Sungbin's Idea

Body Language

A few days after Eunmi had confirmed that she would agree to marry him, Jiho walked into his studio to find a group of his friends gathered in the small space. He paused in the door way and looked at them all.

“Why are you all here?” He asked as he walked in and sat down in one of the many plush chairs behind the paneled desk. His friends remained silent and watched him carefully.

“What?” he said again, annoyed by their silence. As Jiho was about to protest a third time, his friends began cheering and throwing confetti on him in celebration. Jiho looked at them momentarily stunned.

“Why are we celebrating?” Jiho asked when everyone quieted down, still puzzled. One of Jiho’s longest known friends walked up to him and clapped him on the back.

“I heard that someone recently got engaged…” Kyung answered with a mischievous smirk and Jiho sighed.

“Our mothers had lunch?” He replied as he rubbed his face with his hands. He felt Kyung pat his shoulder and then walk away.

“So when’s the big day?” Said a deep rumble from across the room. With another sigh Jiho raised his head and shrugged.

“I don’t know, my parents are still going over that with hers.” He said as he leaned in his chair. He didn’t want to tell his friends this way, he wanted to introduce her first and not make their marriage seem so old fashion. He kind of pitied Eunmi in this way, now it seemed that their marriage was only business based, when it essence it wasn’t – at least for him.

“Oh so it’s arranged?” said another friend. Jiho nodded his head whilst looking down at his hands.

“Is she hot?” Said another and Jiho glared at him, and then a small smirked crept up on his lips and he gave a small nod.

“Don’t you dare think about swooping in and seducing her.” He said pointing at his friend who was now smirking also. The group of men began to chuckle.

“Does she have a ring yet?” another asked. Jiho looked taken aback. He had never thought of giving Eunmi a ring before.

“Do people even give rings when it’s an arranged marriage?” He asked with a furrowed brow. Everyone in the room remained silent as they contemplated when Jiho had said. Did people propose with rings when it was an arranged marriage?

“Why wouldn’t you?” Sungbin said. Jiho looked over at him. He was seated in the chair next to him, lounging with his head supported in his hand. It was the first time that he had spoken this whole time. “Ask permission to use her mothers ring, and give it to her.” He added as his looked over at Jiho.

Jiho contemplated this and nodded his head. Giving Eunmi her mother’s wedding ring could go bad or be a genius idea. It could bring back bad memories associated with her father or it could bring back bittersweet memories with her mother. An idea flared in his mind then. He could always do both, buy a ring on his own for back up in case her mothers ring brings back bad memories.

He nodded his head once again, and looked over at Sungbin who was now typing on his phone. Sensing that the conversation was at an end, Jiho whirled around in his chair and focused on the panel before him.

“So, are we all working together, or are we just hanging out?” Jiho asked as he flipped open his book and began browsing though his lyrics. He wanted to clear his mind before he made his decision about rings and Eunmi.


Several hours later Jiho walked into a large high end mall and b-lined to the nearest jewelry store. The store was very bright, lights shined everywhere on the most expensive items in the store. He was greeted warmly by several of the woman who followed him around the store, almost transfixed by him.

“Can we show you the male jewelry, sir?” One of the sales ladies asked. Jiho looked at her with a small smile. She was young, with large surgery made round eyes, with a small face. She was overall pretty, but Jiho was put off when he compared her to Eunmi.

“No, I’m actually looking for an engagement ring.” He said as she shook his head slightly and then looked back down at the bright glass showcase.

Several of the women looked taken aback and sad at Jiho’s truthful words. Several pouted and left Jiho alone. He continued to look at the rings, and as he eyes passed over the large diamond cladded rings, one ring caught his attention.

“Can I see this one?” He asked, in his deep grumble. He leaned on the glass and watched the sales lady removed the ring from the glass case and brought placed it on a velvet-padded pad. Jiho picked it up and examined it.

It was a rose gold ring, with small delicate diamonds placed in a circle at the very front. It was simple, yet elegant and reminded Jiho of Eunmi. He smiled down at it, and purchased it – not even caring about the price. To him it was perfect, and if even if her mothers ring was perfect for her, he could always later on give it to her, when they became closer.

He walked out of the mall and headed in headed in the direction on his car, he had more one location to visit. He sighed and ran a land through his hair as he drove in the direction of Eunmi’s house. The day ended up being busier than he thought it would.


Eunmi sighed as she walked into the house. It was eerily quiet, and she so she quickly made her way up the grand staircase and down the darkened landing and into her room. She quietly opened the door and closed it, while leaning against it. She had made it to her room, avoiding her father and his ominous glare.

“Why do you get back so late?” Said a deep voice that sounded too loud in her room.

Eunmi spun around and let out a small squeak, and stared wide-eyed at the handsome tall man that was leaning against her desk on the other side of the room.

“Wh-what are you doing here?!” She exclaimed as she tried to calm the pounding in her chest. Her fear was now beginning to subside. “Do you know what will happen if my father finds you in my room?” She asked bewildered.

Jiho walked over to her and waved off her comment.

“He left an hour ago to have dinner with my parents. They’re finalizing the contract.” He stated as he stopped in the middle of her room, he shoved his hands in his tight jean pockets.

He looked around him with a satisfied look. Eunmi’s room was neat and had the smallest hint of girliness. Her room was white with powder pink grand white moldings. She had a queen-sized bed that was laced with draping fabric around the four-poster bed. In one corner stood a grand desk that was stained white with a plush chair. Her room looked virtually untouched apart from her bed, which was left unmade and a few articles of clothing – including a bra –, which Jiho did not fail to see.

“Nice choice.” He replied with a raised brow as he looked over at the sleek steel grey bra.

Eunmi made her way over to where he was looking and snatched her bra up from the floor before walking over to her dresser, opening one drawer and threw it in. She leaned against her dresser and crossed her arms.

“That doesn’t explain why you are here… in my room.” She stated, getting somewhat annoyed by his cocky behavior.

He turned around and looked at her with a sly smirk.

“Well, technically your father does not know that I am waiting in your room, but hell. You only life once right?” He said with a smile, still eyeing Eunmi in a cocky way.

“Don’t yolo me, Woo Jiho.” Eunmi said with narrowed eyes, she was now curious as to what made him come over and stay in her room. It was obvious that her father and Jiho had a small talk, or the maids in the house would not have let him come in.  “Why are you here?” She asked one last time. Truth was she was tired, she had stayed up late studying for an intense mid term and all she wanted to do was lie down and sleep.

“Someone’s impatient.” He replied as he took his hands out of his jean pockets and walked closer to her. He stopped a few feet away from her, and Eunmi couldn’t help but allow her breath hitch. He was handsome, very handsome, in an unconventional way.

“Since we are getting married…” he trailed, as he approached closer to her. “I thought that you needed a little something, you know so that people know we are married…” he added.

He was looking down at his feet as his left hand wound behind him and fished into his back pocket. Eunmi allowed this time to study his face, and she couldn’t help but calm the beating in her heart.

Suddenly he brought his hand forward, and in his slim hands, he held a small silver ring with a large diamond ring, surrounded by several emeralds. Instantly Eunmi recognized it, and she gasped as both her hands flew to her face. Jiho held her mothers marriage ring between his thumb and his index, and held it up at her eye level.

“Since this isn’t really a conventional arranged marriage.” He said as he softly pulled her left hand away from her face and slipped on the ring.

“Eunmi-ah. Marry me.”



Sorry for not updating as much as I used to. Uni life is HELL.

(but don't take my word for it...)
Anyhow!  I have a major Linguistics midterm tomorrow (worth 30% of my overall grade...) so yeah. I've been writing on and off all week
during my boring classes, so please excuse the typos!

I will up to 'normal' updating after tomorrow!

Have a great reader, my lovelies! <3


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JeiYong0309 #1
Chapter 14: And also also I love the confession game they did like im screaming hahha jiho finds out that eunmi loves underground rapper and hell yah! Jiho was surprised omoooo!~~~
JeiYong0309 #2
Chapter 14: Woaaaah!!~~ another great story ive read please update omg~ it turns me on,on how jiho is protective with a girl well i say his wife. Omg!!~ another sleepless nights. Will sit back here and wait for the update. What happened to beenzino? Omoo its too short how I wish it would be like " you know me best" with 26 chapter, like only 4 more chapters and it was complete. *sob sob sob
MissKaylie #3
Chapter 14: Of all I have read, this is by far the best fanfic that involves Jiho :) other ones have him being a complete , but this one shows gentle, caring sides which I really enjoy reading. Please continue when you have a chance, and I hope your study is going well!
P.s this will probably be the only fanfic I'll ever comment on, that goes to show how intriguing your ideas and storyline is. I would like to say that I hope nothing happens between Beenzino and her, but tbh everyone needs some kind of interference since Yoora is gone.
Keep up the good work! Here and at Uni :)
Chapter 14: I see you haven't updated in a long time but i really like this story!! Omg
KarenxDae_zxc #5
Chapter 14: Pls update!!!
_kkaebsong_ #6
i like your cover! also, your story is beautiful
BBCInspiritBaby #7
Chapter 14: OMG just what is wrong with her father? He's really crazy I mean she already married Jiho what right does he have to just barge in like that and beat her?
And Jiho I love him he was so sweet and cool <3 <3 <3
Can't wait for the next chapter I love your story :D
BBCInspiritBaby #8
Chapter 1: I like it so far can't wait to continue ^^
Chapter 14: hi, silent reader until now >_< i love your story so far! And congrats on moving to KOREA!! How is it? is it what you imagine? Have you met any celebrities like on the street or something? Also, if you don't mind me asking, what's the requirement to attend the uni?
sheloveskookie #10
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: eeeeeee I just died! thankyou for this amazing story! jiho is amaaaaazing <3 he's not forceful with her which is soo sweet :') happily waiting for next chapter!