
Request Challenge

Requested by moechii Ontae that acts like they hate each other

The blonde took a deep breath to calm himself as the screams of the audience out in front of the stage made their way to his ears. He was beyond nervous, because this performance could possible make or break his dance career and chance to ever become a star like he had dreamed of ever since he could walk.


Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one with that dream at the Seoul Academy of the Arts, and he had a lot of competition.


It was the school's end of the year showcase, and they also would be giving away awards and scholarships to some of the best arts universities in the entire world. It was a big deal, and Taemin would be damned if he was going to let such a great opportunity pass him by.


Lee Taemin was the school's most prized dancer, and was almost guaranteed to get the dancing scholarship, but there was another that he would be running for as well; the Seoul Arts Academy Supreme award and scholarship. If won, the student that was awarded it would be given the opportunity to go to any arts school and be taken as a trainee at any of the entertainment companies in the country.


There was only one other person he would have to beat to get it, and that person was Lee Jinki, the astounding vocalist of the academy. Jinki had won many awards for his vocal talent and technique, and was well-known throughout South Korea for his abilities. He was also Taemin's worst enemy, and ex-friend since they had started competing for the title of best of the best at the academy.


He was so nice and kind to everyone but Taemin, and vice versa. For some reason, the two had never gotten along, and always fought whenever they came into contact with each other.


Like now, when said boy was walking right in Taemin's direction. The dancer inwardly groaned in annoyance, passing off the fluttery feeling that amplified in his stomach as his eyes met Jinki's as nerves. He turned his back to ignore the oncoming presence, but he should have known that Jinki would never let that happen.


Just as he turned, he felt a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back around to face the singer. Jinki smirked, and nodded his head in the direction of the stage and audience.


“Are you ready to lose that scholarship?” he sneered, lifting an eyebrow. Taemin barely restrained from raising his fist and punching him right in that 'precious' throat of his.


Taemin scoffed, listening as the music playing for the current performer cued him that it was almost his turn. He rolled his shoulders, and his eyes, before shoving Jinki's hand off of his shoulder.


“No, but it looks like you are.” he hissed before storming off and standing in the wings of the stage, preparing himself to go on.


After one last deep breath, it was finally Taemin's turn, and he strutted across the stage as his own music began.


As soon as the beat hit his ears, all nervousness and fluttery feelings were gone. It was just him and the stage, and he reveled in the feeling as his body moved and popped fluidly to the beat of the music. The lights that rained down on him and the sounds of the crowd cheering sent adrenaline and confidence through his veins, and it was amazing.


However, it felt as if as soon as it began, it was over, and the lights were dimming as he exited stage right for the next performer, who just happened to be Jinki.


Jinki was singing an slow English ballad, and Taemin would be lying if he said his voice wasn't absolutely beautiful. It was smooth, like honey, and it felt like his voice penetrated your soul and heart when he sang.


All of the sudden, that fluttery feeling was back, and this time it wasn't nerves. This time, rather than the butterflies being in his stomach, they were in his heart as it skipped a beat. Taemin watched with genuine interest and an impressed, and practically infatuated, expression. His lips were parted, and eyes slightly widened as he took in the performance in front on him.


As the song came to it's closing, he snapped out of his daze, and coughed awkwardly. What was he doing, watching like that? That performance was awful, and there was no way Jinki would win.


Except that in reality, it was amazing, and it was obvious who deserved that scholarship, and Taemin hated it.




All of the performers sat in their places in the audience now, gazing eagerly upon the stage where the headmaster and school president stood giving praise to the students and their hard work.


“You all have worked extremely hard this year, and have taken your talents to extraordinary levels. Now, we're going to award your graduating seniors for their continuous strength and accomplishments.” Lee Soo Man, the director, called out through the microphone, smiling down at all of them proudly.


They began with the awards and trophies, handing out awards such as 'Most Improved' and the best in each department. Many of Taemin's friends were called to the stage for such awards, such as his best friends Minho and Key for recording arts and designer arts. Jongin was also called for the dancing category, which meant Taemin was in the running for the larger scholarships. For the singing category, Kim Jonghyun was called, which also left Jinki.


This was to be expected, and now the weight was on Taemin and Jinki's shoulders. The dance bit his lip, turning his gaze to the back of Jinki's head as he sat two rows in front of him. He must have felt him staring, because the singer turned his head so that their eyes met. Taemin, in return, glared before moving his eyes back to Director Lee as he began to call names for the scholarships.


Now they were preparing to call the name for the Junior Supreme, the highest award next to the actual Supreme award, and Taemin swallowed thickly, nervous.


And then he felt his heart drop.


“Lee Taemin!”


He numbly stood, plastering on a fake smile, and made his way up the stairs and to the director. He bowed, accepting his award, and made his way back to his seat as he held in the tears, which most of his peers assumed were of happiness. He avoided Jinki's eyes at all cost, because he knew that he would be sneering at him with that disgusting smirk of his.


The next name that was called was in fact the vocalist, who was given the chance of an encore performance and five different company CEOs and university presidents swarmed him immediately.


Taemin excused himself from the crowd, only giving a small bow of apology to anyone that attempted to approach him. He fled backstage to his dressing room, where he slammed the door and sunk down, crying. The tears flowed heavily and showed now signs of stopping as he strangled his sobs so that no one would hear. After all, it would be selfish of him to be upset after winning such a great scholarship already, and plus, Lee Taemin didn't cry. He hardly even showed any other emotion other than his happiness and passion for dancing.


But it wasn't about the scholarship, really. It hurt his heart to know that he had thrown away so much and put so much effort in that he was beaten by Jinki. He had lost more than a battle for an award.


Just as he was beginning to calm down a bit, he heard the dressing room door creak open, and footsteps against the floor as they made their way over to him. He didn't see who it was, since he sat in the corner on the floor with his face buried in his knees, but he assumed it was Minho or Jongin checking if he was alright.


He didn't expect that honey-like voice singing words that pierced right through his heart.


I can't leave,” the voice began, soft. “You are more precious than I am, come back again, yeah~”


Taemin lifted his head, red, swollen eyes meeting a sad looking Jinki sitting on the floor next to him, staring at him with the most crystal clear expression. It was as if he were asking for forgiveness, and those eyes also held a hint of adoration. He continued to sing, drawing Taemin in like he had when he performed on stage.


I can't,” Jinki sang, bringing a hand to brush the tear trails from the dancer's cheeks, who jerked away with half-hearted glare. “The days were so beautiful, even the times we hated each other. I miss them so much, I can't forget them. Come back, yeah~


Taemin's expression softened, and he began to understand what Jinki was trying to get across. The lyrics rang in his head and down to his chest, where the butterflies reappeared and he finally understood what they were. They weren't nerves, it was longing and adoration for the singer in front of him.


He cared for Jinki, and the elder cared for him as well, more than he had ever realized. They had been friends once, through middle school and even the first year at the academy. But once they realized how much competition they were to each other, they grew apart, and it was as if they had never been anything but rivals.


Jinki had always been the caring hyung that had taken care of him during his rough childhood of dealing with bullies and his injuries when he danced a little too hard, and he remembers being the one that would make the elder smile whenever he felt he wasn't good enough and was down in the slumps.


Now the tears that had begun to slow were flowing hard and fast again, and he brought Jinki into a hug as they began to fall again. His lip trembled as he cried, whispering a pathetic, “Hyung, I miss you..” He felt stupid, acting so childish and crying like that, but he couldn't help it.


The blond felt the chest he was buried in rumble as Jinki chuckled, and his arms wrapped around the smaller dancer. “I miss you, too, dongsaeng. I shouldn't have let us fall apart like that.. Will you let me make it up to you?” he asked, sighing.


Taemin shook his head, “That wouldn't be fair. It's partly my fault too..”


Jinki chuckled again, “True, but.. I want to treat you, since you're hurt. After all, wasn't it always my job to take care of you?”


Taemin couldn't suppress the laugh that bubbled up, and he lifted his face to look at Jinki's smiling one. “You do owe me, since you stole that scholarship out from under my nose.” He wouldn't deny that he was still a bit spiteful about that.


Jinki brought a hand to ruffle his hair, like old times, and shrugged. “Alright. How about I treat you to dinner and a movie or concert of your choice every weekend for the next few months? I know food is your weakness.” he offered, winking teasingly.


Taemin lifted his eyebrows, and tilted his head. “That sounds like we're dating, hyung.” he laughed.


Jinki flushed, averting his eyes and laughing nervously. “Well, I mean.. That's..” he stuttered, caught off guard by the accusation. And then there was a peck to his cheek, and the rest was history as he gaped like a fish and turned as red as Taemin's hair was the year before.


Taemin smiled, tears drying, and shrugged.


“I'd be alright with that, too, hyung.”


Jinki's jaw dropped, and he seemed to scramble for the right words to say.“Really? Isn't that moving kind of fast? I don't want to hurt you, again..I already have tonight.


The dancer shook his head, “You didn't hurt me. I just didn't know what I wanted before. Now I do, and it's you that I want. So, please, let's start again.” he begged.


“Okay.” The voice agreed in a lovely whisper.


And that sweet honey voice lulled the determined dancer into a love that he would never forget.


Don't worry, hyung. I'm back.”

A/N: I tried.. x.x I'm so sorry if you find this awful, because I do! But I hope you like it anyways~

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Okay, so.. I'm REALLY behind on requests, and I'm very busy with school, but I'm going to try to get them done tomorrow, and I'm extending the closing date!


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Chapter 1: I'm glad there's a happy ending for them ♡
Chapter 2: Taemin.. :'(( Why? I know how Minho's feel! T^T They're died at the end.. and me? Crying sobss
Chapter 2: I'm crying!! I felt Minho pain.
Chapter 17: and Kibum finds solace in the leader's embrace, much like he had when he was just a seventeen year old kid and Jinki was just a nineteen year old weary barely-on-the-cusp of a man, already giving more than ever expected to his four dongsaengs.

^ this, omg, i had to reread this at least three times bc your writing is just gorgeous. You have such a stunning way with words, ok, and you can always take my breath away from the simplest of plots ;-; HOW DO YOU DO IT?!
Chapter 15: I love your 2min stories! Please make more if you can, if not in this request fic but in others!
banana_bubbles #6
Chapter 16: Loved this chapter! The dedication that Onew had was sooooo cute! The perfect pairing to balance each other off! 'wink wink'
Chapter 16: awww yeah you're on an updating roll sister 8) that's what I love! This one was cute and fluffy and I love Jinki's calm nature, bc it teaches me that I should be calm too (I am quite neurotic, much like Taemin in this story).
Chapter 15: Wasn't expecting a quote but wow, this was great. you always produce simple storylines and yet they capture me from start to end. You have a thing for special plots.
Chapter 15: Beautiful :') it was so short but everything was in there. Thank you :)
kara224 #10
Chapter 15: I love your 2min one shots :)