Chapter 4

Caged Birds


Kuro’s POV


He keeps a family picture under his pillow? It had all five of them together, smiling and happy. Their mother was holding their little baby brother in her arms, with their father looking proud of his family. The twins both still had brown hair, and were smiling. Kwangmin didn’t smile like Youngmin, but I guess it has its charm. “Umm… That’s from a long time ago.” Kwangmin stood in the doorway with a bag of ice and some bandages. I blushed and put the picture back.  He sat down on the bed and handed me the ice. I pulled myself up and took off my shirt. I was wearing a white tank top, which was very see-through. Kwangmin blushed and tried not to look.

“You know, I don’t really care if you look or not.”

“Girls shouldn’t be like that.”

“I’m not any average girl.”

“I can see that.”

“What do you mean?”

He motioned to my chest.

I grabbed the Pikachu stuffy that was on his bed and threw it in his face. He didn’t try dodging. “Lie down, it will help that bruise heal.” He said with a small smile. I smirked back and did as he said. Kwangmin gently laid the ice bag on my ribs. “Umm…” I mumbled, hesitating for a second. “What happened to you? I mean, why did you get kicked?” I immediately regretted my decision when I saw him look sad. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” I said hurriedly, in case I had offended him. He shook his head. “I’ll tell you, but it’s a long story…”



~Flashback (Little Kwangmin’s POV)~



“Gramps!” I yelled as I ran up to him. It was after school on a hot sunny day. “Look what I got!” I held out a quiz that had a big 100% written in red. Gramps ruffled my hair. “That’s me boy. When you grow up, you’ll make an outstanding businessman.” I beamed up at him.


My Gramps and I were really close, and I always looked up to him. No matter what, I knew that I was going to surpass him, and my brother too, even if he was the older twin. Gramps got sick though, and Father had to take over the company. I’ll never forget the day of Gramps’s funeral.


My father put a wreath of Gramps favourite flower on his gravestone. My mom was carrying baby Hyunmin in her stomach, and holding our hands while tears were falling down her face. I promised Gramps I would be strong, so I held in my tears and made it look like I didn’t care. But I did care; I loved Gramps a whole lot. Youngmin was crying uncontrollably. Youngmin turned and saw me. “How can you not cry? Gramps is gone, and you don’t even care!” He yelled. I felt like I was at my breaking point, so I let go of my mom’s hand and ran.


I ran into the church and found a little corner where I could cry alone. I cried, the tears flowing like never ending waterfalls. I heard footsteps coming in and I wiped my tears away. “Hey.” It was Dad. “What do you want?” My voice was shaking. He smiled sadly. “I know it’s hard to accept that Gramps is gone, and it hurts. I saw you bottling up your feelings. It’s okay to let it all out. Men cry when they need to.” My bottom lip quivered, and I hugged my dad and cried some more. I let everything out.


The next few weeks at school, I was more distant from people. They started avoiding me. I’ll never forget the looks they gave me, the looks of pity, the look of disgust because no one saw me cry at the funeral, and the look of fear after I started getting mad. Even the adults looked at me this way. Youngmin was still treated like a little prince, and because he was older, he was praised for acting mature in a situation like this. Mature, my .


I started getting into fights because of people making fun of me. I would go home with bruises and cuts, which made my parents explode. Usually, my Dad was not the type to get mad, but under the stress from the company, I guess he needed somewhere to vent it. The way my mom reacted hurt me the most though. She would cover Hyunmin’s eyes and lead him and Youngmin away from me. I was a monster in their eyes.


I was in grade 6 when I got sent to my uncle’s place. He was okay at first, but he got drunk often, and even kicked me out of the house sometimes. I accepted my punishment, because I thought it was right. I deserved it.






I finished telling my story to Kuro, who was already asleep. I couldn’t blame her, she got beat up and it was 1:30 am. I blushed when I realized she looked so free when she was asleep. I ran a hand through my hair. I had left out some parts during the story, which included the dream. “I’ll tell you some other time. Goodnight.” I kissed her on the forehead.

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kwangminshypika #1
Ahh so cute at the end!♥
I read ur story only in 2 hours! Believe it n I just found ur story 2day<br />
BTW good job. I like ur story. :)
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
alice24 #4
i can relate it to a true to life story hhehe thanks for it hehhe
omg I found your fic today and I finished it in like idk how many minutes? or hours? i have no idea.<br />
it's amazing <3 great job!
8DDDD I finally finished, and... OMFUDGE~ I loved it xD <3
craziiazian123 #7
awh, good ending, but could have been longer. Dx<br />
hope you make a sequel~
Taeminblossoms_16 #8
Ohmigah! I hope no one will actually die in this fic =/ kwangmin!! Huhuhu...<br />
Hope kuro wont get hurt and youngminnie too...<br />
Thanks for updating!!!~
TheSHINeengBoyfriend #9
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I'm mad! You never wrote a chap THIS short!! You done this... to make me feel scared right? Kuro's ok, right? U just wanna build a suspense mood, right? Kwangmin, Youngmin and Kuro's OK, RIGHT????? Pls answer yes!!! Pls.... T.T<br />
*sobs*<br />
*sobs*<br />