Chapter 11

Caged Birds

Kuro’s POV



I pulled my jacket closer to my body, shivering from the cold. Kicking some snow off the sidewalk, I thought about the twins. My mind and heart were having a battle, and neither was winning because neither knew who I truly loved. Youngmin was probably a better choice because he genuinely loves me; I should have just said yes when he confessed. I was still confused as to why I didn’t. Is it because I have feelings for the other twin? Kwangmin made my head swirl, strange feelings arise when I see him, think of him, and especially when I’m with him. Do I have feelings for him? Does he have feelings for me? Will I figure out which one I’ll end up with?


My thoughts were interrupted by my cell phone’s ring. It was playing ‘World is Mine’ by Kagamine Len. It was the ringtone I put for my brother. I picked up the phone to and annoyed and amused Donghyun.




I rolled my eyes. “Sorry, I was running some errands for the school festival.”


“Oh. Okay, well where are you now? I’ll come pick you up if you want, the meeting’s over now.”


“Sure. I’m in outside the park.”


“Be more specific, the park is huge.”


“Fine, you know that café where you and that girl were? I’m on the other side of it.”


*pause* “Okay. I’ll come over now.”


I closed my phone and waited for my brother, alone with my thoughts once again.


After about 10 minutes, a black Mercedes pulled up in front of me. The window rolled down and revealed Donghyun’s red bowl cut and stupid grin. “Hop in.” He unlocked the door and I sat down. “So, how was your little date with Kwangmin?” I blushed furiously as I smacked my brother’s head. “How’d you know about that?” I bit my lip anxiously. “I’m your brother. I know things.” Donghyun smirked. I gave him the tell-me-now-or-else-you-die look. “Okay fine, I phoned Youngmin to ask where you were, and he told me that you were with Kwangmin, buying stuff for the school festival.” I pouted. Youngmin can be so weird sometimes. I sometimes feel that he’s still trying to win my heart and keep me away from his twin. What if Youngmin is the right person? I shook my head, trying to clear my head. “Something on your mind?” Donghyun asked worriedly. I bit my lip again. “Promise this is just between us?” Donghyun nodded.


I told him about my dilemma between the twins, how I couldn’t figure out which one I liked, and how they keep fighting over me. I didn’t want them to fight over me, because it hurt to see them like that. I didn’t want to be the reason someone had a broken heart. Maybe I wasn’t meant for love after all…

Donghyun nodded understandingly. “Don’t worry about it. You’ll find out how you feel sooner or later. Follow your heart, little sis.” He grinned widely, making me smile and punching him lightly on the shoulder. “You’re a good big brother.” I said. Donghyun blushed. “Aw shucks, don’t be like that.” We laughed and talked about random subjects on the way home.



~Next Morning at School~



Youngmin’s POV



Kwangmin walked beside me in a black t-shirt with a white paw, his black hoodie ped. He usually doesn’t wear t-shirts like that… “Where’d you get your shirt?” I asked him. Kwangmin shifted his backpack slightly. “Yesterday. At the market.” I tilted my head to the side. Kwangmin was with Kuro… They went out on… a date? I thought I was over Kuro, but it seems like I still haven’t. This notion was making my stomach lurch. Kwangmin flinched suddenly, seeing that Kuro was walking towards him with some papers in her hand. Kuro smiled. “Good morning, my favourite pair of twins.” My eyes wandered to Kuro’s shirt, which had the same design as Kwangmin’s. My heart fell into my stomach. I was going to get couple t-shirts with Kuro. I cleared my throat. “I’ll leave you two to your business.” Kwangmin looked at me, confused. I forced a smile and began walking away. I didn’t want to listen to them organize another “date”.


I opened my locker and checked my hair in the mirror. I sighed as I stared at the picture and Kuro and I together, smiling and happy. I wish we were still in those days.


Minwoo appeared beside me. “Yo. You wanna head to class? Its starting soon.” He said. I nodded. “Yeah. We have math first thing, right?” I forced my voice to sound normal, but Minwoo saw right through me. He is my best friend after all. “It’s about Kuro and Kwangmin again, isn’t it?” Minwoo laughed. I smiled sadly. “Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about her. I want her to be mine, and mine only.” Minwoo’s eyes widened. “Woah there, chill. You have to let her go sometime. She isn’t a piece of property.” He paused. “Think about it. If you really do love her, then you would want her to be happy right?” I nodded. “Of course.” Minwoo smiled. “Don’t you think she looks happy whenever she’s with Kwangmin? Also, Kwangmin’s your brother, heck he’s your twin, and bros gotta stick together. Stop being so hostile towards him.” I bit my lip. Somewhere in the back of my head, I knew that I wanted to keep Kwangmin with me, because I do love him, as a brother. Minwoo saw me realize this a patted me on the back. “See, you know you loooove him.” He stretched out the word weirdly, making it sound really… hardcore bromancy. I punched his arm. “Dude, that sounds so weird. And when did you get so wise about love? You’re creeping me out with this sappy talk, man.” Minwoo grinned. “I got lots more up my sleeve so come to the love guru anytime.” He stuck his thumb at his chest and winked. I playfully punched him again and laughed with him.


Maybe he’s right.


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Kwangmin: My brother is an idiot.

Youngmin: Excuse me? You're the idiot.

Kuro: Oh please not this again. *facepalm*

Me: Good luck with that *walks away*


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kwangminshypika #1
Ahh so cute at the end!♥
I read ur story only in 2 hours! Believe it n I just found ur story 2day<br />
BTW good job. I like ur story. :)
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
alice24 #4
i can relate it to a true to life story hhehe thanks for it hehhe
omg I found your fic today and I finished it in like idk how many minutes? or hours? i have no idea.<br />
it's amazing <3 great job!
8DDDD I finally finished, and... OMFUDGE~ I loved it xD <3
craziiazian123 #7
awh, good ending, but could have been longer. Dx<br />
hope you make a sequel~
Taeminblossoms_16 #8
Ohmigah! I hope no one will actually die in this fic =/ kwangmin!! Huhuhu...<br />
Hope kuro wont get hurt and youngminnie too...<br />
Thanks for updating!!!~
TheSHINeengBoyfriend #9
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I'm mad! You never wrote a chap THIS short!! You done this... to make me feel scared right? Kuro's ok, right? U just wanna build a suspense mood, right? Kwangmin, Youngmin and Kuro's OK, RIGHT????? Pls answer yes!!! Pls.... T.T<br />
*sobs*<br />
*sobs*<br />