didn’t like him

She nodded with a wide smile plastered on her face, “Yes”



I walked out of the front door, wearing my coat over my shoulders and my scarf around my neck and I wear my boots before I walk towards Kyuhyun and his Audi. He smiles at me and opens the door for me and I get in. He gets in and starts driving. I take his hand in mine and I kiss his knuckles and breathe in his scent.

I look up at him, “Kyu?”


“My mom wants you and your family to spend Christmas Eve at our place” I say

He smiles, “With pleasure” he spoke

I smiled and I look out the window when this thought bugs me, “Kyu . . . ?”

“Yes, baby?”

“Do they know I’m . . . your student?” I asked

He glances at me and swallows a lump, “They know you’re a student” he spoke

“Just not yours?” I added

“My father knows I took that teacher program for experience. He doesn’t even know I quit my job at the firm”

I was bemused, “So, basically, they don’t know the truth?” I asked

“To be technical, yes, they don’t”

“Oh . . . “ I spoke weakly

He squeezed my hand, “My program will end soon anyway, there’s no point in telling them. After I finish, I’ll go back to being a lawyer” he added

“Oh . . . good then” I spoke again

He sighed, “I’m sorry” he apologized, “I know you’re disappointed in what I did. If you want, I could tell them today” he spoke

“Your choice” I spoke weakly 


I stepped out of the car and walked towards the front door and I knocked. When the door opened, I smiled at the person who greeted me with the biggest smile in the world. He opened his arms and welcomed me and I glandly made myself comfortable in his chest, hugging him close. 

"Oppa" I smiled 

"How are you, Min Ri?" Leeteuk asked, placing his hand on the small of my back 

"Good" I smiled and turned my head to see Kyuhyun with both hands in his pocket and he he looked at me 

I turned my attention back to Leeteuk, "So, how was Washington?" he asked 

"It was amazing and I made a few friends" I spoke 

"I heard you weren't along there" he spoke 

I nodded,"Minho was with me the whole time I was there" I admitted 

He nodded, "Does Kyuhyun know?" he asked 

"That Minho was with me? Yeah . . . " 

He let out a small laugh, "no wonder he was a little upset the other day" 

He was upset the other day? The thought make me blush. Kyuhyun still has that little side of him that makes him feel like he would loose me. 

"You know, Kyuhyun is a little possessive. Actually, ever since the accident he---" "What accident?" I asked

"Hyung" Kyuhyun spoke from behind 

Leeteuk and I turned, "Kyuhyun" 

Kyuhyun pulled on my wrist and led me to the dining hall, where the rest of his brothers were sitting and playing with the food as their parents watched them with amusement. They looked up at me and flashed me their smile. 

"Min Ri!!" Ryeowook stood up and hugged me 

"H-hi!" I greeted with a suffocating voice 

He pulled away, "How was Washington?" 

"Amazing!!" I spoke, smiling 

"Babe, take a seat" Kyuhyun spoke 

I did as I'm told and I sat between Kyuhyun and Leeteuk. Leeteuk passed me a plate of toasted French bread and then passed my the small plate of unsalted butter. Heechul passed me  a plate of crispy American bacon while Siwon poured hot dark chocolate in my cup. I smiled at them as a way for me to say thank you. Kyuhyun stood up at the end of the tablem facing us and he cleared his throat. 

"Omma, Appa, I have something to tell you" he began, "You all know how important Min Ri is to me. I could never bear any moment living without her . . .  And right now, there's one more thing I have to say" he spoke 

His brothers, inclding me were all anticipating for his announcement, "I took a teacher program at KyungHee University and I left the firm a few months ago" he started 

My eyes widened, "Kyu . . ." I whispered and he looked at me

"Min Ri . . . she's my student . . . " he admitted 

"Kyuhyun" Donghae called him 

Kyuhyun's father was speechless and so was his mother. We all looked at each other, dumbfounded. I know Kyuhyun was strong and fearless but I never imagined him to tell his parents about our relationship this very moment. I stood up and walked towards him. His eyes followed me as I walk and I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close for a hug. He smiled down at me. 

"I love you" I spoke 

"I love you too" he answered 

"Kyuhyun . . . " his mother stood up from her seat and walked towards us, "I'm really proud of you" his mother spoke and turned her attention to me, "You really changed my son's life, Min Ri. I want to thank you for that" she hugged me 

I smiled, "Thank you" I whispered 

"Kyuhyun" his father spoke and stood up, placing his hands on either side of his pocket, "I'm upset to hear that you left the firm . . . but . . . I'm proud of you for fighting for this young lady" he suddenly spoke 

All of us gasped in shock, but Kyuhyun smiled at his father, "Thank you" 

Mr.Cho turned his attention to me, "Min Ri, you've made my son so brave, thank you" he spoke 

I smiled, "Sir, your son was the one who made me brave enough to fight for our relationship" I admitted 

Kyuhyun looked at me and he pulled me in for a kiss in front of his mother, father and all fourteen brothers who were sitting in the dining table.

 Christmas eve together with my mom, dad, Mr. and Mrs. Cho and Kyuhyun and his fourteen brothers. We were all sitting by the fireplace when my father asked Mr. Cho for a drink while my mom and Mrs. Cho went out for some tea by the balcony. My and Kyuhyun’s parents got along well. Eric and Catherine decided to spend Christmas eve at Minho’s house because it will not be a good idea if Kyuhyun and Minho spent the holidays under the same roof.

Heechul stood up with a glass of wine in his hands and he smiled at me and Kyuhyun, “To Min Ri and Kyuhyun! May you too live a happy life!” he toasted

I giggled, “Thank you” I raised my glass

Siwon made his toast as well, “To the only woman that made our brother smile for what seemed like forever” he joked, “May you be more patient with him”

Kyuhyun smiled at me, “To the only woman who made me a better person” he whispered and leaned down for a kiss which I gladly received

Suddenly, my maid walked in, “Ma’am, there is someone here to see you” she said

I nodded, “Please, let her in” I smiled

She nodded and waved her hand. I stood up to receive the guest and when I did, I instantly regretted my action. I stepped back as she walked closer to me, her eyes piercing through my soul. I breathed in and I heard Kyuhyun stand from his seat.

“What are you doing here?” I asked through gritted teeth

She smirked, “I’m paying you a visit and I thought, I should introduce Kyuhyun to your parents” she takes another step forward

“Leave. Now” Kyuhyun orders

She looks over my shoulder, “Why? The party is about to start”

“Hee Young. Leave” Leeteuk stood up and walked towards her

She snorted, “You’re protecting her?! What is she to you?!” she looked at Kyuhyun's brothers

“She’s family” Donghae said

Her nose flared up, “Family?! What the hell is wrong with you?! She’s his student! She’s not fit for Kyuhyun! She’s immature!” she shouted

I looked at her and pulled on her sleeves, “This is not your house. I suggest you leave right now” I say calmly

She lets out and annoyed laugh, “For a sixteen year-old, you’re tough” she says and looks down at me with eye filled with burning insult just waiting to be said

I smiled, “And for a forty-five year old woman, you’re immature” I spoke

I heard Heechul and Eunhyuk giggle, “Hee Young, leave” Kyuhyun says

She looks at him, "How can you date your student?" she asks

"He's what?" my father's voice lingered

We all turned our heads and my eyes caught my father's, "Appa . . ."

Hee Young smiled wickedly, "Yes, sir. Your daughter is dating her teacher" she spoke

My father walked towards Kyuhyun and caught the lapels of his jaket, "What the hell were you thinkin! You told us you were a lawyer!" 

"Sir, I can explain" Kyuhyun spoke 

"Min Ri! How can you do this to us!?" my mother popped up from nowhere

"Omma . . . " I spoke weakly 

"Stay away from my daughter!" my father's fist made contact with Kyuhyun's jaw and made him fall on the floor

"Sir, please . . . let me explain" 

"Cho Young Hwan . . . leave my house along with your family" my father speaks 

"Lee Dae Ho, please let my son explain" Kyuhyun's father pleaded 

My father laughed a little, "Leave" he spoke hard 

"Appa . . . jebal . . ." a tear fell from my eye 

"Min Ri, pack your bags" he spoke 

"I'm not leaving" I told him 

"Yes you are" my mom spoke 

"You're never going to see him again" thos were my father's last words before he left the living room along with my mother. I ran towards Kyuhyun and cupped his face in my hands. 

"My job is done" Hee Young spoke 

Leeteuk and Henry took her by her shoulders and showed her the way out of my house. I helped Kyuhyun stand and the rest of his brothers were looking at us. Looking at our painful reality that we really can't be together. 


Guys! I'm really sorry for the super super super super late update! :((( I had so much school work to do for the past three days and oh my God, I'm so tired :(: Anyway, here is an update! 


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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 38: God! I need you to continue this~~ till they have like 14 kids or something! I love it!!!
Kyukyulover #2
Chapter 38: Thank you for the wonderful story Authornim...
Garimam38 #3
Chapter 38: Epilogue pls
sarangexo15 #4
Chapter 38: Thankyou I loved it :)
sarangexo15 #5
Chapter 31: Omg authornim why are you breaking our hearts?
Chapter 38: Oh God, this is just awesome!! Great job, Author-nim^^ SEQUEL PLEASE
cheekylittlechubba #7
Chapter 38: So good!!!

That was just so romantic!!! I love it so much!!

Great job authornim :D :D
jessi828 #8
Chapter 38: just....WOW!!!
xjayess #9
Well i have to admit that i reaaaly love this story but im kind confuse on how min ri is in her senior when she is only 16 :| and how could she get engaged in 16 also :| i mean that if she is senior then she should be 18 or ?? Anyway i love ur stories sooo much and you are such a good writer and uggh i just love you =))
Chapter 7: this- is awesome.
how can you describe the moments in this story in the way that it gives me goosbumps everytime i read?
you`re impossible!!! thankyu!!! this story made my whole week..