Chapter 1

Playing With Our Hearts (


Okayy, intro time!! I have recently been obsessed with the K-Pop band, f(x). I know I'm a little off the band wagon, but I absolutely love them! I am, however, incredibly bias when it comes to Amber Liu. :) This will be pretty much a fanfiction, but it's an AU so I didn't quite know what to call it. In other words, it's pretty much just Blair and Amber, no f(x).The setting is kind of something I made up. I'm not from California, so I don't know the environment, but it's suppose to be in the outskirts of LA, like a small town that DOES NOT EXIST. Also before we start, a little warning....
Sorry, just had to make people aware. I hope you like the story, and feedback is much appreciated. Silent readers are kind of no fun... :/ I do take criticism, but also another warning. I have to type this on a mobile device, so if words are misspelled, I'm sorry in advance. Or if there are words that don't make sense together. Again, sorry. Guess I'm gonna start now.... Enjoy!

It was Monday. Probably an ordinary Monday in other parts of California, but not here in Lockhart. No, it was the first day of school. And here, that was a big deal. Lockhart Private Institution for Girls (LPIG) was an over exaggerated private school that you sent your young, teenager girl to if she didn't act to her parents liking. It was extremely popular amongst people for how it was suppose to straighten the girls up, but only a few actually attended. Lockhart was a town that was pretty much based around the LPIG, so people who wanted to attend the school had to live in town, that being the only requirement.  And Lockhart was an extremely small town. So the chances you could move in to our secluded little area, were slim to none. At least, that's what we all thought. 

The only reason why this Monday, signifying the returning year of school, was of any importance to the town folk was simply due to the new family. Susan Phillips, widely known for her crazy antics since 4th grade, had been in the LPIG for as long as I have. But, her aunt recently passed away, making her mother, father, and little brother move to North Dakota to take care of the great-grandmother. As expected, the house was up for sale and sold within a few months. The reason it concerned me? Susan used to live right beside me. So now I have the new family right beside me, and I haven't so much as caught a glimpse of them.

"Blair! Get a move on, or you're going to be late!" My mother called from downstairs. I sighed and slowly rolled out of bed. I guess I had been postponing this for long enough. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the cold out of them. Once I was sure that if I didn't stop my eyeballs would roll out of my head, I lifted my school uniform from out of my closet. Another thing about LPIG were the uniforms; red and black plaid pants with white dress shirts. It wasn't an expensive outfit, but a lot of the girls hated wearing pants everyday. Wearing skirts was, apparently, showing too much skin so we weren't allowed to wear them. 

After a fifteen minute shower, dressing, procrastinating, brushing my teeth, procrastinating, then styling my crazy hair into a side braid, I finally went out to my balcony. I had about five minutes before I had to leave, so no breakfast for me. I sighed once more, staring at my potted roses covered in dew. Movement from the window above me drew my attention up. Susan's old bedroom window was closed (for a change), but I could vaguely make out a shadowed silhouette rushing about the room.

"Blair! You need to leave! Now!" My mother screeched. I could practically see her standing at the bottom of the stairs, hands on her hips. 

"I'm coming!" I yelled slightly lower, grabbing my shoulder bag and beanie. Thank God we were allowed three pieces of accessories, I didn't think I could live without my beanie or my bracelets. Sure enough, my mother stood exactly how and where I assumed she'd be. "I'll see you tonight." I whispered as I gave her a quick hug, and headed for the door.

"Blair, grocery list is-" 

"On the table. Got it." I called, leaving her behind after I grabbed the paper. I closed the door with a slam, and glanced over at Susan's house. All the lights were out except for one, parallel to my bedroom.

"Caroline Montgomery." Ms. Moore called out monotonous.


"Delanie Nesbitt."


I zoned the name calling out, mine being one of the first called; Blair Abrams. I didn't realise how much I really loathed the school until now. After an uneventful, yet peaceful summer went by, then returning to the never changing grey school was horrid. All dressed alike, all taught to act alike. Again, the school was one solid color; grey. I mean seriously? Not even, like,white? 

"Miss Abrams!" I looked up, started by the ruler slamming down on my desk, to a stern looking Ms. Moore. She glared at me above her spectacle glasses, and I looked around. Sure enough, all eyes where on me. 

"Ma'am?" I asked, my voice coming out shaky as I felt my face heat up. 

"I believe I told the class to go to page 394 (that was for the PotterHeads)." As her gaze got more intense, my blush crept to my ears and slowly spread to my neck. I tried to speak, but my mouth suddenly became dry. Apparently, my silence was amusing because a few girls began to snicker. Ms. Moore glared even harder. "Miss Abrams, I suggest you open your text book an-" A cough cut off the fuming adult, and soon all attention was to the door.

"Ms. Moore, we have a new student. This is miss Amber Liu." My eyes darted from the principal, to the figure next to him. She was standing so nonchalantly, eyes roaming over the class with no amusement. We made eye contact, and if I though my mouth was dry before, it experienced a whole new drought. A smirk played on her lips as she looked at me with slight interest. I knew I was in trouble. As soon as our eyes met, it seemed like they broke that quickly too, as Ms. Moore was ushered up to stand by our two new guest. She discussed some things with the principal, but my eyes were still glued to Amber. She was wearing the right uniform, but her shirt was untucked and pants a little baggy. Attached to the plaid loops was a silver chain, dangling and making slight noises when she moved. Amber's hair was styled really short, and was dyed blonde with pieces of brown scattered around. Piercings covered her right ear, as well as a few on her left.

"Everyone, I hope you give Amber your best welcome to Lockhart, and make her stay here as comfortable as possible. Having a lovely evening!" The principal exited quickly after that, and Ms. Moore tugged Amber along with her to the center of the room. 

"Well, why don't we get a formal introduction of yourself then?" Ms. Moore asked, ushering Amber towards us. She stuck her hands in her pockets before speaking.

"My name is Amber Liu. It's nice to meet you." Although the whole introduction was obviously rehearsed, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by how deep her voice was. 

"Okay. Well, let's put you in a seat, shall we? Hmm... how about...Ah! Take a seat right in front of Blair for me." 


I felt my face light up again at the mention of my name. I should've known Amber was going to be seated by me, I am pretty much surrounded by empty chairs. I fixed my gaze to the desk, and refused to look up, even when Amber sat down and I could feel her gaze cutting into me. 
"Well ok, class. We had a slight disruption in today's lesson, and we only have a few minutes left, so I'm giving you a free day." Ms. Moore declared. An eruption of hoots came from the class before everyone moved to sit and talk to their friends. I stayed seated with my eyes fixed on the desk, as did Amber with her eyes fixed on me.
After what felt like eternity, Ms. Moore finally released us. I brushed past Amber and other girls, trying to get to my next class. This was going to be a long day.


So, what did you guys think of the first chapter? It's a working progress, but I'm trying! I apologize for any grammatical errors I missed, and feel free to let me know if something is wrong. 

Just a quick FYI, some of the characters (mainly Amber and probably Jackie) May seem a little out of character... Don't worry, I kind of need them to be that way. I actually posted this story to Wattpad, but a friend of mine said I should post it here instead! Please leave comments (I have a for reading them (゜.゜) ) and I'll love you forever!!!! 

​Last thing! I also got into EXO!! I know, I'm horrible for waiting this long, but I haven't had internet in about two years. *shudders* So if you just wanna fangirl/fanboy with me, feel free to!! I don't bite! ... Most of the time at least.



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themissingA #1
Chapter 18: Oh my goodness. NO NO NO YOU JUST CAN'T END IT LIKE THAT NOOOO AMBEEERR NO COME BACK ;A; Pls pls continue 'till the very end :">
Chapter 18: YOU CAN'T END IT THERE!! D: not there!!! I need a continuation! please! pretty please!!!! D:
Chapter 18: Thosbcant end right here D: I wanna see her and Amber make up, somehow!!!!! No, just no!!!!! Continue, please, please, please, please continue!!!!!
Chapter 18: NO. JUST NO. It can't end! It's like home to me where I can be myself and all in another world. Do you get me? I can really relate to her, to Blair. I'm a biual and I'd been keeping this thing for who knows how long. I have a strict family (and relatives) which I can't confess with because some of them are homophobic. The reason why I love about Amber is she can be herself despite the media telling her craps and all, also the reason why I envy her she's just amazing and awesome! An almost perfect person!

Wow this just turned into a confession...
jamy16 #5
Chapter 18: Nooooooooooo! It can't end like this you gotta do a epilogue.blair deserves happiness
Fox-PigletMania #6
Chapter 18: Please do an epilogue! Or a sequel! or something! IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS! *cries*
Fox-PigletMania #7
Chapter 17: Looking foward to the update
Chapter 17: Looking forward to the next chapter, you are a great writer~ :D
llemma #9
Chapter 17: PLEASE UPDATE im in love with this story
Chapter 17: thank you thank you for updating ^_^