Grown Up (Taemin)

Taemin's Stories


It was you’re first date with Taemin in a long while. You guys have been going out for some time but you guys hardly had any time together due to his schedule. You haven’t seen him for some time now, so you were excited for today’s date with him!

He called you the day before to ask you out so that meant that he was planning everything! You were kind of happy that he was planning everything, because it was always you that planned your dates; it felt good for once and you just couldn’t wait to see what he planned for you guys.

You walked into town, heading to the corner where Taemin told you to meet him. When you got there; you didn’t see him so you stood there, looking left and right, keeping an eye out for him.

10 minutes later-

Taemin: “_____! ______!” His head bobbing up and down from the crowds of people

You: turning your head in the direction of his voice and waving 1 hand in the air “Taemin!”

Taemin: “______, Sorry I’m late” gasping for air

You: “You’re not late, I just got here! You came just in time” smiling at him

Taemin: Finally catching his breath, he smiles back at you “You’re the best ______” kissing your cheek suddenly. “Come on, let’s go” He holds your hand and starts walking through the crowds of people, holding on tight so that you don’t get lost.

Your other hand goes to your cheek where he kissed you; It’s been so long since he kissed you not because you haven’t seen each other, but more like because you were always the one to start the kiss, not him. “When did his hand get bigger?” feeling his warm hand in your left hand. His hand felt bigger…. Or maybe it was just that you didn’t hold hands in a long time so you forgot how it felt for him to hold it.  Either way, Taemin felt… different from his usual self… But you just couldn’t find out what was different? You’re mind gets sidetracked, as you feel someone watching you....

Taemin: “Here we are” stopping in front of a building, distracting you again

You: “The Arcade?” looking up at the sign on top

Taemin: “Yeah, come on” pulling you inside, holding the door open for you

The arcade wasn’t that filled with kids since it was a weekday and some of them had school and you didn’t. He gets a couple of coins for you guys to play and lets you pick the video game. You chose the racing car game first, thinking it would be the easiest for you and you would actually had a chance to beat him! He ended up winning the race… 3 times. The next game he picked, and of course, it was the dancing game with the arrows you have to step on. You weren’t that good at it but he begged you to play with him so you couldn’t turn him down. It was surprisingly fun to play with him, since he was helping you and was making you laugh the whole time with the silliest dance move you had ever seen.

Taemin: “Up for a game of pool” holding 2 sticks, one in each hand, and standing next to the open pool table

You: “I’m not very good…” hesitating to play, not wanting to make a fool of yourself on your date

Taemin: “It’s okay, I’ll help you” handing you a stick which you take, and setting up the balls. He takes the shot first and breaks the balls, getting a solid ball in. “Okay, I’m solid, and you’re stripes” Positioning himself to hit another ball in. This time he missed it by a few inches “You’re turn”

You go to the cue ball and see a stripe ball that was right near the pocket, open for a shot. You hold your stick awkwardly in your hands. You hear him laughing at you and see him move towards you in the corner of your eye.

Taemin: “Here, this is how you do it” You feel him in back of you, his legs barely touching yours as his hands overshadow yours, guiding your hands. His left hand on top of yours hold the stick, while the other one get goes back and forth, getting ready to hit that ball.

“He’s so big…” thinking to yourself as you feel, his chest on your back. He was so close to you that you were more aware of him then what he was saying. He felt warm and seemed more mature then the last time you were with him. His hands guiding yours the whole time, the stick hits the cue ball, causing it to make the stripe ball fall inside.

Taemin: “And that, is how you do it” his hot breath whispering into your ear. Having him close made you start to blush… But then you get that feeling again. You could feel it, someone was still watching you guys…

You: “Um Taemin? I think someone’s watching us?” Going with your gut

Taemin: Moving away from you, so that you could stand up straight. He looks around the room “Aish, I can’t believe this” you hear him mumble as he starts walking away. You see him putting his hands on his hips, looking like he was arguing with something. You couldn’t see who he was talking to from where you stood so you walked up to him, turning to see Onew, Minho, Jonghyun, and Key all squashed up together, squatting down.

SHINee: Seeing you come up behind Taemin “H-Hi ______” smiling awkwardly as they wave to you

You: “What are you guys doing here?” surprised to find them here on your date

Taemin: “Yeah you guys? Why are you here?” He knew why they were here but wanted them to tell you themselves, sounding a little mad

Minho: “Uh, We kind of followed you guys…” confessing everything

Key: “They made me do it! It was all Jonghyun’s idea!” pointing at Jonghyun, his hand over his head

Jonghyun: “Me?” looking at Key “What are you talking about?! You’re the one who was worried about Taemin?!” trying to clear his name

They all start arguing a little, trying to blame someone

Taemin: “Stop!” yelling over all of them, causing them to immediately shut-up “You guys need to stop worrying about me! I’m not a little kid anymore!” He grabs your hand “Come on _____, let’s go” He pulls you away and you wave bye to the members

When you guys walk out of the Arcade, the sun was already setting. He started to walk in the direction of your house, not evening saying a word to you about what just happened. You didn’t say anything either, thinking he was still a little mad at his hyungs and needed some time to cool down.

You guys stop in front of your door,

Taemin: “_____, I’m sorry for today’s date. I wanted it to be perfect but my hyungs kind of ruined it” looking down, kicking a rock with his foot “It’s just that they always treat me like a little kid and think I can’t do things on my own sometimes! And it just irritates me so much!”

You: “It wasn’t ruined. I had fun, and it was one of the best dates I’ve ever been on” Smiling as he lifts his head, happy that you like the date “And you’ll always be the handsome man for me”

Taemin: “I love you _____” coming closer to you, putting 1 hand on your cheek as he leans down to kiss you. This was the first time he actually started the kiss; and it felt so great having him lead you. He really did grow up and matured during the time you didn’t see him, and it was one of the best things to happen really. His lips kissing yours in a way they never kissed yours before, leaving you breathless.

You: “Even though you’ve grown up, your reaction is always the same after 1 kiss; just like the cute Taemin” laughing as you see his face start to blush 5 shades of red

Taemin: “Oh be quiet” grinning, as he pulling you in for another kiss, making your face go red this time

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Chapter 11: AWWW is nice! pls update!!!
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww so sweet!
I'm serious like almost a year ago this was my first fanfic I ever read and it was really good ^^ keep writing!
I love all of them; they're awsome. Keep writing :)
taegyoelf #5
Chapter 11: Hehe I loved all the stories~ :)
Excited much me.. Can't wait to read this story and I'm sure i won't regret subscribing this.. Hahha
Chapter 11: cuteness xD
SHAWOL1718 #8
I liked the last story it was cute ^^
SHAWOL1718 #9
Saranghaeyo Taemin!! <3 this is such a wonderful story ^^ Hope you make more stories like this :) fighting ^^
XxtaerilxX #10
wow!! this story make me love TAEMIN more,