[Essay] Self Actualization - My Experiment

Vision of the Soul [Collection]

 { 10.29.13 }
"My day isn't how it should be - school is stressing me out. And these people around me don't even help the matter.. it's like things always push me down. What can I do when I have no one to help?"



  Just documenting a lesson I’m learning online.
I’ve had quite a few World Literature lessons I like and that are like this, honestly. But this one stands out more to me since it involves one of my most favorite subjects: psychology. If you aren't interested in some of the stuff, go on. Move to something else. Even though this is a well-known and overly discussed topic, my opinions are a bit.. different.


There’s a book: Motivation and Personality.
Published in 1943 by an American psychologist named Abraham Maslow.
My lesson is titled: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

  Maslow changed psychology, making people dive deeper into man’s pyschological thoughts and needs and seeing what exactly we need and want. But everyone is different, and as psychology develops, we see that. We can study anyone over any perception and how they think. Even the "crazies" of the world - whom I find too interesting for words, actually.


Anyways, that stuff is boring. So moving on!


  I notice a lot of people – myself, included – that have issues and moments where they feel pointless or down on themselves and don’t recognize the potential they have to shine bright. Some days you want to run away.. you want to disappear.. or you just hate everything. And this is where that comes in. Deep down, even if you hide it, sometimes people have insecurities they can't push away! To some, it's easy to ignore. But in extreme cases, people even kill themselves because they feel useless, they don't want to be part of our world anymore, or many, many more reasons that a lot of people don't understand.

  Before I show the hierarchy, I want to say how I "judge" people around me. It's a natural thing and I never thought it'd be something that psychologist do. And truthfully, being a psychologist is my dream- but as for now.. it's an experiment.
I have classmates that can apply to this. 
  One has self-esteem issues but rarely shows them, trying to show her strength and be dominant over others.
Another is pretty, knows it, and says things like suicide, having low self esteem, saying things that she doesn't believe is "right" is wrong and stupid. The day she said suicide is stupid and for weak people, I wanted to pounce on her like some jungle cat- but no. I stayed put.

Values and the Hierarchy of Needs.


> Self Acutalization Needs (full potential)

> Ego Needs (self respect, personal worth, autonomy)

> Social Needs (love, friendship, comradship)

> Security Needs (protection from danger)

> Physiological Needs (warmth, shelter, food)


  Self Actualization is a strong suit. Realizing who you are, that you are perfect the way you are, and everything about you, your life, and etc., is just a part of it all and how good you are and what you have, though you may doubt it. 
Do you ever judge yourself specifically? Not in a bad way, like most do. But sit there and point out what you are capable of and what you can do. Not the flaws. Everyone has flaws – it’s a part of being a human on Earth.
You need to sit down, pull up a Word Doc or get out a piece of paper and think of all the positive things about you, what you have in your life, the things you love (even the tiny things) and so on. Watch your list grow!


Here are some B-Values to take note of for 'Self Actualization':

 > truth, goodness, beauty, unity, transcendence, aliveness, uniqueness, perfection, justice, order, simplicity.


  Truth indicates how you speak to the world and how you portray yourself as well as how you see yourself. If you’re always pointing out the negative things in your life and about yourself, you won’t get anywhere. I’m not saying to ignore the flaws, just don’t put them on a pedestal and stare directly at them. There’s always a better thing to focus on.

That leads to beauty. You are beautiful, be it who you are and how you are. Every flower is beautiful. Don’t deny yourself. When you stare in the mirror, smile. It tricks your brain and some happiness should come. Then stare at your smile. Learn to love it and show it to the world more often. It’s said a smile is the best thing worn, right?


  I’m sure you could do research and take note of every B-Value on the list, but I’m moving on because these points have had light shedded on them so many times and I’m just blabbing my mouth now.


There’s also a modified pyramid on this lesson.
It goes as follows, top to bottom. Smaller to bigger.


Spiritual, self actualization, ego needs, social needs, security needs, and body needs.


  “Spiritual needs are redundant and differ from mere self actualization.
Body (Physiological) Needs such as air, warmth, food, sleep, stimulation and activity. This need concerns biological balance and stable equilibrium.”

  In other words you need those things and Spiritual doesn’t matter as much. If you have a God in your life, yes, he is very important. From self-experience, I know it. But Spiritual, be it religious or whatever, isn’t the most important thing when it comes to yourself and realizing your true being. When pointing out how you love your eyes, don't bring Spirituality into the picture. It's not up there in the top.

  This continues on with security, which you should know the meaning behind it. And social. Social is from friends, family, associates, etc. You can always find a friend into someone and even if you are an outcast or considered "weird'" or "odd", you can find a friend - be it a club, group, internet, etc.
  Then there’s the ego/self esteem. Some have such a big ego, when they don’t need it. And a majority of people I know don’t. But having an ego/self esteem should be about “self-respect” as it is stated. Love yourself, forget others.


   “Self Actualization (Fulfillment) Needs such as purpose, personal growth and realization of potentials. This is the point where people become fully functional, acting purely on their own volition and having a healthy personality.”


  This goes on to continue talking about what we, as humans and normal beings, need. Just take into mind how you should be – not to fit society, no matter how harsh they are. If it’s tought, get a friend to support you and talk to. If you want, fit into the social crowd of the world. Either way, you should have self-respect and be happy with your life currently and in the future.

  So the next time you feel down, write down your thoughts. The next time you are frustrated at someone, do something you like. If you doubt your looks, change something - wear your favorite outfit or shoes or something and strut your stuff! If you get mad, write it down. If you are sad, watch a movie and eat. Or exercise - because exercise is highly recommended because it causes you to be happy.

 But let me ask this, if someone happens to read..
What do you doubt about yourself? Are there ways that make you happy? Who can you depend on to brighten your day?

Stay beautiful and shine bright! <3



written: zoe patterson
beta: sonya norman
cr. George Norwood;
acknowledgments: A. H. Maslow.

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