Physical education hurts

In Love With Your Bestfriend's Brother? (HIATUS)

The day had dragged on, but Physical Education soon came. Damn. At least it was the last class of the day. 

You leaned against the cool brick wall and squinted as the teacher began to call out partners. You prayed silently in hopes that Woohyun wouldn't be your stupid partner. Again. But of course, the prayer wasn't answered and you ended up with Woohyun. Again. 

With growl, you pushed yourself off the wall and marched towards the teacher, pointing a finger at Woohyun. "Yah! Why am I always stuck with this fool every ing day of my damn life?!" you snarled the question. Truthfully, you weren't always nice to your teachers. You just did your work and got your good grades. He glared spitefully at you, "Kwon Jihyun! Don't you have any respect for your teachers? Detention after school." he said instead of answering your question. 

Woohyun jogged over, glaring at you at first sight. "Do you have a problem with me being your partner?" he questioned with a smirk. Your heart fluttered but you glared at him, "Why do you think I'm complaining about it ?" you sarcastically said as you rolled your eyes. He paused, thinking about it for a minute before looking at the teacher, "Oh, for once you're right. Coach, I don't want to be partnered up with this snappy ." 

The teacher frowned, shaking his head with a sigh. "Cursing? Nam Woohyun .. Detention after school for you too." You let out an irritated sigh, "Six hours of class with him isn't enough? Ugh, another hour and I'll punch him in the face." you muttered. Woohyun shot you a nasty look, "Stop complaining and deal with it before you get us in more trouble." he snapped. 

"God, you're such an ." you hissed. "," he replied with a smirk. "Dickhead." you sneered back. Taking note of the insults being shot back at one another, the teacher blew his whistle with an annoyed expression. "Make that seven more hours Kwon Jihyun, the same goes for you too Nam Woohyun! Detention next week." he snarled, writing down both your name and his with a shake of his head. 

With a scoff, you walked off, ignoring the directions being yelled out. As you walked, you turned back slightly, seeing his handsome face that made 
your heart flutter.  Why were you being so indescisive about your feelings for him? Sure, you were a to him, but that was so he wouldn't suspect your feelings towards him. In fact, the more you were a , the more attention he would give you. Of course everyday you wanted his eyes on you. 

Woohyun shook his head as he walked back to his friends as a smile played on his face. He loved having your attention. Him being an to you helped him snatch your attention from any other guy. He wanted your eyes on him just as much as you wanted his eyes on you. What insane guy wouldn't want your beautiful brown orbs on them? Especially one that was in love with you.

You blushed as you walked thinking of Woohyun. Memories from the past flooded through your head. Wonderful memories from when you were kids, up until when you both became hostile towards each other in middle school when your feelings for each other began to develop. Lost in the memories, you hadn't noticed the football flying towards your head.

Luckily, Woohyun had looked away from his friends to glance at you, and saw the football flying at you. Instictively, he lunged forward, catching the football but then crashing into a bush. You looked up upon hearing the twig snap, but saw nothing. Shaking your head, you continued to walk. My babo girl. Woohyun thought warmly.

Though you and Woohyun stormed seperate directions, you both were forced to come together to play soccer. But the only thing the both of you did was kick the soccer ball back in forth with bored expressions with occasional insults. Ready for another one of Woohyun's angry kicks, you looked up, only to see a blonde who had caught your eyes. Or rather, he caught yours.

You saw him look you up and down before smirking to himself. What the hell is he looking at? You thought. Woohyun frowned seeing you look curiously away from him. He followed your gaze, only to narrow his eyes at a certain blonde. Was the blonde checking you out were you checking him out? Either way, he didn't like it. 

"Yah! Pay attention!" he barked as he furiously kicked the ball. The soccer ball hit you on the side. He bit down on his tongue as you held your side. He didn't know it was going to hit your side that hard. "What the hell was that for?!" you growled. He shrugged, trying to play off the fact that he was worried you got bruised. "Stop checking out that guy and pay attention to the ball." Pay attention to me. He thought jealously.

"Douche bag." you muttered. When the soccer ball came back to you, you smirked. Pay back, Nam Woohyun. With all your might, you kicked the soccer ball. It hit him right where the sun never shines. With a satisfied smirk, you watched as his friends ran over to him. Dongwoo turned around and saw you. "You're such a crazy bi-" You cut him off, a teasing smile on your plump pink lips. "Jang Dongwoo, do you seriously want call me such a thing when I have a soccer ball here?" you questioned innocently. He stopped talking as you glared down at Woohyun. "Mianhae... for kicking you... with the ball.." he whimpered. 

You couldn't help but to feel bad for making him go through the pain. From what Jiyong told you, getting hit down there hurt beyond words. Shaking your head, you walked away, only to heard Hoya insult you indirectly. You frowned. Sure, you felt bad for hitting Woohyun, but Hoya? You really didn't care. 
You dropped the ball in your hands and kicked it, hitting Hoya in the head. "Don't think I'm deaf, now." you snapped. Hoya shook his head before turning back to the laughter of his friends.

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Author's Note: sorry I haven't updated in a while , i've been in Asia. I'm on a flight back to California. Soo....Yeah (: I'll update my other stories once i get back to Cali ((: Kay Kay Baii. <3

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Chapter 10: uh oh... ljoe's gonna ruin it~
lol infinte let all hell loose O.O
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 10: Omg yes! They are so cute! >.<
RokuKazami #3
Chapter 9: I can wait for the next chapter!!
RokuKazami #4
Chapter 1: your writing is very good! I could see the image clearly! I can't wait to read the rest of the story!!
ailisu #5
Chapter 6: ; u ;
oh woohyun~~ EHEHEE GIVE HER THE NECKLACE <333333333
tinado58 #6
Chapter 5: the story is so cute!!!please update soon!!
Yerlie1001 #7
Awww, jealous Woohyun! It's just her brother...;)
ailisu #8
ailisu #9
AWWWW they must get together!!!