Chapter 17

Caged Birds

Kwangmin’s POV



Blood splattered onto my chest, as I stood there stunned. Then I realized that the blood wasn’t mine. Kuro’s body flopped to the ground in front of me, blood flowing from the hole that the bullet made. Luckily it didn’t hit a vital spot, but she was losing a lot of blood.  Jonghyun’s gang had already ran away, leaving me holding Kuro and Youngmin dialing 911. I was stunned as I heard the ambulance and Youngmin yelling at me to carry Kuro to the car. My mind was in slow motion, as if I couldn’t believe what was happening. But it was true. I couldn’t. What if I had just lost the person that I loved most? The person that lit up my sky? Its not true. It can’t be. 



~3 days later~



Kuro’s POV



I sat on the hospital bed with Donghyun by my side. He kept trying to hug me and tickle me, as if to make sure I was not just a mirage. “Stop it! I’m real, okay? I’m aliiiiive.” I stretched out the word alive while flicking Nii-san on the forehead. Donghyun hugged me again. “Okay, okay. I’ll take your word for it.”


The door swung open with a bang, and in ran Youngmin, followed by a hesitant Kwangmin. Youngmin sighed with relief. “Thank god your okay!” I laughed. “I can take care of myself, but seriously, I’M FINE!”


At that moment, a very angry looking man and a worried looking woman barged in, practically throwing the door off its hinges. I cringed. “Hello, father. What brings you here today?” My father can be scary sometimes, and this was one of those times. “What brings me here today?” He screamed. “My daughter ran off in the middle of the night with a bad boy, gets shot, and you ask my why I’m here?” A vein popped in his forehead, accenting his angry tomato face.


“Well, it doesn’t sound good when you put it that way. I was… helping a friend?” I smiled sheepishly. This argument was good as lost. Father scoffed. “I don’t want to hear your excuses.” He looked around the room and saw Kwangmin. “You…” He growled before he grabbed him by the collar. “You are the bastard that put my daughter in danger!” Kwangmin looked him in the eye and said, “Well, I don’t know how Kuro knew, I was planning to deal with it on my own.” Father punched Kwangmin in the face and turned to face me again.


I gasped. “Father! Why’d you do that?” Donghyun ran over to help Kwangmin, but was pushed away by Father. “He’s hurt, Father. At least let me check if it’s bad.” Father growled. “Why should scum like him be helped? He doesn’t deserve help from anyone!” Youngmin grabbed my Father’s shoulder. “Mr. Kim, please. Don’t take your anger out on my brother. If you want to hurt someone, it would be me. I’m the one who told Kuro to help Kwangmin. I’m the one who put her life on the line.”

Father turned back to me. “Why?” he asked. I smiled. “Its complicated, but to put it in simple terms, love. Its because I love Kwangmin.”

Father sighed and turned to leave. “We are moving to back to Canada the day after tomorrow. You are not allowed to object, and Donghyun is coming with us.” Donghyun got up, surprised. “What? You never told me that.” “This is final.” Father muttered.

I felt tears sting my eyes as I got up from the hospital bed. “Sorry, dad. But there’s no way I’m leaving Korea. Everything I’ve ever wanted is right here.” I began to make my way over to Kwangmin, but was held back by Father. “I told you to stay away from that boy!” I slapped his hand away, crying. “GO AWAY!” I yelled. “You’ve been like this ever since our actual Mother left us! I understand that you’re trying your hardest to keep our family together, but your aiming for perfect. Perfect isn’t possible. I’m staying here, whether you like it or not.” I knelt beside Kwangmin. “Because I have all that I need right here.” I smiled sadly. My father took a deep breath. “Fine. I’m moving to Canada. You can stay here for all I care. Donghyun, come with me.” Donghyun shook his head. “No. I’m staying here.” Father growled and left with Mother.









For a week, I only saw Kwangmin in the hallways and in class, but he never talked to me. No one except for Youngmin and Minwoo. Jeongmin and Hyunseong would speak to me sometimes, but I don’t see them often anyway. No matter how hard I tried to talk to Kwangmin, he would always disappear before I had the chance.


“Do you know why Kwangmin’s avoiding me?” I asked Youngmin. He shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s a mysterious character. Maybe try calling his phone?”


I pouted. “I did that, like, 20 times. He doesn’t pick up because he has caller ID.” Youngmin shrugged. Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I flipped it open. I got a text… from Kwangmin? I opened the message. It read,


Meet me on the roof. Now. – Kwangmin


I showed Youngmin the text. “What do you think he means by that?” I asked worriedly. Youngmin chuckled. “Maybe he wants you to go to the roof?” I shot him a glare. “I know that! I meant why!” Youngmin smiled. “You’ll never find out if you don’t go.”



I climbed the stairs leading to the roof, puzzled as to why he would want me to go there. When I got to the roof, Kwangmin was already there, gazing at the sky, waiting. “Wait long?” I asked. He turned around and stared at me blankly. “Why?” he said. “Why?” I asked back. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking why? Why did you call me out here? Why didn’t you return my calls or texts? Why are you avoiding me!?” I felt my voice get louder as I reached the end of my sentence. Kwangmin’s eyes softened. “Why did you take the bullet for me?”


“WHY?!” I exploded. Jeez this guy is dense. “How could you ask me something like that? Why else would I take a bullet for you? You know what? I took it for you because I wanted to get shot. Is that a good enough answer?!” I shouted. I was on the verge of tears, so I turned and began to stomp my way back to the staircase.


Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind. “Let go of me, Kwangmin.” I tried to shake him off, but he only held me tighter. “The reason I was avoiding you was because I was scared.” He began slowly. “I was scared that you might reject me after getting hurt. I was also scared because I didn’t want to lose you. Those few days you were unconscious after taking the bullet was like torture. Before I met you, I had no purpose in life. I didn’t have anything to look forward to. Everyday was dull and gray. You lit up the sky, and I had a light to follow. I was scared to go back. I don’t want to lose you!”


Tears cascaded from my eyes, blurring my vision. I wiped them away with my sleeve and turned around to hug Kwangmin back. “You big dummy. I took the bullet because I didn’t want to lose you either. I love you too much to bear living without you.” I punched his chest weakly. Kwangmin kissed me on the head. “I love you too. Promise to be together, even after forever ends?” he asked.


“I promise.”   


Hurhurhurhurhur... Its over people!!! Sorry if you wanted more, or didn't like the ending, Sorry *bows*

Thank you so much for staying with me until the end! I love you all so much XDDD <3<3<3<3 I really loved your comments and everything, and thank you for subscribing!!!

I hope that you guys liked my story (please? :) and if you're interested in reading another one of my works, just go to my stories and click the one called "Living or just Existing?" Its the only other one there LOL

TheSHINeengBoyfriend: Don't worry, even if someone is hurt they are always okay!! The main characters never die, remember? :) thanks for reading!!!

Taeminblossoms_16: No one will dies!! Main charas dont die!! No problem :) Thanks for staying with me until the end!!!

RenaLovesYoungmin: Hahahaha I hope you like it!!! :)

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kwangminshypika #1
Ahh so cute at the end!♥
I read ur story only in 2 hours! Believe it n I just found ur story 2day<br />
BTW good job. I like ur story. :)
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
alice24 #4
i can relate it to a true to life story hhehe thanks for it hehhe
omg I found your fic today and I finished it in like idk how many minutes? or hours? i have no idea.<br />
it's amazing <3 great job!
8DDDD I finally finished, and... OMFUDGE~ I loved it xD <3
craziiazian123 #7
awh, good ending, but could have been longer. Dx<br />
hope you make a sequel~
Taeminblossoms_16 #8
Ohmigah! I hope no one will actually die in this fic =/ kwangmin!! Huhuhu...<br />
Hope kuro wont get hurt and youngminnie too...<br />
Thanks for updating!!!~
TheSHINeengBoyfriend #9
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I'm mad! You never wrote a chap THIS short!! You done this... to make me feel scared right? Kuro's ok, right? U just wanna build a suspense mood, right? Kwangmin, Youngmin and Kuro's OK, RIGHT????? Pls answer yes!!! Pls.... T.T<br />
*sobs*<br />
*sobs*<br />