Don't touch my slave.

"Baek could you take the red drink in the fridge..."Chanyeol say.He is laying on his bed reading some comic.

Baekhyun being the good guy he is just obey and went to the kitchen.


"Want some..."Chanyeol offering some cause baek a vampire now so he must need it and he haven't got it since he turn into one.

He just shook his head


"I already taste it and it taste horrible."

"When did you taste it...?"

"At Sehun~shi birthday party."

Chanyeol think for a moment.

"Ahh~ You taste it before..Well taste it again this time I guarantee you'll love it."Chanyeol say holding out the glass.

"No its okay."Baekhyun say ..

"Aww come on..."


"Come on just a little for me~~."He whine making and aegyo.Baekhyun quickly grab the glass not because of chanyeol cuteness but he can't bear see the giant do that.It doesn't suit him at all.

"Puih...Bweeek..It still the same as ever.Blood and saliva."Baek say putting the glass down.Wiping his tongue on his sleeve.

 "That weird."

"Wae?Everybody has a personal taste and mine is not suitable for blood and saliva."He said..

"This is not blood and saliva..It just cow blood."

"Huh c..cow b...blood...ehhhh..ew gross."he said sticking out his tongue and run toward the bathroom.He hate blood.Yeah every human hate blood but he got hemaphobia.He had fear of blood from past experience.

"Huhh..weird."Chanyeol said sipping his drink.


Isn't he supposed to turn into a vampire and vampire like blood..What the hell is wrong with him..It normal if he didn't like it before but he supposed to like it now cause it us vampire source of energy but umma is different since she were raised without ever drinking blood.

Did I really him that night.I swore I did and also that morning he can't walk... Aish this is so..mess up.


I'm super sorry for the short chapter but I been stuck here for the past two hour without any new idea......So..sorry...kay 


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bloomemerald #1
Chapter 17: omg this tory has been abandoned:(
no update in 3 years:(
emilydang04 #2
Chapter 17: Please update soon it been a long time you have updated
AinaChanyeol #3
Chapter 17: Pleaseeeeew!!!!!!!!! Updateeees!!!!
Chapter 17: author!! please updated!!! jebal!!!
CrazyShoe #5
Chapter 14: Updateeeeee~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 17: the story good. please continue. please include mpreg and scene. and suspense
emilkairyll #7
Chapter 17: i had already read two moons and its awesome. please update more for this. baekyeol!!
Chapter 17: omgggg update doon please!!!
Chapter 17: Urgh that freaking cliffhanger update soon
Chapter 17: oh my god ... update soooooooooooooooon
and plzzzz.put more HunHan moments

will Luhan be pregnant that would be so exciting *^*