Chapter 10


Hoya looked on as Dongwoo just sat down, asking the same question over and over again, looking at Myungsoo, Sungjong then him.


Myungsoo erased some of your memory, idiot. Hoya thought while making eye contact with Dongwoo.


"Oh..." Dongwoo said, hearing Hoya's thoughts.


Meanwhile, Sungjong continued talking with Myungsoo, but was hardly able to hear his hyung most of the time due to the racket Sunggyu, Woohyun and Sungyeol was making,


Urgh this hyungs...


He walked towards the two, putting on a fake smile, he said, "Sunggyu hyung and Woohyun hyung, please let me handle this and sit down quietly." 


Sensing the maknae's irritation, the two stopped and sat down on the sofa beside a much amused Hoya, whose smile faded when the leader gave him a sharp glare.


Knocking on the door lightly, Sungjong said in his sweetest tone, "Sungyeol hyung? It's Sungjongie! Open the door, Sunggyu and Woohyun hyung are gone." 


Sungyeol replied, with a hint of doubt in his voice, "Are you sure? I think they are still there! You're lying!" 


Trying again, Sungjong did his best in persuading, "No, they are gone. And they promised not to hurt you." 


Slowly, the door opened as Sungyeol took a peek.




Immediately, Sunggyu and Woohyun jumped up from their seat, rushing towards the door.


Seeing the two angry hyungs, Sungyeol screeched and swiftly slammed the door shut. 


Unfortunately, Sungjong had not expected this, and with the sudden arrival of the two, he was pushed against the closed door of the room.


"Ouch!" Sungjong fell as he shouted in pain upon the impact.


Surprisingly, he did not hit the hard wooden door. Instead, he fell on a rather surprised figure who then fell flat on the floor.


"Yah Lee Sungjong! How did you do that?" From outside, a shout could be heard.


Opening his eyes, Sungjong looked in amazement as he found himself on a groaning Sungyeol in the room.


"Eyyy, Lee Sungjong! You lied to me and now you fell on me! I think I hurt my back! Ouch!" The hurt Sungyeol said as he tried to get up.


"Hyung! I went through the door! Didn't you see?" Sungjong exclaimed in excitement, checking himself to see if he was really there and that it was real.


"If I saw, would you think I would have allowed you to fall on me like that?" Sungyeol replied, still trying to get up as he ached and ouched at every move.


"Woah! Sungjongie! You just went through the door! Do that again!" Dongwoo said happily.


"Let me try again, hyung!" Sungjong said before running through the door again.


This time, Sunggyu was knocked down while a clever Woohyun had dodged.


"Woohoo! Hey hey go in and and unlock the door!" Woohyun exclaimed as he ignored Sunggyu and pushed him aside with his feet, causing the oldest to let out a painful shout.


Glancing at Sunggyu, then at the impatient Woohyun, Sungjong nodded and immediately ran straight into the door.


"THUD!" A loud thud was heard as Sungjong let out a sharp cry upon hitting the door with his forehead, then stumbling backwards, tripping over Sunggyu who was still on the floor, and then falling on him.


"AHHH!!" A loud scream escaped Sunggyu as the maknae fell on him just as he was recovering from his wounds.


Laughter immediately broke out as the other members in the living room saw the leader knocked out and the maknae who was still desperately rubbing his head in pain. From the locked room, an even louder laughter was heard as Sungyeol realised what happened upon hearing the thud on the door.





Author's note: Hehe! I lied. I didn't reveal all of their powers yet. Sungjong can become invisible and go through walls! But he doesn't know how to control both yet, so he failed in the third attempt. :) Thank you for reading and again, please comment! :D

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I'll update soon, sorry for not updating in a while. *sighs* I was having this writer's block, so I had to turn it into candy before eating it up.


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Chapter 21: Well, I've lost it haha xD getting more exciting with each chapter >w<
Chapter 21: yes, I was right then wrong.. Goodness Myungsoo -_-'' *facepalm*

But what does it mean few years ago? He died before? well..

Thanks for updating though! Great update :D
Update more author-nim!!!
Chapter 20: Oh, so he really is gone *le gasp*
I DON'T MAKE SENSE ANYMORE *cries/hugs them all* poor fellas
Chapter 20: Ah..he literally died.. Okay. Now I'm crying T_T And I know how do you feel back then..

I think Myungsoo is still alive. If he is dead, you will be more specific. Second, since when do supernatural being ever been dead ?*turning into Sherlock Holmes*

I think there is someone else who is also with Myungsoo..either Sungyeol or Woohyun, I guess. Both of them are kind of suspicious. Or is it Hoya ? O.O not Dongwoo, no way.

Ah, I'm going crazy !! Askdjfoejwhhdjsjsn update soon ^^
Chapter 19: Nah, he didn't die *nod nod nod*
He levitated his somewhere *nod nod*
*nod nod/tries to be positive*

Their reactions are kind bland though D: was expecting some paranoia here and there... since one of them was not what they thought, how do they know who to trust now?
Chapter 19: he died, but why do I have a really weird feeling that he is still alive ? :\ That's weird...
Chapter 18: o my gwad myungsoo WTF?! r u crazy!!! so it was u hit sungjongie! im ganna find u n knock u out now!!