Study, Study, Study (Taemin)

Taemin's Stories


Taemin: “Are you done yet??” He asks again after the like the 5th time. Taemin had his chin on the table, and was looking at you, who sat across. You were studying for a big test tomorrow and couldn’t get distracted even if it was Taemin. You told him to not come over today but he came anyways, only to be bored at your house, just watching you study.

You: “No not yet” automatically replying. He puffs his cheeks, making them be like bubbles, and then blows out the air he was holding in.

Taemin: “Are you done now?” He has been sitting down across from you doing nothing the whole time he was over there. At some points he would play with your feet underneath the table with his until you told him to stop.

You: Sighing real loud, looking up from your studies “Taemin, I need to study for the big test tomorrow!”

Taemin: “Isn’t it just a pre-test?” arguing. He really wanted you to play with him now

You: “Yeah it is but it’s still important that I study for it! I can’t have any distractions! So go watch TV or something and don’t bother me okay?”

Taemin: Pouting a little “Fine…” he gets up, depressed and drags his feet to the couch and turns on the TV. With him finally out of your way, you continue studying, working hard

You work quietly with a little sound coming from the living room. Throwing yourself to your texts books, you study for hours until it was already late at night

Taemin: “______, What do you want for dinner? I’m going to order out” holding his phone as he walks into the room

You: “Oh” holding your stomach, you were a little hungry since you kind of lost track of time “Just order anything” smiling at him

Taemin: “Pizza it is” dialing the numbers on his phone

When the pizza arrived, he set it on the coffee table in the living room since your homework and everything was on the kitchen table. You joined him for dinner, and took a break from studying for a little. After dinner he went on your laptop to watch some videos while you went back to the kitchen. You studied so hard that you ended up falling asleep right at the table, your head on top of your open text book

Taemin: “______?” No response “______??” When you don’t respond to that one, he gets up from the couch and heads to the kitchen where he finds you fast asleep “Aw, she fell asleep” He smiles to himself before coming up to you to wake you up “______, wake up. You have to go to your bed or else you’ll catch a cold” He shakes your shoulders a little but you don’t wake. He ends up picking you up in his arms and carries you to your bed, tucking you under the blanket. He kisses your forehead, turning off everything before he locks the door and heads home.


The Next Day-

You wake up in your bed, and quickly look at the time. You had an hour to get ready for school so you rushed out of bed to get ready. The whole time you walked to school, you were going over the things you studied in your head, repeating it over and over. When it was time to take the test, your heart starts to beat faster and faster as the teacher sets the sheet of paper on your desk. You write your name on the paper and begin answering the question. Even if it was just a pre-test, the questions were quiet hard; and that just means the real test would be 10 times harder


Next Day (After School)-

You just came from home and was just listening to music until you heard Taemin shouting your name outside of your house. You took out your earphones and went to go open the door

Taemin: “______! I got your test results!” holding the enclosed paper in his hand

You pull him inside, anxious to see what you got. You guys ran to your room where both of you sat in the middle of the bed. He hands you the paper for you to read. Closing your eyes, you open the paper slowly. You open 1 eye to, scared to see your results. It turns out you ended up getting a low score even with all that studying you did. You sit there, disappointed with your results. Taemin looks over your shoulder and see’s your scores.

Taemin: “_____....” He pulls you to him, his legs wide open so that you could sit in the middle. He wraps his hands around your waist and hugs you tightly from behind “It’s just a pre-test. You’ll get it on the next test” trying his best to cheer you up

You: “If I can’t pass a simple pre-test, then how could I pass the actual test! I’m a failure” dropping your hands to your lap and putting your head down in shame

Taemin: “_____! You’re not a failure! Don’t ever say that! You’re too great to be a failure” He turns you around to face him and lifts your chin up with his thumb and index finger. He smiles at you, looking into your eyes

You: “But I studied so hard for this test! What makes you think I can pass the next one” thinking negative again

Taemin: “I know, This time I’ll help you study. Instead of me watching TV and bothering you, I’ll help you study”

You: “Really?” smiling a little

Taemin: “Of course”

You: “Thank you!” You wrap your hands around his neck, jumping on him, causing him to fall back. Your hands still around him, you rest your head on his chest “Oops” laughing at the position you put him in. He laughs with you too and wraps his hands around your waist, pulling you closer

Taemin: “Come on, let’s go study” He pushes off the bed and you guys head to the kitchen. You get all your text books again and bring them to the table where he sits across you.

While you were reading your text book to remember he wrote down some facts that were on the test on some note cards, getting ready to test you with flash cards.

Taemin: “Okay let’s make this into a little game” smirking as he waves the cards in his hands

You: looking up from your reading “A game? What kind of game?” Curious

Taemin: “I’ll ask you a question” taking your textbook that was in front of you to his side of the table “And if you get it wrong, I get to flick you on your forehead” looking forward to getting to flick you

You: Really interested in the game now “And if I get it right?”

Taemin: Thinking for a moment “You’ll get a special treat” having a bigger smirk on his face now

You nod your head, telling him to begin the game then. He asks you a question which was really easy since you remembered it from the book.

Taemin: “Correct!” clapping his hands

You: “What’s my special treat then since I got it right?” watching him closely to see what he does. He motions you to lean forward on the table with his index finger. Curious, you follow his orders and lean forward. Taemin leans forward and kisses you sweetly on the lips and pulls away. You look at him surprised with the kiss, but still liking it

Taemin: “There’s more where that came from if you get more correct” grinning

You bite your bottom lip, kind of sad he ended the kiss so quickly. You anticipate the next question,

This time he asks you a more challenging question

Taemin: “Nope, you’re wrong” deviously smiling now. He leans forward with his hand getting ready to flick your forehead. You close your eyes, scared for the pain “I’m not going easy” he warns and flicks you really hard

You: “Ow” placing your hands where he hit you, rubbing it to make the pain go away

Taemin: laughing “I told you I won’t go easy with you” preparing the next question

The game goes on and on until night time when you guys both begin yawning. He asks you the questions you got wrong over and over until you finally got it right, making sure you understood everything


The Next Day-

You took your final test and it was surprisingly easy this time. After waiting an hour or 2; your teacher finished grading your scores and passed it back at the end of class. You opened your paper to see your results while walking to home. YOU PASSED! You cheered with joy as you were almost home

Taemin: “_____!” waiting on the steps in front of your house, seeing you jumping

You: “Taemin!” You run up to him and jump into his arms, with him catching you, you wrap your hands around his neck “Taemin I passed!” You happily cheered, as his eyes widen and hugs you tighter

Taemin: “That’s great _______!” twirling you in his arms, happy for you. After you guys kind of calmed down now “I guess this calls for a special treat” smirking again as he lifts your chin to him, planting his lips on top of yours, kissing you longer and deeper, and nibbling on your bottom lip

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Chapter 11: AWWW is nice! pls update!!!
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww so sweet!
I'm serious like almost a year ago this was my first fanfic I ever read and it was really good ^^ keep writing!
I love all of them; they're awsome. Keep writing :)
taegyoelf #5
Chapter 11: Hehe I loved all the stories~ :)
Excited much me.. Can't wait to read this story and I'm sure i won't regret subscribing this.. Hahha
Chapter 11: cuteness xD
SHAWOL1718 #8
I liked the last story it was cute ^^
SHAWOL1718 #9
Saranghaeyo Taemin!! <3 this is such a wonderful story ^^ Hope you make more stories like this :) fighting ^^
XxtaerilxX #10
wow!! this story make me love TAEMIN more,