Alone with him in detention

In Love With Your Bestfriend's Brother? (HIATUS)

After the small quarrel you had with Yoomi and her little gang, you made your way over to the classroom where detention was being held.

When you arrived, there was only Woohyun sitting at one of the desks with a book in his hand as he cursed incoherently to himself about whatever was bothering him. Or so you assumed. "Ah, Kwon Jihyun, nice of you to join us. Fortunately for me there are only two of you in detention today. Unfortunately for you and Nam Woohyun over there, you have clean up duty. I'll be back in about two hours or less. When I get back, this classroom better be spotless." the teacher instructed as he got up from his desk and collected his items.

You and Woohyun muttered yes as the teacher left the room, leaving the both of you to glare at each other. Of course behind those hate filled glares were gazes of love. Irritated with the glaring contest only slightly, you cleared your throat and walked over to the chalk board at the front of the classroom. "I'll clean the boards and desks for now. You go do the windows and mop or something." "Oh? Who made you boss?" he questioned. Did he always have to make things into a heated argument.

"Me. The one who is doing the work by herself at the moment. Get your up and clean the windows." you retorted. He remained seated, only to kick his feet up on a desk and lean back in his chair. He shook his head, "Nah. I'm good." "Funny, you think you actually have a choice," you snorted, throwing the towel down on the teacher's desk before storming over to Woohyun. "Get up." "No," "Get the hell up before I punch you." you threated. "Nope," he stubbornly replied with a smirk. 

A friendly snarl came to your face, "Alright then." You walked away from Woohyun, only to go behind the desks suportting his tilted hair. With a sly smile, you yanked the desk supporting his chair, cackling in laughter as he fell backward. "What the !?" he growled. You shrugged, kneeling down gracefully see his face clearly. "Get your lazy up before I get more irritated than I already am." you snapped. This time, he got up and snatched a towel along with window spray. 

Feeling triumphant, you skipped over to the board and picked up your towel before proceding to clean it.

"Assa ~ My arms are so tired," you whined quietly, plopping down onto a random desk by the now squeaky clean windows. Woohyun scoffed as he finished moping the floors, tossing the mop to the corner of the classroom. "Boh? You think your arms hurt? I cleaned the out of those windows and put sweat and blood into sweeping these disgusting floors!" You waved him off, "Whatever, you're a man. Deal with it." you replied nonchalantly. 

Rolling his eyes, he walked away from you, only to hear a phone ring quietly. It didn't sound like his. Curious, he walked over to the desk where your things were and looked at your bright phone screen. 'CALL FROM JIYONG OPPA' Jiyong oppa? Who is that? He picked up your phone unknowingly, staring at the name in envy. Completely unaware that Jiyong was your brother. 

"Yah, Nam Woohyun. What are you doing? You're too qui- YAH! That's my phone!" you barked, hopping off the desk and walked towards him with a scowl. "Oh? Who is this Jiyong oppa? Hm?" he questioned. "That's my business!" you told him, reaching up for your phone that he was waving above his head. Damn his tall height! You thought bitterly. 

He smirked, waving it higher. Letting out an irritated sigh, you jumped up, snatching your phone but loosing balance and falling forward. With wide eyes, Woohyun insticively wrapped around your waist as the two of you fell in what seemed like slow motion. You gazed into his eyes, your heart melting see them close up. 

When the two of you fell onto the floor, you both remained in a daze as you stared into each other's eyes, lips only inches away. Without a second thought, Woohyun leaned up to meet your lips. Just a few ... more .. inches!

"Yah! Kwon Jihyun, Nam Woohyu - YAH! What in the hell are you doing?!" a voice snarled. You looked up, only to scrambled to your feet and bow, "Mianhamida teacher, I just .. fell. That's all." you said sheepishly. Woohyun remained on the floor, his heart beating rapidly still. You kicked his leg. He shot up from the floor, also bowing and mumbling an apology. The teacher shook his head, "Aish. I leave you both for less than two hours and you're making out on the floor," he muttered. "Ah, well. Detention is dismissed." he waved the both of you away.

You snuck a glance at Woohyun, your face still flushed before you grabbed your things and ran from the classroom, heart pounding. You could not believe how close you were to kissing him. So close, yet you two were still so far. Shaking your head, you walked to the front of the school, only to see Jiyong. Jogging over to sighed in relief and got into his far. "What took you so long? I called you a billion times!" he complained. "Mian. I was .. doing something." you told him as he drove.

Woohyun walked out of the classroom, his mind hazy. He couldn't believe he had almost kissed you. It would have been the best and worst mistake if he had. He slapped a hand over his face as he trudged down the halls, Way to go Woohyun. You idiot. If you had kissed her, all hell would have broken loose! He thought with a deep frown. As he arrived at the front of the school, he saw you going into a car. He blinked. It was the same guy that was calling you. He had seen the caller ID. Now he was dying to know what your relationship was with that guy. A boyfriend? Oh how his heart hurt just thinking that someone that wasn't him was lucky enough to call you his girlfriend. Shaking his head once more with a sigh, Woohyun trudged off to meet his friends. Maybe he would get an answer out of you tomorrow... Or never.

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Chapter 10: uh oh... ljoe's gonna ruin it~
lol infinte let all hell loose O.O
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 10: Omg yes! They are so cute! >.<
RokuKazami #3
Chapter 9: I can wait for the next chapter!!
RokuKazami #4
Chapter 1: your writing is very good! I could see the image clearly! I can't wait to read the rest of the story!!
ailisu #5
Chapter 6: ; u ;
oh woohyun~~ EHEHEE GIVE HER THE NECKLACE <333333333
tinado58 #6
Chapter 5: the story is so cute!!!please update soon!!
Yerlie1001 #7
Awww, jealous Woohyun! It's just her brother...;)
ailisu #8
ailisu #9
AWWWW they must get together!!!