
Request Challenge

Requested by anon on tumblr | Ontae; Jealous Taemin has a freak-out and gets reassured by his forever understanding boyfriend.

When Jinki comes home with a cliché bouquet of roses in his hand on their year anniversary, an hour late because he had to find the best flowers for his lover and because the boy deserves no less than perfect, he expects a smiling face and kisses pressed to his lips. Instead, he's met by the smaller figure curled up on the couch, eyes cutting into a glare as soon as they spot the elder at the doorway.


Confused at the hostile expression, he sits his bags down on the floor and shuffles forward, baring the flowers. “Tae, I got these for you. But, is there something wrong?” he questions, eyeing the younger boy's expression, which is turning more bitter by the second.


Then he speaks, and Jinki is shocked by the accusing words. “If you think those are going to makeup for you going out with Joon, you're mistaken.”


Joon? His best friend? Well, yes, he did go out with Joon, but only because he needed a consultant for the flowers. After all, everyone knows Jinki isn't the most keen with presents and pleasing his meticulous lover.


Without warning, a warm chuckles bubbles up through his throat and escapes his lips, with Jinki wondering in his mind how exactly Taemin came up with the idea that he had been cheating on the boy with his best friend. That's when he notices the sniffling and the fact that Taemin's lips are now quivering (Quite adorably, Jinki thinks), along with tears forming in the brown orbs that he loves.

Sighing, he places the bouquet gently on the coffee table in front of them and sits next to the younger, bringing his hands to cup Taemin's face and brush the slowly descending tears away. “Tae,” he begins, slow and steady, using the voice he's learned to use whenever Taemin goes into his hysterics. “Do you know why I was out with Joon?”


As he expects, Taemin pushes his hands away, watery glare returning. Then, suddenly, it's as if a dam has burst and words are gushing from the boy's mouth.“Because you like him. Key said he saw you with him and you know he was suspicious about you two before we started dating and you were shopping with him and laughing with him and he was teasing you and -”


Jinki shushes him by covering the moving lips with his own, taking the boy's wrists in his hands and caressing them, calming Taemin's emotions which are in overdrive. When he pulls away, parting their kiss that Taemin had refused to return, he offers a kind smile. “Taemin, you've known Key for years. You know as well as I do that he exaggerates things sometimes.” He speaks comfortingly, trying to get him to understand where he is coming from. Unfortunately, he knows just as well that Taemin loves to exaggerate things, too.


Once again, he isn't surprised when Taemin pulls away and scoffs, narrowing his eyes dangerously. “Are you saying Key is a liar?” He hisses, sliding away from the elder and to the opposite end of the couch.


Calmly, Jinki shakes his head no, eyes softening and pleading with the harsh, glaring ones. “No, baby. He isn't lying – not completely. I was with Joon, and we did go shopping together, but it was for you. He was also teasing me and we were laughing, because I thought about just getting you a meat set for our anniversary, but..” he trails off when he sees a slight twitch of Taemin's lips, threatening to alight into a small smile. Taemin still looks reluctant, but loses the glare and proceeds to stare at his lap and pick at his nails nervously, a habit Jinki finds somewhat adorable. (But really, Jinki finds anything Taemin does adorable.)


Slowly, he lifts his head, bottoms lip tucked between his teeth before he parts them to speak. “You were going to get me a meat set?” He sounds hopeful, and Jinki notices as the boy slowly begins to inch back towards him.


Jinki nods, chuckling. “I was, but I thought of something better. If you forgive me, I'll tell you what it is.”


Taemin sighs, and Jinki can tell he is still hesitant due to his neurotic nature, but after a few moments, he begins to visibly relax and calm down from his accusations and think clearly. He speaks again, barely audible to Jinki's ears, but still there and making Jinki smile from ear to ear.


“I guess I forgive you.”


Jinki takes the moment to take the younger's lips again, gently yet channeling his emotions of love and care. This time, much to the elder's relief, the kiss is returned equally as gentle, but with a bit of relief and desperate passion.


They stay that way for a while, with Taemin eventually climbing to sit on his lap and straddle Jinki's waist to plant kisses more easily upon the elder's lips. It's a nice exchange, and Jinki knows that they're both enjoying each others' attention for the time being.


When they settle down and Taemin has his face rested in the crook of Jinki's neck, he finally asks, “So, what do you have for me, if it isn't a meat set?”


As if it's nothing, Jinki nonchalantly answers, “I got us a reservation at the revolving restaurant on top of that fancy hotel you said you always wanted to go to. I heard they have killer steak.”


And then, Taemin is pushing away from the elder, staring him down with the most incredulous look on his face. “What? Jinki, we aren't going to be able to afford to eat for a month. I'm calling to cancel it – what are you thinking? You idiot, why would you do this for me..”


Here we go again, Jinki thinks. But it's all okay, because calming the hysterics will be worth the beautiful smile that will grace the boy's face once they get to that restaurant, even if it does cost a month's rent. After all, that boy deserves nothing less than perfection. 

A/N: This was more of a drabble than a oneshot, and it was kinda-sorta a huge mess. Nonetheless, I hope you like it anyways.

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Okay, so.. I'm REALLY behind on requests, and I'm very busy with school, but I'm going to try to get them done tomorrow, and I'm extending the closing date!


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Chapter 1: I'm glad there's a happy ending for them ♡
Chapter 2: Taemin.. :'(( Why? I know how Minho's feel! T^T They're died at the end.. and me? Crying sobss
Chapter 2: I'm crying!! I felt Minho pain.
Chapter 17: and Kibum finds solace in the leader's embrace, much like he had when he was just a seventeen year old kid and Jinki was just a nineteen year old weary barely-on-the-cusp of a man, already giving more than ever expected to his four dongsaengs.

^ this, omg, i had to reread this at least three times bc your writing is just gorgeous. You have such a stunning way with words, ok, and you can always take my breath away from the simplest of plots ;-; HOW DO YOU DO IT?!
Chapter 15: I love your 2min stories! Please make more if you can, if not in this request fic but in others!
banana_bubbles #6
Chapter 16: Loved this chapter! The dedication that Onew had was sooooo cute! The perfect pairing to balance each other off! 'wink wink'
Chapter 16: awww yeah you're on an updating roll sister 8) that's what I love! This one was cute and fluffy and I love Jinki's calm nature, bc it teaches me that I should be calm too (I am quite neurotic, much like Taemin in this story).
Chapter 15: Wasn't expecting a quote but wow, this was great. you always produce simple storylines and yet they capture me from start to end. You have a thing for special plots.
Chapter 15: Beautiful :') it was so short but everything was in there. Thank you :)
kara224 #10
Chapter 15: I love your 2min one shots :)