Pinky Promise

Taemin's Stories



Taemin and you had just walked out of a sad movie. It was about a couple that couldn’t be together due to family issues, but they still fought to see each other. After 4 years of fighting to see each other, they soon were able to be together. But by that time, the girl had fallen for another boy and the guy went into a coma. They ended up going separate ways, their memories of each other fading from their thoughts…

You ended up crying on Taemin’s shoulder. He wiped your tears away as you guys leave the theaters. Together, you walked in silence, your hand in his and his in yours. You looked down at your feet, watching your step as you walked.

Taemin was in deep thought, thinking about the movie and the main characters. Suddenly he stopped walking and stood in the middle of the sidewalk

Not noticing he had stopped until you were a few meters away, you turned around and faced him, digging your hands in your pockets

You: “What’s wrong Taemin?” tilting your head as you walk to him. You bend down to see his face clearly which was looking down “Taemin?”

Taemin: “Nothing” shaking his head, still looking down

You: “Come on, just tell me”

Taemin: “No, it’s embarrassing…” avoiding your eyes now

You: Lifting his chin up with your hand, making him look directly into your eyes “Tell me.”

Taemin: “Sigh, Well it’s just that movie…” hesitating on his words

You: “What about the movie?” urging him to go on

Taemin: “I don’t want to be like that.” His smile gone, and a more worried look comes on

You: “What are you talking about?” confused with his words

Taemin: “I want to be with you forever. I don’t want us to go our separate ways; ever.” Looking seriously in your eyes now “Promise me that we’re together through thick and thin, always” he holds his hand up in the space between you

You: “I promise” giving him a soft smile “Now let’s go, it’s getting late” taking a few steps away from him. You see that he doesn’t follow, still standing in the same spot. You turn to face him,

Taemin: “No, you have to pinky promise” His pinky comes out from his hand that he was holding up

You: “Taemin, that’s childish” laughing a little as you walk back to him. He looks at you serious, not showing one sign of him kidding. “Fine; I pinky promise, We’ll be together forever” smiling with him as his face gives you a bright smile

Your pinky’s linked together; he moves towards you and places a soft kiss on your lips. As he pulls back, your eyes are wide from the surprise kiss. Your hands moves to your lips, feeling the touch of were his lips use to be. You look up at him, seeing him with a warm smile

Taemin: “It’s a promise….”

You walk home together, side by side, being next to each other close. The both of you walked home with your pinky’s linked; Taemin refused to let go of yours, wanting to hold the promise forever





Author’s note – To me, Pinky Promises maybe childish and silly to others, but it’s the best way to make a promise with someone for it to last forever. I don’t use this promise as often because I save it for the promises that really count; The worst promise you can break is a Pinky Promise. Doing a Pinky promise means you can’t break it since you are solemnly swearing to keep it. This is the best way to make a promise.

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Chapter 11: AWWW is nice! pls update!!!
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww so sweet!
I'm serious like almost a year ago this was my first fanfic I ever read and it was really good ^^ keep writing!
I love all of them; they're awsome. Keep writing :)
taegyoelf #5
Chapter 11: Hehe I loved all the stories~ :)
Excited much me.. Can't wait to read this story and I'm sure i won't regret subscribing this.. Hahha
Chapter 11: cuteness xD
SHAWOL1718 #8
I liked the last story it was cute ^^
SHAWOL1718 #9
Saranghaeyo Taemin!! <3 this is such a wonderful story ^^ Hope you make more stories like this :) fighting ^^
XxtaerilxX #10
wow!! this story make me love TAEMIN more,