ChangJoe 4

Like a bad Joke


Everybody's pov.
L. Joe and Changjo were finally back in their room. L. Joe just sat on the bed staring at the wall. First now, he realized what had just happened. He had lost his family.... Beakhyun would still be his brother, but his mom wouldn't forgive him that easy and that meant his dad too. His dad always did as his mother.
Changjo sat down beside him. “Joe-Joe I don't like this. You're soo... quite.” L. Joe looked short at Changjo, then his tears started falling down his cheeks. L. Joe started sobbing. " Ch-a-a-ang-j-o-o I've ju-u-ust l-o-ost m-y-y f-a-amily-y" Changjo pulled L. Joe into his chest. "Joe-Joe, I'm you're family now. Don't worry I'll take care of you" Changjo kissed L. Joe on his forehead and pulled him closer to his chest. L. Joe sobbed harder and put his arms around Changjo. " I love you so much" He said, still crying. Changjo just patted L. Joe on his back, trying to comfort his crying boyfriend. They just sat like that for a while, L. Joe snuggling his head into Changjos chest. Both of them having their arms around each other. L. Joes sobbing, slowly stopped. Changjo gently kissed L. Joe on the top of his head. " Joe-Joe, please don't cry. It make me so sad to see you like this." Changjo gently lifted L. Joes head away from his chest. He stared lovingly at L. Joe. "Baby... We'll come through this together. I promise." L. Joe smiled weakly. "I know Chang baby, but I can't control it." Changjo smiled. "Lets sleep Joe-Joe, we have to be fresh to tomorrow." L. Joe nodded. "You're right, like always." He smiled brighter and they both undressed, until they were only wearing their boxers. They lay back in the bed and Changjo pulled the quilt over them both. Then he pulled L. Joe into his chest. L. Joe snuggled into Changjo and they both closed their eyes. Changjo smiling a little.
L. Joe pov.
I stared into the ceiling. Why couldn't I sleep? I should be able to sleep. Changjos presence usual did that to me. But no. No sleep to L. Joe to night. I closed my eyes again. Snuggling closer to Changjos chest. I could feel his slow breath against my hair and his warm arms around my body. I sighed. The thoughts in my head were scary. Just maybe I wouldn't let myself fall asleep, 'cause I was scared what I would dream. I saw my mothers face in my head. How shocked she had looked, when I said I never liked girls. The stupid thing were that, first in the moment, where I said the words out loud. I actually realized how true they were. Sure girls were pretty and well yes, s were nice. Actually more than nice, but somehow Changjo were just perfect. I had never looked at a boy, like that. You know, admiring a boy's look. Not before he kissed me the first night on the hotel in our summer break (Like a dream chapter 1). It were kind of crazy how fast I came to like his lips... Also kind of crazy that I had taken myself spying on him one day he went to the pool. And let me just say, how hot he looked. His abs almost glittering in the sun. And also crazy that I liked his loss chest way more, than I ever liked any of those girls I slept with's chest. Plus I liked his way more, than I ever liked anything. It were actually a bit embarrassing. I shook my head. What was I even thinking? This had nothing to do with my currently problem. My mother.... And grandchildren. But somehow, it actually had something to do with it. 'Cause those things, were some of the reasons why I had chosen Changjo.... My Chang baby. I moved my head a little, so I could look at his peaceful face. Every time I looked at him, I just wanted to kiss him. No matter what my mom did. This were the right choice. How were I supposed to live without this perfect human being? I smiled a little, placing a kiss on Changjos cheek, before I again, snuggled into his chest. Closing my eyes and actually drifting of to dreamland. A dreamland where Changjos lips played a big part. Actually there were nothing else in there.

Hihi poor Joe Joe ^.^
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Chapter 1: I freakin love changjoe :)