Night Sky (Taemin)

Taemin's Stories


You: “Taemin? Taemin??” You try to see your way through the trees in the dark

You got a text from Taemin to come and meet him in the little forest by the park, but when you go there, he was nowhere in sight. So you decided to go inside the forest and see if he was hiding somewhere.

You: Thinking to yourself, “Where is he? He told me to come here exactly??” You wrap your arms around yourself, cold and scared. Being in the forest this late, with little light gave you the spooks. *Rustle* You turn around quickly to where the noise was coming from. “Who’s there?” *Rustle* You walk towards the bush where the noise was coming from “Taemin? Is that you??” Moving your hand slowly to the bush, “Taemin if that’s you, you better come out!” You push the leaves of the bush, only to find a white rabbit behind it. You take a breath in relief as the bunny ran away

Taemin: “Hi _______!” He shouts behind you all of a sudden

You: “AAAAH!” You quickly turn around but still see nothing

Taemin: Jumping down from the tree “Hahahahaha!!” He starts to roll on the floor laughing

You: “Taemin! It’s not funny!!” stomping your foot like a little child

Taemin: “Hahaha! Yeah it is! You should have seen your face!” Gasping for air as he laughs real hard

You, mad that he scared you, start walking away angry

Taemin: Grabbing your hand “No wait _______. I was just joking. I’m sorry”

You: “Why did you call me here” Still mad

Taemin: “Come with me.” He tightens his hold on your hand so that you won’t get lost & run away.

You: “Where are we going?” tripping now and then, as he pulls you in different directions in the dark

Taemin: “Just wait, you’re going to love it!” Going deeper into the forest, he stops at a tree. He lets go of your hand and starts climbing on something?

Thinking to yourself, A ladder? What’s a ladder doing in the middle of a forest? The ladder looked pretty old but sturdy. It wasn’t a ladder you buy at stores, but one that looked like someone made it from scratch. His hand comes down for yours, helping you up the ladder, making sure you don’t fall. He helps you onto some kind of platform?

You: “Where are we?” You look around. It’s a little tree house that was in good condition, but still really old. “It looks like an old tree house?” laying your hand on the wood. It had a railing so that no one would fall but it was broken. The house had no roof, a short door, and a small little window. It looked like the house belonged to a little kid but was forgotten.

Taemin: “Yeah, I found it while walking around here this afternoon” peeking through the window at you, “It’s really cool” He has fun exploring the small little space

The tree house was big enough for you and him to play a little, and tell jokes and just have fun by yourself. In the tree house you found old little toys that were a little dusty, and a small table and chair.

You: Sitting at the edge, hanging your legs over it “It’s really fun up here”

Taemin: Coming to join you “I know, I can’t believe it’s still standing after so many years!” taking your hand in his “This’ll be our own little hideout” looking at you with a smile on his face

You: “Our little hideout” liking the way it sounds

You 2 were so deep in the forest that it was really dark; the only light that was helping you see was the light from the moon and thousands of stars.

You: “Wow…” Amazed at the outstanding view the tree house gave. With no street lights around, you can see more and more stars, shinning. He takes you into his arms “It’s so pretty…”

Taemin: Whispering into your ear, watching you “Not as pretty as the view I have…” You turn to face him to see what he was looking at, only to see his eyes following you attentively. You blush at his compliment, while he cups your face in his hands and lay’s his sleeps softly on yours, kissing it nicely. He gets you into the kiss, following his movements. He pulls away, taking in a breath and leaning his forehead against yours; both of you, out of breath. “It’s late. I should probably get you home…” your cheek with his thumb as you blush after the kiss

You nod your head silently, getting up. He helps you down the ladder and the both of you walk out of the forest, not saying a word…

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Chapter 11: AWWW is nice! pls update!!!
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww so sweet!
I'm serious like almost a year ago this was my first fanfic I ever read and it was really good ^^ keep writing!
I love all of them; they're awsome. Keep writing :)
taegyoelf #5
Chapter 11: Hehe I loved all the stories~ :)
Excited much me.. Can't wait to read this story and I'm sure i won't regret subscribing this.. Hahha
Chapter 11: cuteness xD
SHAWOL1718 #8
I liked the last story it was cute ^^
SHAWOL1718 #9
Saranghaeyo Taemin!! <3 this is such a wonderful story ^^ Hope you make more stories like this :) fighting ^^
XxtaerilxX #10
wow!! this story make me love TAEMIN more,