Chapter 8

For His Freedom



The future head patriarch of Kim family?


You hisses angrily, and struggles to escape but your struggling stop when he press the revolver again on your temple.


This traitor had successfully betrayed his own family – and when his whole family is scaterred and vanished, he’s here; building up his reputation and high position in mafia world?



What an .



“Stop moving, Soo. I’m serious. I’ve loaded the bullets.” Jongin hisses.

You clicked your tongue in disbelief. “Wow. You’re even going to kill me. Well, why would I expect a traitor to act nice, even to his so-called blood brother’s relatives, Kai?”


You were expecting Jongin to sarcastically react for your words – sarcastically laughing, or yelling, or even maybe violates you, but a blank expression is definitely not the kind of reaction that you were expecting from him.



It’s kind of, shocks you. How his cocky smile suddenly vanished, and turned into a blank expression right after you said the word traitor .  How his eyebrows got furrowed, how his lips turned into a straight line, and how you – somehow –  captured a flash of his emotion – disappointed? Or is it sad?


But, that blank expression only lasts for a few seconds, before his arrogant smile – no, it’s a grin now – comes back to his lips. His blank stare is back to the dark, sharp glare. And he starts playing with the trigger of his revolver – his thumb keeps loading and unloading the bullets.

He’s scary now.



“Traitor. So that’s how you see me now, Soo. “


You keep your mouth shut, as he slowly get off the bed and stand up beside you, with the revolver still pressed on your forehead.

Suddenly, a click was heard, and metal that cuffed you around suddenly gets loose. The revolver was no longer pressed on your forehead.

You blinks in confusion when he pulls away his revolver then put it inside his trousers’s pocket, along with your handcuff’s key. He steps backwards, until there’s around 2 meters space between both of you. Your eyes are searching for his – for any sign about what the hell is he going to do now – but you only find his dark eyes with that sharp glare that he have been maintaining since the first time you both met today. Slowly, you sit down, stretch both of your arms and examines your own surroundings, to make sure that you are really free.

Well, you really are free. No other cuffs around your body parts.


“So, Sooyeon.” He says, getting your attention back to him – “you want to take a revenge on me, don’t you?”


He suddenly throws a knife towards you, that you quickly catch.  You stares at the knife. It’s definitely sharp – and made for fighting, not for cooking.



“Hey, answer me.” He yells angrily. His rudeness boils up your anger, and reminds you of your main purpose.


“You know the answer,” You says, while tightening your grip on the knife.


You just picked a very, very wrong decision about me and a knife, Jongin.


Jongin slightly his head to the left while staring at you, still with that cocky smirk. No matter how much you hate him and despise him, you can’t deny his gorgeous physical appearance and how attractive he is right now.


“I see.” He answers, as his smile gets wider. “So be it.”


You narrows your eyes, questioning his intentions. The eye contact between both of you haven’t been disconnected since he released your from the handcuff. You keep eyeing on him, looking for any weak spots where you can ambush him with the knife.


“Jong –  Kai, don’t play the guessing game with me. Just tell me your true intentions, I really don’t ge– “


“I’ve released you.” Jongin says, “then go on. I give you the chance to take your revenge on me. Punch me. Kick me. Or just stab me and kill me with that knife. Anything to take your revenge towards me.”


Your jaw slightly drops in disbelief.


Is he.. serious?


Did he just gave up? Did he surrender? What the hell does he wants?




 “But, Soo,” he suddenly says – he still looks relaxed and not scared at all, “for you to take your revenge on me, I have few conditions. This is about my own life, after all.”


“What is it?” you questions, but keeps your grip on your knife as tight as you could.

Jongin his lips, then stand up straight. His eyes are still staring at you.


“You can try to kill me. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t fight.”

He ends his sentence with a smirk again, as he pulls out a knife as well from his trouser’s pocket. You can’t deny that you’re pretty amazed at how his trousers can hold so many items – but that’s not the main point right now.


So he’s not really letting you to take your revenge on him, after all.


“Let’s have a little competition first.” He continues, while spinning the pocket knife on his fingers.

“What competition?” you asks carefully.


“Whoever scratches his or her opponent first with the knife – anywhere on their body that is shown, is allowed to do anything that the scratcher wants.”


You blinks in disbelief.




“So,” he continues – “if you managed to scratch me anywhere on my skin, I’ll let you finish me, or do anything to me just like how you like it.


“But, if it’s me who managed to scratch you,

“You must keep your mouth shut, and listen to anything that I will say.”


Your eyes goes wider as you heard his explanation. Listen? What the hell does he want? Is he going to tell me more bull about Sehun-oppa? Is he going to defend himself?



“Why do you looks so surprised?” questions Jongin, he looks surprised as well by your reaction – “suddenly lost your confidence?”

Your surprised look turns into an annoyed one after he spoke. Lost my confidence? You got to be kidding me.


You spin the knife on your hand, while staring at Jongin intently. “No, not at all. I only got more interested to give you the payback.” You says, with cocky grin on your lips.

Jongin smiles in satisfaction, and he tightens his grip on his pocket knife.


“Bring it on, pretty.”



Only one second passes after he called you ‘pretty’, when you dashes towards him and aims his cheek. Jongin quickly dodges and turns around, and suddenly he’s already behind you with his knife ready to scratch your neck. You quickly duck and kick his shinbone as strong as you can, but he somehow able to dodges it and only makes him trips a little. Jongin quickly regains his balance before you touch his cheek with your sharp knife, and shove you away until there is about 2 meters gap between you two.


Damn, Jongin is a good fighter. No, a really, good fighter.


Jongin still have that arrogant smile on his lips, and he motion two of his fingers – inviting you to attack again. You narrows your eyes, and starts walking around, looking for his weak spots.


Jongin also walks around the room, avoiding you. Both of you are walking in circle, when suddenly he dashes towards you – so fast you almost didn’t realize it – and swing his knife to scratch your cheek. You quickly dodges to the left, away from Jongin.


Hah! You misse-


Your smirk vanishes when suddenly, a hand grabbed your right wrist, and with so much strength pulls you back. Your eyes goes wider in shock when you got pulled until you’re only few centimeters away from your opponent.

And somehow, Jongin’s big hand grab both of your wrists strongly until it cannot move, and put it together in his grip. He blocks your feet from moving away with his own feet, and suddenly, you’re already so close to him, with his knife pressed on your cheek.


Just a little bit more pressure, and that knife will deeply stab your cheek.


Your eyes are still wide in shock, while Jongin stares at you with his blank eyes but arrogant smile. He’s so close to you right now – you can see his acne scars, his pink and plumps lips, his eyelids, his irises – everything that you only can see upclose. He caress your cheek with his knife, trailing it slowly – you’re sure that if you leans to the knife, even just a little bit, there goes your flawless face.


And that’s not the only problem.


Your heart, is somehow, beating really hard and fast. Your breathing is unstable, like you will get choked anytime. You’ve been trying hard to keep your eyes intimidating as hard as possible – but you found out that now, your eyes are only wide in shock, with your lips slightly fell open.


You don’t really know the reason why. Is it because of the short yet intense fight you had few seconds ago? Is it because of the adrenaline? Is it because of the anger, because you lost to a person that you hated the most?

 Or is it because of there’s a guy – a really hot, and handsome one – standing in front of you with his hand holding your and his eyes are staring at you, boring into your soul, with only five centimeters gap between both of your lips?


No no no no NO, Oh Sooyeon. The last reason is not a really good thing to be involved in this discussion right now. Stop thinking about how goodlooking he is right now, just STOP.


You sighs, while you’re still confused with the reason for your uncontrolled heartbeats and breathing. But there’s one thing that you’re sure of.


You’re lost to Kim Jong – no, Kai.

And that means,


“Now, listen to everything that I’m going to say, Soo.” Says Jongin, his eyes are stil intimidating – “and don’t you ever cut it off when I’m in the middle of speaking. Because everything that I’m going to say, are important. Don’t you dare to suddenly attack me or insult me or do anything that annoys me, okay?


“And please,” suddenly Jongin lowered his volume, and suddenly, those intimidating eyes of him are gone.


It changes into a longing, begging – almost desperate one. The drastic changes of expression makes you blinks in confusion.




“This time, believe me."



if any of you wondered why i suddenly updates pretty often, it's because i'm  in a holiday~

really sorry for the grammar errors, or typos. the fight scene - actually i'm not really able to explain it well so i hope it will satisfies you even though it's hard to understand ><

thank you so much for the subbers and commenters! i hope i won't disappoint :D


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I'm scared of what Sehun's gonna do when he finds out about the marriage /-\
xoxo_Luhan #2
Chapter 13: I just found this and I have to say it good REALLY GOOD !
jeyoun #3
Chapter 12: update soon
jeyoun #4
jeyoun #5
Chapter 10: choi minho?! omooo update soon
jeyoun #6
Chapter 9: update soon
This story is soooo awesome!!!Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 8: Update soon pleaseee:)
Chapter 4: Omgeee aouthernim I'm totally subscribing to you.this is awesome I love the concept.
Chapter 2: Lovely story really :)
Keep going! x
Please read ours if you want

Xo, Mary :)