Happy Birthday Taemin!

Taemin's Stories



It was the night before Taemin’s birthday; And the crowd was all shouting and singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him as they were closing there concert. The whole staff and Members were all out singing to him as Taemin stood center stage with his hyungs, all of them encouraging the crowd to sing louder. Taemin stood there, clapping to the beat and smiling. As the song came to an end, confetti was shot out, scattering all around as his hyungs all grabbed water guns from the staff and started shooting water at him. Being soaking wet, Taemin bowed to the audience, thanking them for the wonderful song.

Key: “Happy birthday Taemin” as they come backstage, getting their mikes taking off

Taemin: “Hyung, it’s not really my birthday yet” shaking his head like a dog, getting the water out of his hair

Key: “You’re right; I’ll take it back then” he jokes as Taemin gives him a little push on the shoulder. Jonghyun and Minho join in the fun, playing with Taemin

Onew: “You guys, we have a After Concert dinner, so get changed fast” already changed. They all nod and get changed. SHINee tries to get pass all the loud fans to their car, finally getting in. The car pulls out, and begins driving to the restaurant as SHINee fixes themselves after getting through the crowd

Everyone was still shouting ‘Happy Birthday’ to Taemin

Minho: “So how did you feel about the concert Taemin?”

Taemin: Fixing his hair “Oh it was great! I’m so glad that the fans all remembered” (:

Jonghyun: “Of Course they would remember?! Why wouldn’t they??” Everyone laughs at Taemin’s innocence. Even though he was going to be 1 year older, he still acted innocent in front of his hyungs.

The car ride took a few minutes; and just staying still made Taemin fall asleep, so tired from the concert.

Key: “Taemin! Wake up!!” Nudging his shoulder “We’re at the dinner” getting out of the car

Taemin rubs his eyes and follows behind Key. The whole dinner was full of congratulations and a lot of ‘Happy Birthday’ remarks to Taemin. At Midnight, the dinner was finally over and Taemin was tired as ever.

Taemin: Yawning “Are we going home now?”

Onew: Looking at Taemin in surprised “Home?! We still have to go to the after concert party! It’ll be fun!” Taemin groans and lays his head on the door, closing his eyes

Jonghyun and Minho secretly High-five each other at the sight of Taemin being tired; everything was going as planned.

SHINee arrived at the party around 2am. Instead of sleeping, the music was too loud for Taemin so he ended up dancing with the group the whole time, and talking to others. He was slowly falling asleep more and more. But whenever he looked like he was going to pass out, 1 of the SHINee members would come and wake him up again.



Taemin: “Yes! We’re finally home!!” walking into the dorm while Onew switches on the lights

Not saying anything, Taemin goes to his room and collapses on the bed, sleeping instantly.

Key: “You know what to do….” Saying to Minho

He nods his head and goes to his room too. They all go into their room, going to sleep?




Minho, pressing on an air horn right in the middle of Taemin’s room

Taemin: Jumping up awake, and looking at Minho shocked “WHAT ARE YOU DOING MINHO??” covering his ears

Minho: “Come on! We gotta go running!” Jogging in place and smiling

Taemin: “Hyung it’s 6 o’ clock in the morning! GO TO BED!” pulling a pillow over your head

Minho: Pulling the pillow away and blowing a whistle loud “Let’s go!!”

Taemin looks at Minho in disgust and gets up. He changes his clothes to jogging clothes and starts running with him, down the block

Taemin: “Hyung, You know it’s my birthday today, don’t you think you can give me a break” panting for breath tired from running 8 blocks

Minho: “What? Yeah sure we can run another 8 blocks” he says leaving Taemin behind. Taemin groans and tries to catch up with Minho

After 2 hours of running, they came home at 8:30am.

Minho goes directly to his room, leaving Taemin tired as ever in the living room

Key: “Oh Taemin? You’re home? Can you clean the living room and kitchen please? Thank you!” He goes into his room.

Taemin looks at his door wide eyed, then around the room which was messy?!

Taemin: “Ugh. Why does this have to happen to me” as he starts picking up the mess.

30 minutes of cleaning, he finally finishes the kitchen and the living room. He tried getting his hyungs to help him, but each one locked themselves in there room. Taemin goes into his room, and falls into his bed. He snuggles with his pillow and goes back to sleep. After 15 minutes, SHINee comes out of their rooms tip-toeing to Taemin’s room, listening

Jonghyun: “I think he fell asleep….”

Key: “Great; I’ll tell _______” getting out his phone and dialing your number



Your sitting in your room, looking at your present to Taemin; all wrapped up all pretty like. You look at the present, kind of disappointed. “Will he like it?” you thought to yourself. You spent the whole week thinking about what you should get him, but couldn’t come up with 1 thing he might have loved! You sat there looking at your present… just sighing. All of sudden your phone rings;

You: “He’s asleep? Okay good! I’m on my way!”

Getting the call from Key, you start to walk to the SHINee dorm. As you approach, you see SHINee all dressed and ready to go

You: “Ready?” They all nod as they walk down the steps “Let’s go then”

You, Onew, Minho, Jonghyun, and Key all climb into 1 car as you guys head to a nearby mall.

You: “Okay, we need streamers, balloons, and party hats!” explaining to all of them.

SHINee: “Got it!”

You had teamed up with SHINee to throw a surprise party for Taemin! You thought of a date, but Onew had warned you that many fans will be bothering you since it was Taemin’s birthday.

Turning into the parking lot, You guys rush into the mall, quickly getting the things off the shelves and some snacks too. It was already 10 o’ clock so you had to get back to decorate

Jonghyun: “What about the cake???” asking you

You: “Oh shoot! I forgot!” slapping your head with your hand “What are we going to do??”

Key: “Here, you guys go get the cake, we’ll head home already to decorate” Minho and Onew already in the car. You and Jonghyun agree and wave bye to the car as it leaves

Jonghyun: “Shall we go?” letting you lead the way

You guys start walking into Taemin’s favorite cake shop, ordering his favorite cake. You pay the cashier as Jonghyun takes the box, holding it.

Jonghyun: “Nice pick ______! Taemin’s going to love it!” Looking inside the bag at the cake

You: “Haha, I know; Taemin has been hinting to me that he wanted this cake for his birthday” opening the door for Jonghyun. You guys start walking home, tired from all the rush

Jonghyun: “So? What did you get for Taemin?” making conversation

You: “Well… I don’t think my present isn’t that great? I mean… it’s not flashy or expensive” holding your wallet in your hand.

Jonghyun: “Well I’m sure he’ll love it no matter what it is” smiling at you

You: “Yeah… but I was hoping to get something he would love!” looking into your wallet. You had saved up a lot of money just for Taemin’s birthday! Ever since that wonderful birthday surprise at the ice skating rink, you just didn’t know how you could make it up to him!

Jonghyun: “Hmmm…. What about that?” stopping in front of a store. You stand next to him, peering into the shop

You: “That’s perfect!” You run into the shop, buying ….


At the Dorm-

You enter the dorm, seeing Onew, Minho, and Key all wearing party hats. The room was filled with balloons on the floor and on the ceiling. Streamers were hanging from wall to wall and even from the roof!

You: “Wow! You guys did a wonderful job!” looking at amazement

Onew: “Shhhh Taemin’s still sleeping” putting his finger in front of his lips, shushing you. You cover your mouth, embarrassed.

Jonghyun: “Are these the fan mail for Taemin?” kicking the big clear plastic bag next to the door

Minho: “Yep, just arrived when we got here” still hanging decorations. Key finished placing all the snacks, and took the cake from Jonghyun, giving it to Onew to prepare with candles

You: “Do you think you guys have tape?” looking at the fan mail

Key: “Yeah why? Do you have something in mind?” seeing you think to yourself

You: “I think I do…” grabbing the big bag.

You and Key spent the rest of the time quietly in Taemin’s room; Hanging up the fan mail all around his walls! You guys laugh, as you cover every spot in his room with letters from fans! You take a party hat from outside and carefully wrap it around Taemin’s sleeping his face, taking a digital picture of it. You and Key both laugh quietly.


Party Time!-

Taemin was still sleeping, so tired from everything! You slowly walk into his room, with a little puppy in your hands. You climb on Taemin’s bed, letting the puppy his face

Taemin: “______! Stop, Stop it! It tickles” smiling in his dreams as the puppy likes his face some more. You laugh, not believe what he just said

You: “Taemin, I’m not tickling you” you whisper in his ear, giggling. Just like that! His eyes open, looking directly into the Puppy’s eyes “Hahaha! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” you shout, hugging him around his neck

Taemin: “Whoa…” hugging you back, thanking you. His face paints on a big smile as he takes the puppy in his hands “She’s so cute!”

You: “It’s a he” you laugh. “He reminded me of you so much” smiling at him, laying the side of your head on his shoulder

Taemin: “Thank you ______” looking at you, while petting the puppy. He kisses your lips softly, wanting more of you

You: “Don’t forget to thank your fans too” showing him the letters all over the wall. He looks around surprised

Taemin: “You did all this?!?!” seeing more than a hundred letters around

You: “With a little help from Key” smiling

Taemin: “Wow….” speechless

You: “Wait, there’s more” pushing him away and pulling him out of his bed. The puppy follows you guys out of his room as you enter the living room, being greeted by a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Taemin’s face was surprised, his eyes wide, his hand covering his mouth

Taemin: “Hyungs! You guys did all this??” looking at all the balloons and everything

Minho: “It was all _____ idea” He laughs as Onew puts on a party hat on Taemin

You all celebrate Taemin’s birthday, playing games, opening presents! It was just all out fun with the 6 of you guys. Soon, Key was coming out of the kitchen with the cake, all the candles lit. You guys start singing as he sits in the middle, with the puppy in his lap.

You: “Make a wish!” you tell him, as he blows out the candles. Everyone claps, as you run your finger through the cake, grabbing frosting and brushing it on Taemin’s face. All his hyungs laugh and joins in. You take out your camera, taking pictures of the moment.

After getting his face cleaned up, and getting a slice of cake; you guys sit together on the couch with the puppy.

Taemin: “Ah” holding a bite of cake for you, feeding you as you play with the puppy. You open you mouth, taking a bite

You: “Isn’t he so cute” playing with the puppy.

Taemin: “Not as cute as you though,” looking at you and smiling. You lean in and give him a quick kiss. Then the puppy starts to your face, as you laugh “Hey! You were kissing me! Not the puppy!” he pouts, getting jealous of a dog

You: “You really are too silly” kissing him on the cheek to make it up to him.

His hyungs had volunteered to clean up and watch the puppy for you guys as you 2 go inside his room.

Taemin: “That was a wonderful birthday ______; The best I ever had. Thank you” kissing you on the forehead again, sitting at the edge of his bed as he brings you to him, making you sit on his lap, your back facing him

You: “After what you did for me, I just couldn’t figure out how to return the favor” you smile, relieved that he loved his birthday

Taemin: “Well you surely returned it, and it was way better than expected” He whispers to you, giving you butterfly kisses on the side of your head. He wraps his hands around your stomach, pulling you closer until your back reaches his chest. You lean back, resting into him “And the puppy was so cute, I love it very much” smirking

You: “Well. It wasn’t my first present to you” feeling guilty

Taemin looks at you confused

You: “Jonghyun helped me pick it out for you on our way here. This is my real present” walking to your bag on the other side of the room. You take out a wrapped square present. Walking back, you sit beside him this time, handing the present to him

He looks at you and then starts to unwrap the present. You watch his hands as he slowly opens it, anxiously waiting. He smiles at it, as he lets the paper fall to the ground. It wasn’t much, but it was a simple picture frame, decorated by hand with memories of you and him together. There were numerous photos of you and Taemin together, making funny faces, kissing each other, and hugging. You watch his face as he looks at it.

Taemin: “I love it” he simply says. He puts the frame on the other side of the bed and then puts his hands around your neck, pulling you into a hug “I love it”

You: “Really?”

Taemin: “Yes, It’s the best present I ever gotten. Thank you _____. I love you so much” squeezes you tighter. He pulls away and take your face in his hands, giving you a sweet long kiss on the lips.


The rest of the day, you slept in his hands as he watched you sleep; Tired from all the preparing you had to go through. You could feel his lips meeting your forehead from time to time as he butterfly kisses you. The touch of his hand on your back made your body feel warm. You closed your eyes, resting your head on his chest, listening to his slow heartbeat.

You: “Mmmmm” waking up a little in your sleep

Taemin: “Shh… go back to sleep ______, you’re still tired” looking down at you

You prop yourself up on your elbows, your hair messy.

You look at your clothes and see that you were wearing his t-shirt. You look at him confused

Taemin: “Uh…. I just…. Thought… you know…” his cheeks blushing. You laugh at him and stand up on the bed. He turns on his back and watches you. You sit right on his stomach, legs on both sides

You: “Did you have a good birthday?” looking down at him, as you place your hands on your chest, holding yourself up

Taemin: Surprised by you “Yes, I did. The best”

You: “Good” laughing.

You lean down, giving him a kiss. His hands go to your sides, pulling you closer. While kissing you, he suddenly turns you over, you on underneath him. You look at him surprised, as he deviously smiles down at you(;

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Chapter 11: AWWW is nice! pls update!!!
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww so sweet!
I'm serious like almost a year ago this was my first fanfic I ever read and it was really good ^^ keep writing!
I love all of them; they're awsome. Keep writing :)
taegyoelf #5
Chapter 11: Hehe I loved all the stories~ :)
Excited much me.. Can't wait to read this story and I'm sure i won't regret subscribing this.. Hahha
Chapter 11: cuteness xD
SHAWOL1718 #8
I liked the last story it was cute ^^
SHAWOL1718 #9
Saranghaeyo Taemin!! <3 this is such a wonderful story ^^ Hope you make more stories like this :) fighting ^^
XxtaerilxX #10
wow!! this story make me love TAEMIN more,