There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Turned

Request Challenge

Requested by Pikasquad. Based on 'There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey. You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet.' by Panic! at the Disco.

Please, leave all overcoats, canes and top hats with the doorman.
From that moment you'll be out of place and underdressed.
I'm wrecking this evening already and loving every minute of it.
Ruining this banquet for the mildly inspiring and...


The tall, lithe man that sat at the bar of the local club found his confidence, and heart, wavering at the sight of the beautiful boy walking across the crowded building towards him. But no, he couldn't let that happen.


He hadn't wasted a month of his life trying to repair his broken heart just to fall so easily again. He absolutely would not lose his resolve without a fight. No, he would go through as planned, and show Lee Taemin what exactly he had lost that day he cheated on him, in his apartment; in his bed.


Just as his ex-lover reached him, with the same smile he had fallen in love with on his face, he slipped that signature smirk he had been working on onto his lips, expression cool and collected.


“Minho-hyung, long time, no see.” the blonde said. It made Minho feel sick to his stomach – the way Taemin spoke as if they were just old friends; as if they had never fallen in love, and as if he had never screwed his boyfriend's best friend in said boyfriend's bed just a mere month ago.


However, Minho didn't let it show that it bothered him and shook him to the very core. He smiled in return, eyes gazing back in the way that made Taemin fall for him in the first place. “Right? And how have you and Jonghyun been?” He asked in such a way that he sounded genuinely curious, with no trace of the anger or spite that ran through his veins in reality.


Minho watched with amusement as Taemin tensed at those words, beautiful brown eyes flicking to the dirty floor; out of guilt, Minho was sure. The shorter boy sighed, finally bringing his eyes back up to meet the elder's larger ones, frowning.


“I broke it off with him.”


“Oh, and why's that?” He tried to ignore the fluttering in his heart, because he knew there was no going back to the way it was before. He was done. He had to be.


“Because it was a stupid mistake. I shouldn't have done it. It was for a stupid reason, and I was wrong. I want you back.”


Minho barely refrained from snapping at Taemin, clenching his fists so hard that his nails dug painfully into his skin. “It's too late for that.”


And that was that. Part one of his plan was complete, even if it meant having a war between his heart and mind.


I'm the new cancer, never looked better, you can't stand it.
Because you say so under your breath.
You're reading lips "When did he get all confident?"

Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer?
Never looked better, and you can't stand it


Minho then stood, smirk back in place, and sent one last killer gaze before turning heel and heading for the dance floor. He the first girl he saw staring his way, and slowly fell into a lustful trance. Her storng perfume made him nauseated, but with her arms wrapped around his neck, he couldn't escape. As she leaned in to whisper dirty fantasies in his ear, he spared one last glance in Taemin's direction.


He stood where Minho had left him, jaw dropped and eyebrows raised. The elder had to admit; the expression he wore was an amusing sight. He would have called it cute if they were still together.


After a moment, the tall man turned his attention back to the woman that was clinging to him, whining for him to pay her some attention. He tried to appease her by dancing closer to her, where she was pressed flush against his chest in a way that would have made any other man go crazy, but that apparently wasn't enough as she slid one wandering hand to his crotch and the other to his bicep.


It was then that he had had enough, and scooted away, excusing himself to the restroom. She smiled seductively, and slid a piece of paper into his hand that obviously held her number, which he promptly threw onto the ground once he reached the edge of the room.



Next is a trip to the, the ladies room in vain, and
I bet you just can't keep up with, (keep up) with these fashionistas, and
Tonight, tonight you are, you are a whispering campaign.
I bet to them your name is "Cheap", I bet to them you look like shh...



The dark haired man groaned in frustration, because this was not how it was supposed to go. His plan to get over Taemin had partly worked, but it hadn't gotten much further than merely brushing the boy aside.


In reality, his heart still hurt, and he still wished every night that he could still hold that angel in his arms. In reality, he wasn't this charismatic man. He was broken, and it seemed nearly impossible to pull himself back together, like before he had met Taemin; before he had fallen in love.


Now, he only felt like an , even though he technically hadn't done anything wrong. It felt like treading water, in a way. Because one second, he was determined to get over his past lover, and then the next he wanted him back.


He was going to drive himself insane at this rate.


Talk to the mirror, oh, choke back tears.
And keep telling yourself that "I'm a diva!"
Oh and the smokes in that cigarette box on the table,
they just so happen to be laced with nitroglycerin.


Minho finally reached the corner of the club where the restrooms were located, after fighting through the crowd at the bar and brushing off a few flirty ladies. He let out a relieved sigh as he pushed the swing door open to the men's room, escaping the humidity of the packed out room.


There, he walked straight to the farthest sink, where he stood staring back at his reflection as his long fingers clung to the cool porcelain.


Just as he reached to turn on the tap, he heard familiar sniffles, similar to the ones he had heard that fateful night. Minho froze at the noise, eyes glancing back at the one closed stall in the room.

Slowly, he retracted his hand and walked over to the stall, knocking his knuckles lightly on the closed door.


“Hey, it's not like you to cry for no reason.” his voice resonated through the nearly empty bathroom, and the sniffles immediately hushed.


Taemin remained silent, and Minho considered just leaving if the boy was going to ignore him. But once again, his heart fluttered in the way only Taemin could make it, and he suddenly felt like an for making him cry like this.


“Tae.. I'm not going to apologize, because I shouldn't. To be honest, you don't even deserve to speak to me right now, let alone beg me to take you back. But- ” he broke off, emotions getting the best of him. His anger had transformed into the pain he had fought so hard to get over, and he bit his lip. “But, you know what the worst part is?” he finally spat out bitterly, leaning his head against the stall door as he ranted.


Taemin still didn't answer, so Minho continued. “I want to take you back. I'm actually considering it, after the you pulled on me. After you tore me apart like that, and just left. I hate you so much, but, damn it.. I love you more.”


Minho heard the sniffling start up again, and after a second or two, they turned into full out sobs. “I'm sorry, so sorry. I know that's not enough, and that it never will be, but God, I'm so sorry, Minho.”


The elder sighed, lost and confused and unsure of what to do. He eventually gave into his heart, rather than his logic, which was telling him to end it for good.


“Taemin, open the door.” he whispered. When the door finally slowly creaked open, and his eyes came into contact with the disheveled boy, he crumbled. His arms wrapped around the smaller boy, pulling him into a hug and resting his head on top of Taemin's.


“Just answer me this.. Why did you do it?” He had to know. It was eating him alive, because he had thought they were fine, before he walked in on the situation that blew their whole relationship up.


Taemin stiffened in his arms, crying becoming heavier at the question. “B-because, h-he said he saw you with another woman, a-and I was upset and h-he gave me a few drinks, a-and.. It was a mistake; an accident, I swear.”


Minho felt the anger swell up in his chest, but took a deep breath to calm himself. His best friend had done such a thing? It was unimaginable, but it made sense. Jonghyun had always tried to be alone with Taemin, by sending Minho off to get something or offering to give the boy rides. He knew the man had taken a liking to his boyfriend, but he never thought it would lead to him doing something as deceitful as taking advantage of their friendship and Taemin's vulnerable state.


“Hyung?” Taemin's voice broke through his thoughts, and he found the younger staring up at him with a nervous look in his red, puffy eyes. “Do you forgive me?”


Minho couldn't say no. He nodded reassuringly, leaning down to press a light peck onto the boy's plump lips.


“Good. Because I was thinking we could get some revenge on Jonghyun.. He's going to be here, you know. He says he wants me back.”


When Minho's eyes met his, they shared a mischievous look. “Alright, what do you want to do about it?”


Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer?
Never looked better, and you can't stand it

And I know, and I know, it just doesn't feel like a night out with no one sizing you up.
I've never been so surreptitious, so of course you'll be distracted when I spike the punch.

The couple stood in the middle of the dance floor, swaying to the beat of the heavy bass pumping through the club. Taemin grinded against him, and Minho found himself lost in his lover's movements.


Looking up, he caught the culprit staring straight at them from the bar, with the same look on his face that Taemin had held earlier that night.


Taemin must have noticed Minho's shift in mood, because he turned to glance in Jonghyun's direction as well. Smirking, similar to how Minho had before, he grinded closer to Minho while staring right back, and then turned to plant a sloppy, but emotion filled kiss onto the elder's unsuspecting lips.


Minho kissed back, just as passionately, and couldn't contain his pride when he spotted Jonghyun stalking out of the club with a more than pissed off expression on his face.


After that, the two lovers danced for a little while longer, falling into a comfortable mood with kisses being pressed to each others' lips. Taemin's arms were around his neck, with their faces close. The boy turned his head slightly, just enough so his lips were pressed against Minho's ear.


He spoke sweetly in contrast to their lustful dancing, and Minho found himself grinning from ear to ear at the words.


“I love you too, hyung.”


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Okay, so.. I'm REALLY behind on requests, and I'm very busy with school, but I'm going to try to get them done tomorrow, and I'm extending the closing date!


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Chapter 1: I'm glad there's a happy ending for them ♡
Chapter 2: Taemin.. :'(( Why? I know how Minho's feel! T^T They're died at the end.. and me? Crying sobss
Chapter 2: I'm crying!! I felt Minho pain.
Chapter 17: and Kibum finds solace in the leader's embrace, much like he had when he was just a seventeen year old kid and Jinki was just a nineteen year old weary barely-on-the-cusp of a man, already giving more than ever expected to his four dongsaengs.

^ this, omg, i had to reread this at least three times bc your writing is just gorgeous. You have such a stunning way with words, ok, and you can always take my breath away from the simplest of plots ;-; HOW DO YOU DO IT?!
Chapter 15: I love your 2min stories! Please make more if you can, if not in this request fic but in others!
banana_bubbles #6
Chapter 16: Loved this chapter! The dedication that Onew had was sooooo cute! The perfect pairing to balance each other off! 'wink wink'
Chapter 16: awww yeah you're on an updating roll sister 8) that's what I love! This one was cute and fluffy and I love Jinki's calm nature, bc it teaches me that I should be calm too (I am quite neurotic, much like Taemin in this story).
Chapter 15: Wasn't expecting a quote but wow, this was great. you always produce simple storylines and yet they capture me from start to end. You have a thing for special plots.
Chapter 15: Beautiful :') it was so short but everything was in there. Thank you :)
kara224 #10
Chapter 15: I love your 2min one shots :)