Goodbyes.... (Taemin) Pt.1

Taemin's Stories


You: “What’s the meeting about?” You ask Taemin as you enter the SM Entertainment building. You and him were behind his hyungs,

Taemin: “We don’t know, We were only told to come to the building for some news”

Onew: “I think it has something to do with our new album” talking to everyone. All of them were curious about the sudden meeting. Was is Good news? Or bad?

Key: “Whatever it is, it better be good news” Pressing the button on the elevator once everyone was in it.

Jonghyun: “Oooh, I can’t wait! What could be so important!” As he looks at the numbers going higher and higher

Unlike everyone else, the only person who kept his cool was Minho. He didn’t show any sign or concern or excitement. Once the elevator stops at the door, Jonghyun was the first to leave and get to the door before anybody else. He opened the door for everyone and entered last.

You’re sitting with SHINee in the meeting room, curious about the news. Taemin held your hand tightly, excited for the big news. You looked around the room; All the SHINee members were anxiously waiting for the news, their hopes high. All of you look at the door, as their Manager enters,

Manager: “Great New’s! SHINee’s new album was a big hit!” He raises his hands in the air in celebration

SHINee exchanged glances, everyone smiling to each other before turning their attention back to their manager.

Manager: “SHINee’s album was especially a big hit in *Name a country far from you!* The most popular members there were Jonghyun, Taemin, and Minho!”

Jonghyun and Minho smiled to themselves, happy with the results. Taemin looked at you, happy that he was 1 of the most popular.

Manager: “So… SM decided to send those 3 to *country* and stay there to promote SHINee!” He smiled a big smile

Everyone gasped at the news. SHINee separating? Minho, Jonghyun, and Taemin were the most shocked at the news. Taemin looked at you, and your face was at shock too

Key: “But only for a couple of days right?” Trying to clear things up

Manager: “No? For a couple of years actually. There’s a company there that wants to make a deal with SM so we’re sending you guys to stay there and promote SHINee and SM”

Taemin: “No! I’m not going!” He stood up and slammed his hand on the table. Everyone looked at him with shock from his sudden outburst.

You: Looking at him, surprised “Taemin…” You try to get him to calm down but he ignored you

Taemin: “I don’t want to leave to go to a foreign country and live there!” He shouts.

Manager: “Taemin, let’s talk about this” he said firmly

He didn’t want to listen, and stormed out of the room, leaving everyone with shock. This was the first time Taemin ever went against something. You sat there, the atmosphere was awkward after he left. You quietly stood up and went after him to see what was the problem.

You ran to the elevator and rode it down to the first floor. You looked around the floor but didn’t see him, so you ran outside. You looked around and saw him, sitting down, with his head in his hands. You walked to him, slowly

You: “Taemin?” In a worried tone

Taemin: He looked up and saw your worried face “I’m sorry ______. I shouldn’t have acted like that” Feeling guilty now

You: “It’s okay. You were just shocked by the news” you sit next to him, putting a hand on his back, comforting him

Taemin: “No. You don’t get it.” He looks at you, and you look back, confused by his words “If I go to *Country* then that means I can’t be with you!” It never occurred to you that you won’t be together.

It hit you like that. You stared at him, replaying his words in your head. Every nerve in your body told you to go against the deal too, but for some reason you couldn’t. SHINee was getting bigger and bigger, and you couldn’t stop that. Plus, if Taemin disobeys SM, then he might really get in trouble. You didn’t want that to happen. It took all the strength to say what you had to say,

You: “Taemin, I think you should go…” You reply softly. He looks at you now, not believing the words that just came out of your mouth

Taemin: “What are you saying ______? You don’t want to be together? With me?” his eyes getting wide

You: “No! No! It’s not that! I love you, and I do want to be together with you, forever” you place your hand on his cheek, it with your thumb “But you have to go. Think of your fans, and the other SHINee members. As much as you want to stay here with me, you can’t.”

Taemin: His eyes gets watery, “______....” You look at his sad face, and soon your eyes started to tear

You: 1 tear fell, and you felt embarrassed “Haha,” wiping away your tears “And plus, we can always call each other” you smiled at him, trying to be happy. He stared at you, he knew you were trying to be strong for him

Taemin: “Oh ______” He pulled you into a hug where he hugged you tightly. “I really do love you” he whispered.

After you and him stopped crying and were calm now, the both of you walked back to the meeting room, hand in hand. Everyone looked at you guys come in and Taemin just smiled for his hyungs and went to the contract. The contract was already signed by Jonghyun and Minho, it was only missing his signature.

Key: “Taemin, Are you sure you want to go through with this?” worried Taemin might regret it later

Taemin: He looks at you, and you nod your head smiling, telling him to go for it “I’m sure” he grabs the pen and signs his name. Everyone stood up and cheered at the final contract, while he came and hugged you again “Wait for me _______,” he whispered into your ear.

The next few days were you helping him and the other members pack. It was full of jokes and mostly playing around.


At the Airport-

This was it. It was time to say goodbye, and even though you wanted to cry, you didn’t. You had to be strong for him, especially right now. It was time for everyone to say goodbye

Jonghyun: “Don’t worry _____, I’ll make sure Taemin doesn’t fall for another girl” he playfully jokes with you as you hug him.

Minho: “Haha, We’ll take good care of him _______”

You: “Thank you Minho” You hug him as he moves on to Key and Onew. Then here was Taemin, facing you, smiling

Taemin: “I’m going to miss you ______”

You: “I’ll miss you too Taemin” he lifts your face to him, and kisses you good bye

Taemin: “Don’t forget me” he puts his hand on your cheek

You: You put your hand on top of his, feeling his warmth “I won’t.”

Key: Cutting in, he wraps 1 hand around your shoulder, “Don’t worry Taemin! We’ll keep her company”

Taemin: “Haha, Thanks hyung” he hugs Key and Onew before following Jonghyun and Minho to the plane

The 3 of you all waved good bye as they disappeared in the tunnel. You guys stayed at the airport until the plane took off and they were in the sky,

Onew: “Come on _______, Let’s go back” Saying to you, as you look out the Airport windows, staring at the sky

You: Turning to Onew, “Okay,” You and him catch up to Key who was ahead. It was over, you got him to leave. You smiled to yourself, knowing you made the right decision.

(Pt.2 in the Next Chapter)

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Chapter 11: AWWW is nice! pls update!!!
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww so sweet!
I'm serious like almost a year ago this was my first fanfic I ever read and it was really good ^^ keep writing!
I love all of them; they're awsome. Keep writing :)
taegyoelf #5
Chapter 11: Hehe I loved all the stories~ :)
Excited much me.. Can't wait to read this story and I'm sure i won't regret subscribing this.. Hahha
Chapter 11: cuteness xD
SHAWOL1718 #8
I liked the last story it was cute ^^
SHAWOL1718 #9
Saranghaeyo Taemin!! <3 this is such a wonderful story ^^ Hope you make more stories like this :) fighting ^^
XxtaerilxX #10
wow!! this story make me love TAEMIN more,