Chapter One

Caged Birds

Author: Hello there!! This is my first story so sorry if it :( I wrote it and my good friend SomedayTomorrow helped me edit and fix any problems. Please read her stories!!! I really like the rookie group Boyfriend so I decided to write about them!! My bias is Kwangmin so now you know why :) Read on!!! Oh and thanks for clicking :)

Also, just so you know, the first chapter is really long... and somewhat boring because of the introductions and stuff... yeah... sorry...


Reichi Kurogane


Another boring school year has passed, and here I am again, in the hallways of this stupid academy. I hear footsteps coming from behind me, and I turn around to find Youngmin beaming at me. “Good morning!” he laughed. “What class you in this year? Bet you’re in X10 right?” I give a small smile. The way the system works here is how well you do in school is given a letter, C as the worst, and A as the best. Only a select few nerd students get accepted into the X class. The number indicates your grade. “Yup. I heard the X class always has the best/strangest event during the school festival.” Minwoo, a friend of Youngmin’s, stuck his head on Youngmin’s shoulder. “I think so. That means we’re in the same class!” He said happily. Youngmin shook him off. “Anyway since class is about to start soon, why not walk to class together?”


As we entered the classroom, I scanned the people sitting in the seats. The female students were all in a quiet bunch. They were the serious and tidy type. The male students were the nerdy, can’t-get-a-decent girlfriend type. But there was one person who caught my eye. He was sitting in the back with a hood pulled over his head. I saw a glimpse of a band-aid on his face. “Hey, look its Kwangmin… Dude I thought he was kicked out…” I heard whispers from Jeongmin and Hyunseong. “Be quiet.” Youngmin said, annoyed. “Let’s go sit down.” The hooded boy intrigued me, so I sat down beside him. Right when I was going to sit down, Youngmin grabbed my wrist. “Wait, sit beside me.” The hooded figure looked up slightly, put his head back down. “Umm… I think Minwoo wants to sit with you though…” I looked over to Minwoo who looked scared of sitting beside Kwangmin. Youngmin’s mouth twitched, but said nothing as he let go of my hand. I gingerly sat down beside Kwangmin, who barely raised his head. The teacher walked in. “Okay class, since we are all new here, why not start this off with an icebreaker? Please introduce yourself to your partner, who you are going to be sitting with for the next few months.” I heard Minwoo and Youngmin laughing about something in front of me. “Umm… Hi. I’m Reichi Kurogane. And you are…?” I started. There was a silence before he said, “Kwangmin. Jo Kwangmin.”

He tilted his face just enough to be able to see me. I was surprised when I realized that he looks a lot like Youngmin, minus the blond hair, of course. I kept seeing Youngmin glancing over to observe us, so I caught his eye and gave him the, “What do you want?” look. He turned his eyes to Kwangmin and said, “Hey, how things going with uncle? He’s not treating you like crap right?” Kwangmin shook his head slowly. “No. I’m fine.” Youngmin sighed, then brightened. “I managed to convince Mom and Dad to let you come back. They said you could move in next week.” Kwangmin’s head shot up. I could see the resemblance between the brothers, but the brown-haired one had sharper features, and more resent churning in his eyes. He looked like he smiled a lot less too, and I could tell he’s been through more than the other twin. “Mom and Dad… want me back?” Youngmin scratched his neck. I don’t know about them, but I think I do.” He looked sorry, but Kwangmin growled. “You think. Mom and Dad would never want me back.” He was about to put his head down, but I reached out and poked his cheek where the band-aid was. “You may have a hard time now, but things will get better. I promise.” I stuck out my tongue. His eyes were wide open in surprise. Youngmin chuckled and turned back forward. Kwangmin blushed and put his head back down as the teacher began his lesson.


I started to talk more with him over the next week or so, but when I wasn’t, I could tell he was studying my movements. I walked home one day and I opened my door. “I’m home.” I hollered as I entered the door. “Ah yes. Come here. We need to talk.” My father answered. This must be another lecture about something stupid, I thought with a sigh. I kicked off my runners and walked into the kitchen. “Reichi…” He started. I knew this was going to be bad cause when he was in a good mood he would call me Kuro. “As you may know, Kwangmin is Youngmin’s brother. Kwangmin has a record of delinquency, so I want you to stay away from him. He might put you in danger.” I cocked my head to the side. “I sit beside him in some of my classes, and he doesn’t seen to be too bad. Maybe he’s just lonely. He’s Youngmin’s brother so he can’t be to bad.” My father sighed. “He looks like he gets into trouble often, all those bandages and bruises. He dresses somewhat like one too, not wearing the uniform properly; he skipped school a few times too.” Anger was beginning to bubble in my stomach. “So does that make me a delinquent? Look at what I’m wearing.” I gestured toward my clothes and my held out my fist to show my fingerless glove, which had chains and went up to my elbow. My father raised an eyebrow. “Reichi, I bet your just… in that stage…” I suppressed my anger and spoke, deathly calm. “Stage? Oh, I’m just going through the stage,” I made air quotations around the words, “And Kwangmin is a delinquent. What logic.” My voice was dripping with sarcasm and I was on the verge of shouting. My father crossed his arms. “No wonder his parents sent him to live with his uncle…” He muttered. My anger boiled over. “Do you know what it feels like to be abandoned by your own parents?!?” I shouted. “You probably don’t since you were always that goody two shoes boy who did whatever his parents told him to do. Maybe Kwangmin want to break away from the suffocating life of a rich kid, even I don’t want to be here sometimes.” My father threw his chair back and stood up. “Are you listening to what you are saying?” He was shouting too now, not holding back. “We were the ones who gave you life, the ones who raised you to how you are now. Do you want to go live on the streets?” At that moment, Mother came down to see what the commotion was. “At least I’ll be free! Here, I’m locked up, forced to do what I’m told. Oh yeah I forgot.” I rolled up my sleeve to show the bruises I got from being pushed around by some hateful girls. “I’m a delinquent too. I bet you want to abandon me, but you know what, I’ll save you the trouble.” I grabbed my jacket and slammed the door behind me. I could hear Mother lecturing Father about what he said.


At times like this the only place I could go was Youngmin’s place. I wrapped my jacket around me tighter against the chilly winter air; I was still in my uniform after all. I knocked on the door of his house, shivering. Youngmin hurried me in with a sympathetic smile. “Got kicked out again?” I nodded. “Go to my room and change, you must be freezing.” I nodded my thanks and headed up to Youngmin’s room. I grabbed a pair of jeans, t-shirt and sweater and started changing. I was in the middle of taking off my shirt when Kwangmin suddenly walked in. I froze for a second, but continued changing. I was used to it anyway, since I was mostly around boys. Kwangmin looked away but didn’t leave. When I was finished changing he turned around and asked, “Why are you here?” I shrugged. “My parents don’t really like me, so I left.” I leaned against the wall. “You’ll probably see me lots, since this tends to happen quite often.” I was about to leave but Kwangmin pushed me against the wall. I was surprised but I let it show only mildly. He stared at me intently, like he was looking for something. “People tend to stay away from me, and they whisper behind my back. People are scared of me. What makes you think you’re so special?” He growled. I looked down. “I guess you could say we’re in the same boat.” Kwangmin gave me a confused look. Suddenly, Youngmin appeared at the doorway and stopped in his tracks when he saw me and Kwangmin in that awkward position. I slipped out from under him and explained what happened. Youngmin stood glaring at his brother and Kwangmin simply left the room. “Uhh… I’m going to go get something from my house… I’ll be back in a bit.” I headed toward the window. “Wait. I need to ask you to be careful around my brother. Please.” Youngmin pleaded. I stopped and made a peace sign. “Don’t get mad at him, okay?” I said before I hopped through the open window.


I climbed up the tree outside my window and slid the glass pane open. Quietly stepping through, I changed out of Youngmin’s clothes and into my own. I grabbed what I needed for tomorrow, since whenever I got kicked out, I spent the night at Youngmin’s. I heard steps coming up the hallway and then a knock on my door. “Kuro?” I recognized the voice as Donghyun’s and opened the door. “Kuro! I thou-“ I cut him off by cupping my hand over his mouth. I put a finger over my lips and continued stuffing my backpack. “Hey you should talk to mom and dad; they seem worried about you.” Donghyun prompted. “Nii-san… you know Father. He’s stubborn so he won’t try to fix things. Mother is just going to lecture me in the end anyway so I should just give them some time to cool down.” I stood and was about to leave when Donghyun gave me a hug. “You’re the same as always. Be careful, and next time, you can stay at my place.” I hugged him back. “Don’t worry so much.” I broke away from the hug. “I don’t like Aria, so I probably won’t.” Aria was Nii-san’s girlfriend. She looked nice, but she was actually a poisonous cupcake. “Cut her some slack, will you? Never mind, just go before Mom comes up.” I saluted to him and left.


           Meanwhile, at the Jo twin’s house…  (Youngmin’s POV)


 “Why’d you do that?” I asked coldly. Kwangmin shrugged. “She’s different.” I growled and grabbed Kwangmin by the collar. “Don’t play games with me.” Kwangmin pushed back and slammed me into the wall. Pain shot through my head from the impact. “What’s wrong? Can’t take a little push?” my twin taunted. I walked up to him and looked him in the eye. “I’m not fighting back, but if you ever do something to hurt her, I will kill you.” I said, my stare hard and threatening. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my head, then a searing pain in my forehead. “Hey, I told you not to get mad at him!” I turned toward the voice and found Kuro standing beside me. I held my forehead in pain, seeing. “But you didn’t have to do that!” I exclaimed indignantly. Kwangmin stood to the side, watching us talk. I glanced in his direction and he looked away. “Are you hurt?” Kuro asked him. He shook his head and walked away. She stepped forwards to follow him, but I stopped her. “It’s okay, we didn’t actually punch each other or anything. Did your parents give you hell when you went back?” She shook my head. “No. I snuck in through the window. Why is everyone worrying about me? Worry about what you’re going to with that brother of yours, Blondie.” She laughed affectionately and ruffled my hair. I laughed too, but it was somewhat forced.


Reichi Kurogane:


I walked beside Youngmin to school the next morning, bickering and laughing with everyone about last night’s M Countdown. I got stares from girls on the way and I laughed even harder. “Sen-Senpai!” A girl appeared in front of us. “Which one?” Minwoo asked hopefully. She blushed, then quietly said, “Jeongmin…” Jeongmin walked forward with a grin on his face. “What’s up?” He chirped. The girl fidgeted with a package in her hand. She held it out. “I just wanted to say I’ve liked you for a while, and I just wanted to give you this. Please accept my gift!” Jeongmin laughed and patted the girl on the head. “Thanks, but I don’t think I could treat you the way you should be. You will definitely be able to find someone better.” He continued on walking. We followed. Minwoo ran up to him and pouted. “Hey, she was pretty, why’d you have to do that?” Jeongmin smirked. “Not my type, you know. Too shy.” Minwoo stuck out his tongue. “You’re expectations are too high.” I laughed. “Hey, Youngmin, you turn down a lot of girls, don’t you think any of them are your type?” Youngmin flicked his hair. “Well, sure, but I already like someone.” I grinned. “I thought so. You look like you always have someone on your mind.” I nudged his arm. “Wanna tell me who it is?” I gave him a sly look, and he stuck out his tongue. “Nope, but you might want your hairclip back.” He quickly slid the clip off my head and ran. I chased after him, following him into the school.

As we entered the school, we heard whispering. “Did you hear? Kwangmin got into trouble with that gang again.” The crowds said. “I heard he owes them money or something.” “He thinks he’s all that, and trying to get attention. Oh, shush, its Youngmin and Reichi.” We walked down the halls with tension, the stares all on us. My first class was PE, so I left the boys to themselves.


I never liked the PE uniform, which consisted of short shorts and a golf tee. I brought my own, which was a loose, knee length pair of shorts, and a long t-shirt. The girls laughed at me for dressing that way, but I was used to it. I saw Taemin (Taemin plays a girl in this story J) and I called out her name. She came over with a smile. “Hi. Reichi-san, right?” I nodded. She was one of the nicer girls; it was a mystery why her boyfriend is Minho, who happens to be part of the gang. “Can you tell me what happened with Kwangmin?” I asked. Taemin’s face darkened. “They don’t like him, so they bully him. I don’t want them to, but they keep doing it. Why do you ask?” I blushed. “Oh, well, I just wanted to get the truth from someone who knows what actually happened.” I stammered. I saw some girls waving at Taemin so I left. I walked over to the grassy field where we were going to play soccer. The girls on my team tried to bench me, but I managed to get in. They put me on forward, since they didn’t want to do any running and get themselves all sweaty. They were squealing about how the guys were so “hot” and how they looked while playing. Youngmin was in the boys PE at the same time, and they were playing football. He waved to me with a smile. I waved back and put an L on my forehead. The girls stared at me with cold eyes. I laughed to myself. The teacher blew the whistle, which indicated the start of the game. The girls ran like wussies, which didn’t surprise me at all. The ball rolled toward me, and I dribbled toward the net. I kicked hard into the net, not even aiming because I knew the girl would duck and scream if I kicked hard enough. The game started again, and this time I checked girl who had the ball, and accidentally scraped her leg with my shoe. She yelped and whined that I kicked her. I sighed and pulled her off the ground. “Don’t be a wimp, get up.” I growled. The girl stomped indignantly. I was already pissed from the rumours, and this was getting me angry too. During cool-down time, we had to do passing drills. I kicked some balls really hard and they hit my partners. The teacher scolded me, but I knew the teacher was fed up too. I took my towel to wipe off my sweat and walked down the concrete hill to the girls changing room. Suddenly, a foot appeared in my way and I tripped, tumbling down the hill. At the bottom, I heard the girls laughing at my fall. I got up and checked myself over. There were various cuts and scrapes on my arms and legs, all stinging and painful. I limped to the teacher and asked for a permit to go to the nurse’s office. She waved me off.  

I entered Math class with bandages and blood dripping from my lip. Youngmin immediately stood up and ran to my side. I brushed him off and sat down next to Kwangmin. He still had his hood on. I sighed tiredly. “Are you okay?” He asked. “I’m fine.” I growled. The teacher called me up to do a math question. I had no idea what we were learning and I didn’t even know what the teacher said. I angrily solved the question, breaking the stick of chalk at the end. The teacher applauded, and the rest followed. I nodded my acknowledgement. “Good for you!” The teacher cooed. “You just solved a question only some X12s were able to solve.” “Whoop-de-doo.” I said sarcastically.


That night, I decided to stay at my brother’s place instead of Youngmin’s. Donghyun welcomed me warmly and laid out a futon. The problem was, his girlfriend, Aria, was there too. I hate that who was toying with my loving brother’s heart. I was chilling on the couch, witnessing for the 5000th time, them making out. I cleared my throat. Donghyun broke away from Aria, embarrassed. “Uhh… I have to go out for a while, so Aria, can you watch Kuro for a while?” Aria smiled, sickly sweet. “Don’t worry, we’re going to be best friends.” Donghyun pecked her on the lips again. “You’re the best.” He walked to the couch. “Kuro, be nice.” He warned. “WHAT? I don’t wanna be alone with this creepy hag!” I protested. Donghyun looked at me apologetically. “Sorry! I know you don’t like her. Please? For your Nii-san?” He gave me the puppy eyes. “Fine. I’ll play nice.” I huffed. He laughed and ruffled my hair. “See you later!” He said as he walked out the door. I guess being alone with the old hag wouldn’t be too bad. I can finally put my plan into action.


Author: Yellos again!! Thank you for reading, I hope you like it so far. Subscribe and leave a comment saying how you felt!! I will update soon since its the summer :) Well hopefully anyway.

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kwangminshypika #1
Ahh so cute at the end!♥
I read ur story only in 2 hours! Believe it n I just found ur story 2day<br />
BTW good job. I like ur story. :)
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
alice24 #4
i can relate it to a true to life story hhehe thanks for it hehhe
omg I found your fic today and I finished it in like idk how many minutes? or hours? i have no idea.<br />
it's amazing <3 great job!
8DDDD I finally finished, and... OMFUDGE~ I loved it xD <3
craziiazian123 #7
awh, good ending, but could have been longer. Dx<br />
hope you make a sequel~
Taeminblossoms_16 #8
Ohmigah! I hope no one will actually die in this fic =/ kwangmin!! Huhuhu...<br />
Hope kuro wont get hurt and youngminnie too...<br />
Thanks for updating!!!~
TheSHINeengBoyfriend #9
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I'm mad! You never wrote a chap THIS short!! You done this... to make me feel scared right? Kuro's ok, right? U just wanna build a suspense mood, right? Kwangmin, Youngmin and Kuro's OK, RIGHT????? Pls answer yes!!! Pls.... T.T<br />
*sobs*<br />
*sobs*<br />