The new transfer student

In Love With Your Bestfriend's Brother? (HIATUS)

It was another typically boring school day at SEHS. There was nothing new. Everything that happened yesterday and beyong was old news. That was just how things worked at an elite school. 

You sat in your desk, staring blankly out the window as you lightly swung your legs, thinking about the day you defended Woohyun for the first time in years. Truth be told, you were heavily conflicted with your feelings for Woohyun. Letting out a soft sigh, you slapped a hand to your face, "Ottokae?" you whispered, eventually dropping your overhwhelmed head onto the desk in frustration.

While you were conflicted with your own feelings, Woohyun sat at his desk, staring at the necklace as he fiddled with it between his thumbs, a smile growing on his face as he thought of your smiling face ... speaking of .. he looked over at you, only to see you lost in thought and then eventually laying your head on the desk. His eyebrows knitted together in concern, What's she thinking about? he wondered, gazing at you with loving eyes, only to be snapped out his thoughts when a ruler was slammed on his desk. He jumped, looking at the teacher, "Now, Mr.Nam, if you're done being googily eyed at your girlfriend there, can you recite this poem in English?" Seeing you turn around, he met your gaze -- only to see you turn away quickly. Sighing, he nodded his head and recited the poem in his slightly fluent but accented English.

As you quickly looked away, you blushed madly, holding your hand slightly to your mouth as your heart skipped a few beats hearing his English. You didn't know why but now .. your heart was starting to react oddly around him and his actions. Were you really in love with a guy you've been at war with since elementary school? Omo, this is bad. You thought, placing a hand on your thumping heart as class continued on.

At P.E, it was the same. You and Woohyun were partenered up like usual, but this time, he had no snarky comments. In fact, the guy was constantly distracting and muttering some kind of encouraging words to himself. You were honestly starting to question the guy's sanity. He was never this strange even though he was a weirdo in general. "Yah! Nam Woohyun," you walked over to him with the soccer ball tucked between your arm and waist. Oh god, she's coming... Ottokae.. Aish! Act natural, Woohyun.. "What the hell is wrong with you? I've kicked you with the ball at least five times and no snarky remark?" you questioned, pausing as your heart sunk for a minute at one possible explanation, "Are you like, thinking of your girlfriend or something? Yah," your heart pounded nervously, Please say no..

Yes. My future girlfriend if she accepts my love. He gave you a pointed look, his heart picking up speed as you got closer. "B-Boh? W-What girlfriend? I-I don't have one.. Maybe its your fault," he replied. You blinked at him, was the guy seriously stuttering... It was the first time in years. And .. that could only mean he did .. have a girl friend, right? Your shoulders deflated slightly, "W-Well, M-Mr Stutter, get your head in the came before the ball knocks you out." you mimicked him, rolling your eyes before walking away, disappointed. "Aish, I'm so stupid!" he growled to himself, retreating to his friends.

------------ - - - -------------- - - - --------------

Inside the locker room, you opened your locker, only to find a lovely surprise. On one of the hooks in your locker, a beautiful silver chain with a silver crescent moon and star decorated with diamonds hung proudly inside. Seeing a note taped  to it, you took it off and read it.

Dear Kwon Jihyun,

I love you. Wear this tomorrow so I know you got it.
I may not be able to be with you now, but soon we can.
I promise that. I'll be your knight in shining armor waiting
for the right time.  
                   Love, xxx

Smiling, you took the necklace off of the chain and gently clasped it on, smiling as you looked in the mirror in your locker, only to frown when seeing your dishiveled hair and your PE uniform still on you. Quickly changing and then taking your pony tail out, allowing your long, dark chesnut colored hair to hang around your shoulders, complimenting the silver necklaace as it stood out among your uniform. Shutting your locker, you left the building. However, you were still wondering who had given you the necklace considering tha the note was signed with xxx. A secret admirer perhaps? Or even Woohyun himself? No, You shook the naive thought from your head.

Arriving outside, Woohyun watched as you skipped out of the locker room, the silver necklace gleaming in the sunlight. He grinned, you had worn it! Relieved and happy, he sauntered off, a joyous smile forever on his face. 

You sat on a bench in front of the school, waiting for Jiyong to pick you up, only to feel someone slide into the seat on the bench next to you. Looking up, you saw the blonde from yesterday. And it wasn't Jiyong. He gave you a cute, but dorky smile. 

Taken aback slightly, you blinked, giving him an awkward smile in return. "Uh, hi." you greeted, squriming slightly in your seat on the cold bench. "Hi," he replied, giving you a sweet eye smile this time. "I'm L.Joe, I just transferred here." he said. You nodded in under standing, giving him a welcoming smile, "Oh, well, I'm Jihyun. It's nice to meet you er.. L.Joe. Where did you transfer from?" you asked. "Loen," you gave him a strange look, "It's across town. I wouldn't expect anyone to know what it was around here. It's pretty.. run down."

Damn. It was that crappy school? Not that you were judging but... that school was known to pregnant teens, drug dealing, gang fights, ty test grades.... And yet this bubbly blonde had come from there? "Oh, then ah-- you must be very talented having to be transferred here." you said warmly, "What is that you excel in?" even though you just met the guy, you were quite curious about him considering how he came from such a bad school. "Music," he replied instantly. You grinned, "Seriously? Me too!" you laughed. "Oh? Well, I have a feeling we'll be good friends from now on, Jihyun-ssi." he grinned. You shook your head with a smile, "No need to be formal." you said, hearing a honk. Looking up, you say Jiyong waving his hands. You looked at L.Joe, "See you tomorrow, L.Joe." he waved goodbye and watched you walk over to the car as his smile melted into a smirk

Getting into the car, you smiled, looking at Jiyong but immediately dropping it was you yelped at the choas on your brother's head, "OH MY GOD, Jiyong. What the hell happened to your head?! Did a unicorn throw up on it?" you began laughing hysterically. Jiyong frowned, "What? I think it looks nice." 

"Pwuaha! O-Omo. Heh.. Okay, I'm done." you studied his hair more carefully now, your chin as if you had an invisible beard, "Well, I guess it works for you." you decided. "Good, then you won't be ashamed of me while we go out to eat." at the mention of food, you perked up, "Jinja!? Yay! What are we eating? Huh? Huh? Jiyong oppa. Oppa. YAH." he shook his head, flicking your forehead lightly, "Shut up and put on your seat belt. You act like I've been starving you," he muttered as you buckled your seat belt. "So? What are we eating?" you insisted. He rolled his eyes, "You'll see." be said before speeding off, leaving you to keep bothering him about how much you love food (for the 543534534th time in his lifetime) for the long car ride.

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Chapter 10: uh oh... ljoe's gonna ruin it~
lol infinte let all hell loose O.O
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 10: Omg yes! They are so cute! >.<
RokuKazami #3
Chapter 9: I can wait for the next chapter!!
RokuKazami #4
Chapter 1: your writing is very good! I could see the image clearly! I can't wait to read the rest of the story!!
ailisu #5
Chapter 6: ; u ;
oh woohyun~~ EHEHEE GIVE HER THE NECKLACE <333333333
tinado58 #6
Chapter 5: the story is so cute!!!please update soon!!
Yerlie1001 #7
Awww, jealous Woohyun! It's just her brother...;)
ailisu #8
ailisu #9
AWWWW they must get together!!!