Chapter One

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 *Two months later*


Kyungsoo's POV 

I laid under the big oak tree in the school's courtyard. It was in the middle of October and the sky was blue with clumps of white cotton ball-like clouds. Or maybe like stripes of white poop. Oh well. Doesn't matter.

I was already in my second year, with almost half of my high school time over. I thought that attending an arts high school would be exciting, but I soon realized it was just like every other school, except that I studied music and song writing at a higher level. Which meant that I had more classes than a regular high school student. Why would you bother having math and physics when you're an arts student? I'm just saying.

I love music: it's as important as the need to breathe. Singing always gives me this free space, like I'm in a bubble, away from anything else.

I do get nervous standing on the stage but still it's my safe haven. I know that I'm good at this. Even though I might lack in other areas (I am NOT small! I have the average height of an Asian male! I don't know what kind of steroids the others have eaten but I'm not the small one here), I'm the best in singing. Well, at least I want to believe so.

It was very unusual for me to ditch class, but somehow today was different. I slipped off during the second period - I didn't feel like doing trigonometry today for an hour and a half, and I felt suffocated in that little classroom, like a cloud of anger and sorrow was rolling down on me. So here I was under the tree, looking at the clouds passing by, with my thoughts as my only company.

I thought back to this summer. It hadn't been different from all my other summers. I had gone to the sea with my cousins and stayed overseas for a week or two. Then, I had played music and chilled with my friends. 

Except for one little thing that differed: I had lost my best friend in a car accident. 

Thinking of this made my heart heavy and I found it difficult to breathe again. I pinched the bridge of my nose and told myself to take deep breaths. 

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. I leaned back on the tree. Just the thought of never seeing him again made my eyes sting.

"You're a man Kyungsoo. Men don't cry. Kai would punch you if you cried," I repeated for the hundredth time. I could feel my hands shake and clasped them together, closing my eyes.

I started to sing. I always have had difficulties expressing my feelings through words - it was Kai that encouraged me to start singing, to find another outlet for expression. I soon found out that I actually was good at it. The burdens I always had in my chest and on my shoulders seemed to smoulder away when I belted out melodies.

Yet, it can never take away the pain I feel whenever I think about Kai. At the very least, it can soothe it down to a dull sting in the chest

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Archon #1
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Oh God why couldn't I have read this when it was finished? Why did I read this story when THIS was the latest cliffhanger??

Edit: *looks at last update date* NOOOOOOO
Kiwistubborn #2
Chapter 15: Ahhh this imagine is amazing! Please continue to write it? I need to know what happens next!
Chapter 15: He know..please update soon...^^
Chapter 15: will u continue this story?
Chapter 15: I'm having a inner fangirl moment!
Hey hey hey! I know who Ann is *Dancing on a table*!
Chapter 14: I never paid any attention to any fictions like this. But this made me like them. Specially yours. Please kindly update the next chapter of CLOUDS. Im excited for DO's sake. Lol. Love EXO. ;) I'll be waiting! Thanks! Fighting!
Chapter 13: I love your story <3 I wish I was able to write that way too... hmmm...
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 13: Kai :( Kyungsoo and Mina, why so oblivious? Dx
hamskkuma #9
Chapter 12: Cute! XD :3