Shopping ^^

You are, who you are

The next day:

Ren and Baekho wake up together. Ren smiles to his lover and Baekho smiles back. ”Good morning babe” Baekho says and Ren blink with his beautiful eyes “Good morning my prince” He says. Baekho touch his cheek and he sits up. Ren touch Baekho’s chest and kiss him lovely.

They here Baekho’s parents walks around in the kitchen and talking together. They both stand up and gets some clothes on. They walks out the door and Ren walks behind Baekho, because he’s a bit nervous.

“Good morning” His mother says and Baekho gives his mother a hug. “Good morning mom” He says and the mother looks at Ren. She gives him a hug too and Ren isn’t use to that. “Are you okay?” She asks and Ren nods.

“We are making breakfast” Baekho’s father says and begins to place some plates on the table. Baekho looks at his father “Thanks” He says. “After breakfast can’t you too go to bath and then we are going for shopping” The father says and both Ren and his lover nods.

“Here Minki, this is for you” The mother says and hands him a toothbrush. He looks at it and smiles "Thank you" he says politely and walks out to the bathroom. It has been a while since his has brush his teeth with his own toothbrush. He always borrowed Baekho's and now he has his own.

Baekho came out to him and stands beside him. "You know we haven't eat yet" Baekho says lovely and kiss his head. "I know" Ren says in a very strange way. "But it long since I have got my own and it makes me happy" He says and giggles. Baekho nods and hold around his lover's stomach. 

Ren clean the toothbrush and place it in the toothbrush-cup and kiss Baekho gently. They walks out to the kitchen and the parents wait for them. Baekho sits in front his father and Ren sits in front Baekho's mother. They begin to eat and Ren has a strange feeling inside himself. He's not scared that they hate him, but he's still nervous. 

Ask them, but maybe they will be mad. Ren thinks. Maybe they will hate me.

"May I ask you something?" Ren ask with a little scared voice "Maybe I have asked you before, but may I ask you again?" The mother and father looks at him and nods "Sure" They says and smiles. "Ummm...." Ren says nervous "Why.... Why don't you hate gays... I mean.... My parents do" 

The parents looks at each other and then on the blond boy. "We don't hate gays because we don't have a reson. Its wrong to hate someone because of a uality and if we don't like someone it's not because what they like and what uality they have" The mother says "And our son like boys and that's fine. Of course in the start it was a bit strange to think of, but we love him to much. It doesn't matter if he like girls or boys. And you are a wonderful boy Minki, you shall know that and I understand our son" The father says and Ren feel that he gets tears in his eyes. No one have ever said something like that to him.

They are nice, they are like a real family. Why does my parents hate me then?

Ren looks sad down on his plate and Baekho hold around you. "Are you okay honey?" He ask and Ren nods. "Yeah" He says sad and dry his tears away. The father touch Ren's hand and Ren get mostly a shock. "Don't be sad Minki. What you did was the right thing and you are a strong person. There isn't anything wrong with you and you can stay here as long as you want to. I know it's hard for you and we will help you all we can. You are a part of our family now and you will always be. Don't think that it's your fault because it's not" Baekho's father says and Ren has never heard a man talk to him like that. 

Ren smiles "Yes sir" he says happy. He gets a warm feeling inside himself. "No adult has ever told me that I'm good enough" Ren says and Baekho hold him tighter. "You are Minki and you know I love you" Baekho says and Ren smiles to him. "I love you too" Ren says and kiss him. 

The mother and father nods "Yes you are" The mother says and after a while they finish eating. The parents stands up and so does the boys. "If you to go in bath and brush your teeth then we will clean up. Then we are going for shopping" The mother says happy and Ren smiles. 

Baekho thank his parents and walks into his room and take some clothes. Ren takes his some of his own clothes from the bags but it all its just not his style. It looks like something Baekho walks in and that's cool but Ren doesn't like if he shall wear it by himself. He looks at the clothes in his hands and nods to himself. I look like a boy then, he think, but they told me that there isn't anything wrong with me. But.... Why does I feel so wrong all the time?

They walks into the bathroom and takes there clothes off. They walks in the shower "I like your parents, they are so.... wonderful" Ren says happy by remember what Baekho's father told him. Baekho smiles and wash Ren's blond hair. "Yes they are, but.... they are never home" Baekho says and Ren looks at him. 

"What do you mean?" Ren says a bit sad and nervous for what his prince will say. "I love my parents, but mostly they are never home. They are always at work and never had time for me. Yes they have many money but... but sometimes I wanted to.... To do something with my parents. I know they love me, but still" Baekho says and Ren nods.

"I understand" he says and begin to clean Baekho's hair. They didn't say something in a long time, but then without saying anything, Baekho slap Ren's . He laugh loud and Ren scream mostly. "Auuuuuucchhhh" He yells and looks hard at Baekho. Baekho couldn't help but keep laughing and mostly fall on the floor because he laugh so much. 

Ren looks at his but and it's red, because of the slap. Baekho keep laughing and then Ren push him a little. "Stupid you" Ren says teasing and nuzzles his . It burns because it hurt so much. "I'm... I'm sorry" Baekho laugh and hug Ren. Ren stands with his arm crossed and don't even looking at Baekho. "Sorry, please forgive me" Baekho laugh and he tries to stop. 

After a while he stops laughing and breath for air. "I'm sorry honey" Baekho says "I will never do it again" Ren shake his head "Yeah sure" He says mad and Baekho beg for forgiveness. "Okay, okay" Ren says and kiss Baekho gently. "But never do it again" He says like it's an order. Baekho nods and stands like a soldier "Yes sir" He says and they begin to laugh together.

They takes there clothes on, brush there teeth and fixing there hair. They walks out again and the parents are ready to go. Baekho and Ren is taking there jacket and shoes on and all of them walks out to the car. They sits in and begin to drive down the road. 

Ren looks out and smiles. He hold Baekho's hand and like seeing all the nature. They drive into a huge bulding and stands out the car. Ren smiles and looks around "This is great" He says while walking hand in hand with Baekho. Baekho smiles lovely "Yes it is" he says and kiss Ren.

The parents walks after the two boys and inside the building it's a huge shopping center. Ren smiles all over his face and Baekho smiles by the beautiful boys look. "Just say what you want" The mother says and Ren looks at her "What... No you don't have to pay" he says nervous. The mother and father nods "You live with us and you shall have your own clothes and what you like. You told me that you want to dress... ohhh.... in a bit different way and taht's cool. You can get a closet in the guest room so there is enough space. Just buy anything you want, clothes, shoes, makeup, hair... thing... just give it to us and then we will buy it" The mother says and the father smiles. 

Ren smiles and bows for them "Thank you" He says and they smiles "Don't bows, it's fine. You are welcome" The father says and Baekho pull Ren with him and they looks at some things. They buy a lot of clothes, shoes and stuff like that. 

"Look at this" Baekho says and take a black jacket with spikes on it. Ren smiles "Do you think I may get that?" He aks and Baekho smiles "Of course you may, you don't have to ask. They told you that they will give you anything and believe me, they meen it" Baekho says and kiss Ren lovely. 

Some guys looks at them and they make some wierd faces. "Hey gays, pack your and your s another place" One of the boys call. They other boys laugh, Ren looks sad down. Baekho nodest that Ren is being sad and he touch his cheek. "Don't listen to them" Baekho says caring and the boys comes clother. "What... is your mouth dry of all that ing?" The boy says and they other laugh even more.

Baekho looks mad at them and looks at his lover. "Shut up es, do you got a problem then off" He says mostly yelling. Ren touch Baekho's chest and the boys laugh. "So... your is big enough that you can say some " The boys says and Baekho's head is begin to being red of anger. He walks closer to the boy "What in the hell do you have against gay people?" Baekho ask and he try to hold his voice calm.

The boys looks at each other "It's so disgusting" The boy says and they other nods and laugh. Ren steps closer to Baekho. "Then off, unless you want to get sick of our uality" Ren says "I'm getting sick of you" The boys looks at each other and smiles stupidly. Baekho looks at Ren, he has never heard anything comes out from the beautiful boys mouth like that. 

" off gays" The boy says " off by yourself your . You are not a real man. You are being born from a and now you are one by yourself. You are seaching to come up again" Ren says even he's don't care about what uality he has.

The boy looks confused at Ren and so does they others. "But you...." The boy says, but before he can say something, Baekho and Ren attacking each other lips. Ren jumps up on Baekho's hips and there tongue slide around each other father then lightning. They move fast with there hips, pretend that they are having .

The boys looks confused on the two boys in front of them and they vanish fast. Ren and baekho stops and they laugh abit. Ren jumps down from Baekho's hips and they keep laughing. An old woman comes toward them and they looks at her. "My grandchild is a lesbian and I love her. You are very strong young mens and that was very brave" She says and both Baekho and Ren bows for her. "Thank you Mrs" Baekho says "We are very happy together" She smiles and bows her head. She keep walking the way she comes from.

"She was a nice lady" Ren says and Baekho nods. "Okay... Where did we come from?" Baekho ask and looks after some clothes. They keep laughing in some while and anytime they looks at the boys, the boys walks away. "I think we scared them" Baekho says "With our yness" Ren laugh and pretend that he's making pole dancing up against a jacket. Baekho giggles "Someday I would love you to do that at home" He says and Ren laugh. "I will" He says and they keep walking.


After some hours: 

They find Baekho's parents again and they smiles to each other. "Are we done?" The mother ask and both Ren and Baekho nods. "Then lets buy this and go home" She says and walks over to the disk. "Do any of you want a soda?" She ask and looks at them. baekho looks at Ren, but he shake his head. "No thank you, I have to watch my weight" Ren says and all in Baekho's family looks at him. "But you don't have any fat on your body" The father says with a smile.

Ren smiles "I know" He says and giggles "And it has to be that way" Baekho smiles "I like your body no matter what" He says lovely and Ren smiles lovely. "Thanks honey" He says and kiss Baekho gently. "if you turn to the side and stuck your tongue out, you would look like a zipper" The father says and mother hit his arm. "Don't say that" she says a bit mad at him, but she still laugh a bit. 

Ren begin to laugh too and so does Baekho "It was pretty funny" Ren says and not long after they all laugh together. "Okay, I want a soda" He says gently and they all got a cola. They walks out to the car and sits down. They drive home and begin to take all the things out the car. 

"Just go in, we will lay this beautiful in your new closet" The mother says, but Ren looks at her "No, no, it's fine. I want to help" He says but the mother shake her head. "Just go in" She says and that was what they does. They walks into Baekho's bedroom and sits down on the bed. 

Baekho drink some of his cola and Ren got some problems by open it. "It's hard" He says and do everything he can to get the cola open. Baekho laugh a bit "Here let me try" He says and place his own cola on the floor. He takes ren's and open it with only three fingers. Ren looks at him with mad eyes "Thank you" he says hard and Baekho laugh. Ren smiles and it's good to pretend angry, so he laugh. 

"How can you do that?" Ren ask "You just open it... with... what?... I don't understand" Ren says and Baekho giggles. "I train a lot Minki" Baekho says "You can come with me if you want to" He says and Ren nods "Yeah it could be fun" He says happy. Baekho smiles to him and kiss him lovely. Ren kiss him back and drink some of the cola.

"How many times at week do you train?" Ren ask lovely. Baekho looks at him "Hmmm.... 5 to 6 times at week" He says and Ren makes big eyes. "Waow" he says and looks at Baekho's arms. "I... I haven't nodest they are so big" He says and Baekho giggles.

"You are strong too" Baekho says and Ren make a wierd face to him. "Yeah sure" He says and smiles. "Let me see those arms" Baekho says and try to take Ren's shirt off. Ren hide his body, he know that Baekho have seen it before but still...


Baekho smiles and Ren give up. He take his shirt off and his small abs and small arms shows up. Ren blush abit even he doesn't know why. "See you have something" Baekho says happy and touch Ren's stomach. Ren blush and then he spanning his muscles in his arms. Baekho smiles "See" He says and point at Ren's little muscle. Ren relax his arm "That is nothing" He says maybe a bit sad. Baekho shake his head "Yes it is" He says and Ren look stupid at him. "Then it's your turn" He says and Baekho looks down. He giggles a bit "Well... ohhh... No" He says and laugh. 

Ren keep looking stupid at him "Please" Ren beg and Baekho takes his shirt off. His abs and big muscles shows up. Ren can't even remember that Baekho has so big arms. He open his mouth and looks at Baekho. "I look like a tiny 10 years old girl" He says and make a sad puppy face. Baekho hold around him. "Don't be sad honey, we can go to traning together and after all...." He says and lay Ren down on the bed. He kiss him lovely and and touch his chest. "I love you as you are and looks like. You are so y and wonderful" Baekho says and Ren smiles while touching Baekho's huge arms.

"I love you too" He says and kiss Baekho back. "But I don't think it's a smart idea to do it now when your parents are home" Ren says and Baekho giggles. "We will be quit" He says lovely and kiss the blond boy softly. Ren let his hands slide over the handsome boy over him abs and chest. He feel so weak, but safe under him. He feel begin to shake for more and keep kissing his lover.



Thanks for reading I will opload soon ^^ Love you guys, you are the best <3 



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Thunder198 #1
I'm so glad you like it ^^ I hope your mother won't discovers it, hihi ^^
aung-aung22 #2
Chapter 18: it's 1st time I read something like this.O God. BxB. My mom will kill me if she know what I'm reading. While I read this on my Ph she asked me what I am reading. I said oh.nothing just story / novel. I can't say her I am reading I like you story. ◑﹏◐
Major14000 #3
Chapter 23: super-sickening-awesomeness!!! loved it sooo much! thank you <3 <3
Thunder198 #4
Thank you ^^ I'm so happy you like it <3
Chapter 23: It was a great story :D
Thunder198 #6
yeah, it was a great idea. I'm sorry it took so long. I got exam ^^ Please forgive me. I'm happy you like it. You are the best <3 <3
Chapter 21: Finally, hahahaha you took my idea that with the cough just broke xDD
Chapter 20: Baekho's mum seems to be so kind <3 If I was Baekho I should say "When we should sit on the cough that broke" xD
Thunder198 #9
Yeah me too <3 I hope you like my fanfiction, even when its bad. ^^ I'm happy you want to read it, thankyou really much <3
Chapter 19: OMG I hate his parents!!! Glad that Baekho is there for him!