Goodbyes.... (Taemin) Pt.2

Taemin's Stories



Taemin anxiously waits in his seat while the plan prepares for landing.

Minho: Seeing Taemin squirming in his seat “Can’t wait to see _____?”

Taemin: “Yeah! It’s been 4 years since I saw her! I can’t wait to see Key, and Onew too!” He smiles and looks out the window.

It’s been 4 years since Minho, Taemin, and Jonghyun went overseas to promote SHINee. They were finally done and were heading back to rejoin the other members. Taemin, filled with joy, just couldn’t wait to see you, but also wanted it to be a surprise; So he asked Key to not tell you that they were coming back.

After landing, they were greeted by a huge crowd and their SHINee members.

Key: “JONGHYUN! MINHO! TAEMIN!” he shouted while Onew and him all exchanged hugs with the 3 of them

Onew: “Glad you guys are back!” Patting Minho on the back

Jonghyun: “We missed you guys!” Smiling

Onew: “Come on, let’s go to the car” He shouted over the sound of the screaming fans. Everyone followed Onew to the car where it was finally quiet enough for them to talk

Minho: “So, what happened while we were gone?”

Key: “Oh, nothing really” He notices Taemin looking out the window “Can’t wait to see _____?” Laughing

Taemin blushes from Key’s comment and continues to look out the window.

Key: “She told me she’s going to the café this afternoon”

Taemin: looking at Key with a smile “Really? Can we go?” Everyone laughs and Onew tells the driver to stop in front of the flower shop. Taemin runs inside and gets your favorite flowers, before joining his hyungs again outside.

They all start walking together, talking about their stay overseas as they get closer to the café.

Taemin walks ahead of s when he sees you sitting outside, reading. He was about to approach you when a guy comes out of the shop and seats next to you. He stops in his tracks… The mystery guy starts talking to you and you laugh at what he says, having a good time. Soon enough, his hyungs reach Taemin and stops where he stopped

Jonghyun: “What’s wrong Taemin? Aren’t you going to say Hi?” Everyone looks at Taemin confused why he stopped. But all Taemin does is stare at you. Everyone looked where he was staring and see you and the guy laughing together.  “Who’s that with _____?”

Onew: “I don’t know, but they seem pretty close…” Taemin couldn’t take it anymore and just turns around and starts running away

Minho: “TAEMIN!” Calling after him as they all watch him run



You were laughing really hard when you heard someone say ‘Taemin.’ Looking around, you see Key, Onew, Minho, and Jonghyun standing in front of you

You: Standing up from your seat “JONGHYUN! MINHO!” You come up to them to hug each of them “When did you guys get back?” Surprised to find them here.

 All of them avoid your eyes awkwardly.

You: Noticing the awkward atmosphere, you grab the guy were sitting next too, and bring him to meet them “You guys, this is my cousin” Your cousin shyly waves to all of them. All their eyes widen

Jonghyun: “YOUR COUSIN??”

You: “Yeah? My cousin?” You look at all their surprised faces, confused. You notice someone was missing “Hey, where’s Taemin?” looking around for him

The 4 of them exchange glances, seeing who’s going to tell you what happened

Key: “Well, we kind of saw you with your cousin earlier, and we thought you got a new boyfriend so Taemin kind of… ran… away…” You look at them, not believing what they said

You: “Where’d he go??”

Minho: “We don’t know? He just kind of sprinted in that direction” pointing behind them

You: “Take care of my cousin for me okay?” you leave your cousin in the care of SHINee while you run and go find Taemin.

You ran everywhere! Through the park, to his dorm, the dance studio! Not stopping for a break. You were just about to give up when you reached the SM building.

Your hands on your knees, gasping for air, you see a familiar face in the crowd of people by the fountain.

You: “Taemin!” speaking through breaths. He was shocked to see that you find him, and tries to wipe away the tears he had earlier. “Taemin, are you crying?” Taking a seat next to him

Taemin: Turning his body so you can’t see “No! And why are you even here!? Shouldn’t you be with your boyfriend?!” A sour tone in his voice. His words hurt you a little

You: “Taemin!? What are you talking about!??”

Taemin: Standing up now and facing you “I saw you with that guy!”

You: Standing up “Taemin, that was my cousin. He came overseas for a visit!” taking him by the shoulders and trying to knock some sense into him. He opens his mouth to argue, but closes it and starts to blush “Taemin, I love you. And I always will” laying your hand on his cheek

Taemin: “I love you too _____. I’m sorry I over reacted” He picks up the flowers he bought for you earlier “Forgive me?” he smiles

Laughing, you wrap your hands around his neck and hug him. You finally hug him after 4 years of being apart. You lean your forehead against his and he suddenly leans his lips to meet yours. His lips softly touches yours, gently kissing you. You smile into the kiss

Taemin: breathing heavily “I waited 4 years to do that” He smirks and deepens the kiss, forgetting your out in public

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Chapter 11: AWWW is nice! pls update!!!
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww so sweet!
I'm serious like almost a year ago this was my first fanfic I ever read and it was really good ^^ keep writing!
I love all of them; they're awsome. Keep writing :)
taegyoelf #5
Chapter 11: Hehe I loved all the stories~ :)
Excited much me.. Can't wait to read this story and I'm sure i won't regret subscribing this.. Hahha
Chapter 11: cuteness xD
SHAWOL1718 #8
I liked the last story it was cute ^^
SHAWOL1718 #9
Saranghaeyo Taemin!! <3 this is such a wonderful story ^^ Hope you make more stories like this :) fighting ^^
XxtaerilxX #10
wow!! this story make me love TAEMIN more,