
Request Challenge

Requested by anonymous on tumblr 'Cold' themed

The brunette behind the counter shivered, bringing his hands to cross his chest and rub his bare arms to regain some warmth. He sighed, pouting at the unfortunate matter that he had forgotten his jacket lying on the kitchen counter at home. It didn’t help that he worked at an ice cream shop that was to remain cool at all times to preserve the twenty-seven different flavors of frozen goodness that the shop served.

It also didn’t help that it was in the dead of winter, and really, why was the shop even open? No one wanted ice cream when it was already freezing outside. But the broke teenager supposed it was worth freezing at work since he practically had to do nothing due to the lack of customers, and he was still getting paid.

However, he couldn’t suppress the whine that escaped his lips as the air conditioner clicked on, worsening his pathetic, teeth-chattering state. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t worth it if he was going to die of hypothermia before the end of his shift.

Just as he grumbled another complaint, the door leading to the storage room swung open, and out stomped his shift manager. The man rolled his eyes at his state, and stared down at him with an annoyed expression.

“Seriously, Taemin. If you’re that miserable, just go home.” He snipped, organizing the case of cones, just as Taemin himself should have been.

Taemin perked up at the suggestion, eyes widening with a hopeful glint; just like a kid in an ice cream shop (oh, the irony). “Really? Can I?”

Minho shot him a deadpanned look, “Of course, if you don’t want to keep your job.”

Taemin huffed, “Alright, I get it. But seriously, why are we even open? It’s thirty degrees outside.”  He questioned. It was the wrong thing to do, considering Minho didn’t like complaints or hearing such nonsense from him.

“I don’t know. Why do you even work here? There are plenty of other jobs. Get over yourself or get out if you don’t like it.” The elder snapped back, as mean as ever. Taemin swears that the man’s heart is as cold as the shop itself.

Taemin ducked his head, nodding his head in a respectful manner to the man. “Yes, hyung.” He then turned and grabbed a rag from the sink, walking from behind the counter and going to busy himself with wiping the already clean tables.

“It’s Minho-ssi to you, not hyung.” He heard the words hissed in his direction before the sound of the back room door swinging open and then slamming closed again reached his ears. Once sure that he wasn’t coming back, he whimpered, pouting again, and plopped down in one of the chairs at the table he was cleaning.

It was no secret that Minho didn’t like him, but he couldn’t understand why not. He was easy enough to like, and had plenty of friends. He never caused trouble, and did his job correctly most of the time, so why was the man so harsh to him?

It confused him even further that Minho seemed to like every other employee but him. He was kind to the clumsy Jinki, and always talked sports with the lazy Jonghyun. He even let it go when Sulli dropped the sprinkles and made a mess of the entire floor, and had helped her clean up afterwards.

But when it came to Taemin, it was as if the man couldn’t even stand to look at him. He had even blamed the mess Jinki had made on him, when he had seen the real culprit, even if it had been an accident and Jinki had ran into him, causing him to drop the tub.

Suddenly, Taemin felt like crying. This had been going on since he had gotten the job in the summer, and it was taking a toll on his self-esteem. Key had told him he should quit if Minho was treating him so badly, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. It was his first job, and he was proud of his accomplishments and the friends he had made while working there.

He had even liked the harsh manager at first. He had looked up to him, because he was so good with customers and so kind to the rest of the staff. He had a charming air about him, and Taemin had found himself falling for that. But then the elder changed towards him, and so did his once growing feelings.

Now that Minho had said he should just quit as well, he was considering it. If he was hated that much, and was that much of a burden, then he would just march right in there and tell Minho he had had enough.

The teenager stood to do so, briskly walking back behind the counter and throwing the rag in the metal sink, where it landed with a clang as it banged against the scoopers that needed cleaning. Minho would probably yell at him for that too.

Except he wouldn’t, because he was quitting, and that was that. With one final huff, he threw open the swinging door, marching into the back room, readying himself to let the elder have it.

But... It was empty, except for sticky note on the table. Taemin sauntered over to pick it up, reading it bitterly.

‘Out to get coffee. Don’t fu screw up the shop while I’m gone for five minutes.’

Great. That left Taemin to tend the shop alone, since Minho was out and they were the only two clocked in, and he couldn’t exactly quit without the man there. He groaned in frustration, crumpling the yellow note and throwing it in the trashcan as he stomped back into the front of the shop.

He supposed the least he could do is wash the scoopers and organize the counter before leaving Minho to the shop by himself once he had quit. Even if he hated the man, he still felt this obligation to impress him. After all, it was all he had ever tried to do since starting the job.

Now, he would do everything perfectly and make the shop look fantastic, so that Minho would know what he was losing by telling Taemin to just quit.

Still shivering from the freezing store, he then angrily the tap, not paying attention to how hot the water was in his frustrated state of mind. He picked up the first scooper and ran his hand under the stream of steaming water without thinking. It was scalding hot, and he yelped, jerking his hand back and examining the affected area. Of course, he couldn’t even wash dishes correctly. Maybe Minho was right in wanting to fire him.

He sighed, mood now downcast, and turned the tap to a cooler setting before continuing to wash the metal utensils.  Within a few minutes, he was finished, and made his way to the counter where he finished organizing the cone case that Minho had left unfinished.

Just as he had finished putting the different sized cups in order and the waffle cones in their place, he sunk down to the ground, back against the cool counter. He pulled his knees up to his chest, shuttering another sigh and burying his face in his knees.

His nose was beginning to run from the temperature of the shop, and his hands were now numb. Seriously, why couldn’t Minho just hurry up so he could quit and leave? It had been longer than the five minutes that had been promised on the note.

He had been reduced to a shaking, frozen mess  when he suddenly felt a warmth engulf him, and he lifted his head to see a large leather jacket draped over him. In front of his eyes were familiar boots and black slack clad long legs, which he trailed up until he reached the guilty looking face of his manager.

The man’s long arm was holding out a hot, steaming coffee to him, and Taemin found his intentions to yell in the face of said man wavering. What was this strange kindness that the elder was now showing?

Minho opened his mouth to speak, averting his eyes. “Look, I’m sorry for being an to you. You’re just so frustrating sometimes, with that aegyo of yours.”

Aegyo? What?

Taemin took the coffee, holding it in his hands as he tilted his head in confusion, like a puppy. “How is my aegyo frustrating? I don’t even try to do aegyo, anyways. And what does that have to do with how you treat me, anyways? You’re a huge jerk, you know. I was going to quit once you got back, but –“

“Don’t quit!” Minho suddenly whipped his head back around, eyes wide. “I’m sorry, okay? It’s just.. Before you came here, I was straight, dammit.  And then you showed up, with your face and pouty lips and puppy eyes and I – what did you do to me?” he groaned, sounding as confused as Taemin felt.

Taemin felt his jaw drop as he processed what the man said. He had been acting so cold towards him because he liked him? What were they, kindergarteners? The news was ridiculous to the teenager.

“So.. you like me, then?” he slowly drawled, and Minho sighed, sliding down to sit beside him.

“I guess I do.” He murmured in response, fiddling with his hands nervously. “Will you forgive me, for being a jerk? I’ll be nicer, and you can even keep that jacket for whenever you’re cold.”

Taemin found himself smiling, and snuggled further into the jacket that engulfed him. It smelled nice; manly and charming like Minho.

“I’ll forgive you, but on one condition.”

Minho glanced at him, eyebrows lifting curiously. “Okay, fair enough. What is it?”

Taemin grinned mischievously, leaning in closer towards the older male’s face, eyes traveling from those large eyes to his lips. He didn’t miss how Minho bit them nervously.

“My lips are still cold. Warm them up?”


And that is how Taemin melted the ice around Choi Minho’s heart.

A/N: I am awful with one word prompts, but I think this turned out pretty well. I hope you like it~

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Okay, so.. I'm REALLY behind on requests, and I'm very busy with school, but I'm going to try to get them done tomorrow, and I'm extending the closing date!


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Chapter 1: I'm glad there's a happy ending for them ♡
Chapter 2: Taemin.. :'(( Why? I know how Minho's feel! T^T They're died at the end.. and me? Crying sobss
Chapter 2: I'm crying!! I felt Minho pain.
Chapter 17: and Kibum finds solace in the leader's embrace, much like he had when he was just a seventeen year old kid and Jinki was just a nineteen year old weary barely-on-the-cusp of a man, already giving more than ever expected to his four dongsaengs.

^ this, omg, i had to reread this at least three times bc your writing is just gorgeous. You have such a stunning way with words, ok, and you can always take my breath away from the simplest of plots ;-; HOW DO YOU DO IT?!
Chapter 15: I love your 2min stories! Please make more if you can, if not in this request fic but in others!
banana_bubbles #6
Chapter 16: Loved this chapter! The dedication that Onew had was sooooo cute! The perfect pairing to balance each other off! 'wink wink'
Chapter 16: awww yeah you're on an updating roll sister 8) that's what I love! This one was cute and fluffy and I love Jinki's calm nature, bc it teaches me that I should be calm too (I am quite neurotic, much like Taemin in this story).
Chapter 15: Wasn't expecting a quote but wow, this was great. you always produce simple storylines and yet they capture me from start to end. You have a thing for special plots.
Chapter 15: Beautiful :') it was so short but everything was in there. Thank you :)
kara224 #10
Chapter 15: I love your 2min one shots :)