Chapter 15

Playing With Our Hearts (


I turned around swiftly in my mirror, checking then double checking my outfit choice. Tonight was mine and Ambers' first date, and I really didn't want to screw it up. She had called me last Sunday about it, saying that her parents were out Saturday and I should come over. Details were sparse, but I didn't care. I was too busy trying not to panic. 

I decided to go with a simple, over-sized, white sweater with skinny jeans and my slouch beanie. I planned for casually-cute... or something like that. I really had no idea what I was doing. Glancing at the clock, I heaved a deep sigh; 5:30. Only thirty minutes left. I ran to my bathroom and plundered around for my eyeliner that I hardly ever use, and quickly put it on. That only left my shoe choice, which ended up being some white combat boots. Now, I just had to wait.

I fell back on my bed, a grin plastered on my face. I knew I probably looked psychotic, but did it matter? In a few minutes, I'd have my first date. With my possible first girlfriend. Who just so happens to be the best person on the planet. Well, in my opinion at least. 

A knock on my bedroom door drew my attention away from my girly imagination, and I practically skipped to open it. On the other side, my aunt stood, smiling slightly. "Blair, some one is here to see you." 

I followed after her down the stairs, my mind going a little crazy. Is it Amber? She wouldn't have risked picking me up, right? It wasn't Amber Aunt Lily led me too, though. Instead, I was met with a puffy eyed and sniffling Hunter, standing stiffly in the front door. 

"Hunter?" At the sound of his name, he glanced up at me. I could immediately tell he had been crying for a while. His eyes widened a little at the sight of me, and turned a little red around his ears. "Are you alright?" I practically ran over to him, holding both of his shoulders to try and get a good look at him.

"C-Can we go s-somewhere? Anywhere?" His voice came out barely above a whisper, but I heard him loud and clear. I nodded once, then turned to my Aunt, a dreadful feeling erupting in my stomach.

"Is it okay if I use the phone?" 

"It's not my house." She shrugged, and gestured to the phone. I stared between her and the device, before making my way to it. My hands shook as I called the number I had just learned a few days ago.

"Hello?" Ambers voice came from the other line. I unknowingly started to play with the curly cord attached to the phone.

"Hey... It's me." 

"Blair! What's up, babe?" 

My stomach flipped at the newly given nickname, but guilt seeped through also. She sounded so happy, I could hear the smile in her voice. "I need to talk to you about tonight... something came up and I won't be able to go. Can we do this tomorrow, maybe?" The silence on the other end lasted longer than I would have wanted it to. 

"...Something came up?"

"Yeah, I just... Yeah, it did. I'm sorry, Amber, really. But is tomorrow okay?" 

A sigh. A disappointed sigh that felt like a stab in my heart. "Yeah, that's fine. Meet me at the deli tomorrow night, I guess?"

"Great, that's perfect. Thanks so much Amber. I'll see you tomorrow?" It came out like a question, but it wasn't answered as I heard Amber hang up. Gently, I placed down the phone and looked at Hunter. "Lets go."

We ended up at the park, sitting on one of the benches in the flower part. Hunter hadn't spoken a word, just sniffled the whole way, but I wasn't going to pressure him. He seemed to calmed down a little in the cool night air, but I could tell something was eating at him.

"I-I've always really liked flowers..." I heard him sniffle beside me. I looked over at him, and smiled slightly, even though his gaze was focused on the rose bush. 

"It's hard not to, they're just so pretty."

"...I've always liked pretty things. I guess that's when I first figured it out." 

"Hunter," I began, trying to choose my words carefully. "What's this all about?" 

I watched his Adam's Apple bob up and down, his eyes never leaving the bush. "I-I'm gay. I came o-out to my parents tonight... I brought home my boyfriend but-t," Sobs wracked through him as he started crying again. I snapped out of my shocked state, and immediately put my hands around his shoulders. Hunter leaned in and placed his head on my shoulder, his body shaking violently. I could tell he was trying to calm himself with deep breaths, but they all came out forced and shaky. I felt so useless in that moment, simply holding him tightly and saying it was okay, when it obviously wasn't. 

After he had finally calmed down, Hunter looked up at me through his long lashes, tears still evident. Before I could stop him, he continued. "My mom took it okay when I s-said that Charlie wasn't just a friend. My dad just kind of... freaked. He jumped up and started saying it was a-against G-God, and grabbed Charlie by the hair and p-punched him."

"Hunter... I'm so sorry." I tried, but he feverishly shook his head, letting out a pained chuckle.

"That's not even the worst of it. He kicked me out, my dad. He said to never come back. I was okay with that, as long as I had Charlie, but he was hysterical. Saying how he thought my parents were more accepting and that he 'didn't sign up for this'. He ended it with me." 

It was silent for a little bit, the sound of Hunters breathing becoming more and more stable. After a few minutes, he was just leaning on me, and that was completely fine because the least I could do was lend a shoulder. 

"Listen, if Charlie didn't think he 'signed up' for stuff like this, he needs to rethink. It , but being gay or bi or whatever isn't exactly welcomed in society. Things like this happen, I'm just sorry it had to happen to you. You're the last person to deserve it." I whispered honestly. He sat up then and looked me in the eyes.

"No one deserves this. It shouldn't have to be like this. I just wish..." He trailed off before his eyes got extremely large. "Oh God, this was you and Ambers' first date tonight, wasn't it? I'm so sorry, Blair, I compl-"

"It's okay." I waved him off with a smile. "You needed me, and I'm sure Amber will understand."

Oh, how wrong I was.


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themissingA #1
Chapter 18: Oh my goodness. NO NO NO YOU JUST CAN'T END IT LIKE THAT NOOOO AMBEEERR NO COME BACK ;A; Pls pls continue 'till the very end :">
Chapter 18: YOU CAN'T END IT THERE!! D: not there!!! I need a continuation! please! pretty please!!!! D:
Chapter 18: Thosbcant end right here D: I wanna see her and Amber make up, somehow!!!!! No, just no!!!!! Continue, please, please, please, please continue!!!!!
Chapter 18: NO. JUST NO. It can't end! It's like home to me where I can be myself and all in another world. Do you get me? I can really relate to her, to Blair. I'm a biual and I'd been keeping this thing for who knows how long. I have a strict family (and relatives) which I can't confess with because some of them are homophobic. The reason why I love about Amber is she can be herself despite the media telling her craps and all, also the reason why I envy her she's just amazing and awesome! An almost perfect person!

Wow this just turned into a confession...
jamy16 #5
Chapter 18: Nooooooooooo! It can't end like this you gotta do a epilogue.blair deserves happiness
Fox-PigletMania #6
Chapter 18: Please do an epilogue! Or a sequel! or something! IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS! *cries*
Fox-PigletMania #7
Chapter 17: Looking foward to the update
Chapter 17: Looking forward to the next chapter, you are a great writer~ :D
llemma #9
Chapter 17: PLEASE UPDATE im in love with this story
Chapter 17: thank you thank you for updating ^_^