Chapter 12


Looking around at most of the sleeping members, Dongwoo sighed.


I'm bored...


Seeing Sungjong huddled over the laptop watching a drama, Dongwoo picked himself up and went over to check out what the maknae was doing.


"Sungjongie, what are you watching?" he asked, looking at the laptop screen.


"Dongwoo hyung! Come watch with me! It's really nice and sad!" Sungjong exclaimed in excitement.


"Shh!" Dongwoo shushed Sungjong while glancing at the members.


Noticing the sleeping members, Sungjong gave an apologetic look before whispering, "Sorry, hyung."


"It isn't a horror one, is it?" Dongwoo asked with worry as he recalled the last time he was shown a horror movie in the night which had made him suffer from nightmares for quite a while.


"No, hyung!" At this, Sungjong let out a soft giggle. 


"Okay then." Dongwoo replied as he focused on the screen.











"Someone close the windows! It's raining!" Sunggyu shouted as he scrambled out of the sofa in a hurry to close the windows as the rain was pouring in quickly.


"How did it rain so heavily all of a sudden?" Hoya complained as he got up slowly, walking into the bedrooms while rubbing his sleepy eyes.


"Yah! Lee Sungyeol get up! Go and help clean up the water in the kitchen!" Sunggyu shouted at Sungyeol who was still on the ground. "Namu, get up too! I thought you had to go attend something with Myungsoo?" he continued as he nudged both of them with his feet.


"Oh man!" Woohyun immediately jumped up at this and ran into the room, colliding with a just as hurried Myungsoo before rushing in again.


"Go away... I still... want... to sleep..." Sungyeol replied while pushing Sunggyu's foot away at the same time, causing the surprised leader to lose his balance, who was then saved by the sofa.


"Yah Lee Sungjong, what are you doing with Dongwoo? Go and help too!" Sunggyu continued with a frown as he rubbed his back, half-glad to be saved from falling on the floor, and half-mad that he had landed on one of Sungyeol's toys, a rubik's cube.


"Oh okay, Sunggyu hyung." Sungjong replied, careful not to agitate the leader and led Dongwoo with him into the kitchen.


These kids... Sunggyu sighed as he went back to sleep.







"Dongwoo hyung, stop crying. It's just a drama, it's not real." Sungjong said to Dongwoo who was sobbing his eyes out.


"But... but it's... just so... sad! How... can he... just die like that... and leave her... alone?" Dongwoo said through sobs.


Seeing the elder cry harder, Sungjong continued patting his back and hugged him to provide comfort.


Now I feel like the older one... Sungjong thought as Dongwoo slowly calmed down.


Looking around the kitchen, Sungjong spotted a box on the table and immediately reached his hands out to grab it after releasing Dongwoo. 


Smiling, Sungjong opened the box and offered it to Dongwoo, "Dongwoo hyung! When you have a lot of thoughts, have a lemon candy!" 


With this, Dongwoo burst out into laughter as Sungjong stood there, his smile turning into a frown.


"You were just supposed to smile! It isn't that funny!" Sungjong said as he took one sweet out and placed the box back.


Annoyed by Dongwoo who still hasn't stopped laughing, he turned around to look at the window.


Immediately, Sungjong's eyes widened in surprise. It was a beautiful sunny day outside, as if the sudden heavy rain had never happened. 


That was weird.


"What's weird, Sungjongie?" Dongwoo asked as he heard Sungjong's thoughts.


With this, the window immediately clouded as the outside turned slightly foggy.


"Hyung... I think you should look at the weather..." Sungjong replied, eyes locked on the window.


"Oooh it's foggy... Hey where did the rain go? I missed it. I should have went out to play in it with Sungyeollie just now." Dongwoo said with disappointment.


Immediately, a slight drizzle started.


"Woah hyung! The rain came back for you!" Sungjong looked on in amazement.


"Wooohooo! Sungyeollie, let's go play in the rain!" Dongwoo shouted with delight as he ran out of the kitchen.


Sungjong continued staring in shock, now mouth wide open.


It had turned sunny again.


Dongwoo hyung can control the weather! Sungjong thought as he looked on at the weather changing into rain again when Dongwoo found that it was sunny and back into sunny when it was raining again.







Author's note: New chapter again! :D Hehe! Thank you for the all the subscribers and comments! I am really really happy! Please comment more! How is this update? :) Hope you will all like it! 


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I'll update soon, sorry for not updating in a while. *sighs* I was having this writer's block, so I had to turn it into candy before eating it up.


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Chapter 21: Well, I've lost it haha xD getting more exciting with each chapter >w<
Chapter 21: yes, I was right then wrong.. Goodness Myungsoo -_-'' *facepalm*

But what does it mean few years ago? He died before? well..

Thanks for updating though! Great update :D
Update more author-nim!!!
Chapter 20: Oh, so he really is gone *le gasp*
I DON'T MAKE SENSE ANYMORE *cries/hugs them all* poor fellas
Chapter 20: Ah..he literally died.. Okay. Now I'm crying T_T And I know how do you feel back then..

I think Myungsoo is still alive. If he is dead, you will be more specific. Second, since when do supernatural being ever been dead ?*turning into Sherlock Holmes*

I think there is someone else who is also with Myungsoo..either Sungyeol or Woohyun, I guess. Both of them are kind of suspicious. Or is it Hoya ? O.O not Dongwoo, no way.

Ah, I'm going crazy !! Askdjfoejwhhdjsjsn update soon ^^
Chapter 19: Nah, he didn't die *nod nod nod*
He levitated his somewhere *nod nod*
*nod nod/tries to be positive*

Their reactions are kind bland though D: was expecting some paranoia here and there... since one of them was not what they thought, how do they know who to trust now?
Chapter 19: he died, but why do I have a really weird feeling that he is still alive ? :\ That's weird...
Chapter 18: o my gwad myungsoo WTF?! r u crazy!!! so it was u hit sungjongie! im ganna find u n knock u out now!!