Chapter 11

For His Freedom

1st January, 2019


Sehun wasn’t able to react more than saying Wufan’s name, because Wufan suddenly pulls him into a really tight hug.

Sehun hears little sobs – and when he realizes that the sobs were from him, somehow, he feels relaxed. Knowing that he’s still a human, who still have expressions and feelings. Knowing that finally, the big, hollow hole inside him starts to get filled again.

Do you know that feeling – when you’ve lost everything once, then one day, you finally gets something that used to be one of the main parts of your life back?



“Sehun, how are you…?” whispers Wufan – Sehun is very sure that Wufan is also holding back tears right now, judging from his unstable voice, “I never thought I’ll be able to see you again.. right after I heard the news that you’re going to be transferred here, I really don’t know how to react..”

Sehun takes a deep breathe to calm himself.

“How is EXO..? How is Junmyeon-hyung? Everyone’s okay.. he’s okay, right?” asks Sehun.


Suddenly Sehun pauses, as he realizes something.

Why is Wufan – one of the strongest men in EXO family, who will be inherited as EXO family’s head patriarch when Junmyeon moves to the higher rank in the clan, work as a police instead? Isn’t police and mafia are eternal enemies? And didn’t the Chairman said that every members in EXO are specialized for mafia works – not spying works that other mafia members usually do by sneaking into police department and works as a police?


If Wufan is Wu Yi Fan, EXO family’s best melee attacker and one of the top 10 fighters in Sooman clan that definitely hired for his fighting ability not for spying ability, there’s no reason for him to be here, working as a police.

So why is Wufan here?


The silence that suddenly envelops the cell, right after he asked the question, suddenly sends shivers down to Sehun’s spine and unpleasant feelings to Sehun’s chest.

Wufan slowly releases his hug, and moves his hands to Sehun’s shoulders. Wufan’s eyes are staring to the dirty floor, eyebrows are furrowing – like he suddenly finds it’s hard to speak.


“….you really know nothing about EXO? After all these years?” asks Wufan.

Sehun slowly shakes his head, trying to pushes away the uneasy feeling inside his body. “They cut me off from any mass media and entertainment. I knew nothing.


“But our family is still going strong, right? Which rank are we now? Have we defeated Choi family? Or maybe we’ve defeated Lee family instead? Have those annoying old geezers already paid respect to us?”


 “Sehun, Sehun-“


“How is the Chairman, is he okay? Has Junmyeon became a lieutenant, now? Who is the head of EXO family if you worked here instead? Is it Lu-ge?” asks Sehun continuously – hoping that Wufan will answers at least one of his questions so that this unfamiliar shivers and unpleasant feelings will go.

“Were EXO got a new task that we need to do spying jobs again? Why is th-“




Sehun freezes, as Wufan suddenly leashes out in front of him.


Wufan stares at Sehun – his eyes are full of rage and disappointment. He slowly inhales; trying to calm himself.


“We… we’re not… we’re not a part of Sooman clan again. We’re not mafia again.


“EXO has been banished. Junmyeon got exiled. We got exiled. We’re scattered away, and we ‘died’.”


And once again, Sehun freezes. His tears stops flowing. His breath stops again, as he digests Wufan’s words.

Banished? Exiled? ‘Died’ ?


“…What?” speaks Sehun few seconds later, after trying to get his mind straight and understand all of Wufan’s words – yet he still couldn't understand because Wufan’s words makes no sense.


How could EXO be banished? Sehun had killed the clan’s biggest rival’s top men. Sehun had hit the main weakness of the rival clan. Sehun had given Sooman clan a really, really big advantage.

Sehun had do the rightest thing to do as a loyal mafia member – lifting up his clan’s rank as high as possible by defeating other clans. This action should be awarded with rank promotion, with positive recognizition, with dignity.

Not with punishments.


“Your killing act did gave impact to our family’s reputation – which is banishment. Right after your killing act, Junmyeon got called to the headquarters and he was… forced to beg for forgiveness to YG. He cut his finger and gave them the whole money EXO had saved in our vault… and got beaten up really severely..”


Sehun didn’t blink at all. His eyeballs are shaking in shock.


Were those images that he always had in his head all this time – about how his EXO family be able to lives happily and get respected everyday, are fantasy?


It never happened?


“Right after that, our family got declared as an ill-mannered family, who ‘only bringing shame to the clan’. Then, all of us got beaten up and got exiled to different places for everyone – we were sent to different islands to get beaten up. We got reported as dead people in newspapers. Our existence got erased – all of us, except you, because you were in a death row…


“and Jongin, who somehow were ‘missing’.”


Sehun’s eyes goes wider as he heard the name of his bestfriend; his partner in crime, his blood brother – that he hasn’t heard for years.

His bestfriend who left him on the latest day he inhales the air of freedom, and apparently, left the family as well.


“Jongin…..left?” speaks Sehun slowly, “he didn’t came back..? I thought he left me because-“

Wufan suddenly digs through his trouser’s pocket, and takes out lots of worn papers, then spread it on the floor, in front of Sehun.



Sehun stares at those papers in horror as he able to read the letters on those papers. Those papers were scraped from newspapers – ten pieces of short obituaries of names that Sehun will always be familiar with.

Kim Junmyeon. Kim Minseok. Lu Han. Wu Yi Fan. Park Chanyeol. Byun Baekhyun. Kim Jongdae. Zhang YiXing. Huang Zitao. Do Kyungsoo. Ten names are there – along with their pictures.


And Jongin’s name wasn’t there. There are no obituary about him.


“He’s really not there.” Says Wufan, breaking the silence – “10 of us got beaten up and sent to 10 different places. You, were sent to prison on the day before, but Jongin, was missing. We never know where did he go that time.


“Probably knowing that the massacre will leads up to that punishment, and decided to betray us.”


Sehun swear, it feels like his tongue was tied so tight he cannot move it even for an inch. It feels like all of his vocabularies were taken out of his brain.


Jongin betrayed EXO. Jongin betrayed him. Jongin had broke that promise; the promise they had sworn together with each other’s blood years ago.


Sehun slowly reachs out to the necklace that had been hanging in his neck for more than 15 years. A necklace with a hard glass-pendant, with a form of splitted reversed triangle – Aristotelian symbol of Earth, that filled with Jongin’s blood. Jongin had the same exact necklace with Sehun’s blood in it as the form of their blood brother relationship. It’s their own vow, their own promise to protect each other until death tears them apart.


Doesn’t that mean this necklace has lost its meaning?


“I’ve been living with fake identities ever since,” continues Wufan – “now my name is Kris. That’s the only way to have a good living after you got exiled – by hiding your identity so that Sooman clan wouldn't know that their shameful ex-members are still alive and have a good position in society. If there are other members of our family that still alive and living well, they must had changed identities as well.

“And this is what I got with this fake identity – a prison’s warden.” Says Wufan, then laughs bitterly – “I used to ing hate polices, but now I became one. The salary is good, tho. I can have a good apartment in Busan and I-“


“Know any whereabouts of Jongin?”


Sehun’s sudden words stops Wufan from speaking. He stares at Sehun in surprise, but then quickly get his expression back to serious again as he sees how Sehun’s cold expressions are coming back.


“Why isn’t he reported dead?” asks Sehun coldly – “ he left me that day and never comes back, didn’t he?”

Wufan slowly nods.

“Does that mean now he’s living somewhere well? Not suffering from these s you and other hyungs have to go through?


“Where the is he right now?”


Wufan suddenly walks to the small window on the corner of the room. He signals Sehun to come with him with his finger, then points at a really tall, half-done building across the sea that separates this isolated prison with the big city of Seoul.


“That’s the Kim Ventures. South Korea’s biggest venture capital, owned by Kim Jonghyun from Sooman clan – with the biggest clients and biggest transactions. The business will soon be inherited to his only brother, the media said.”

Sehun freezes. Kim Jonghyun….?


“Wait.” Says Sehun suddenly – “who? Kim Jonghyun? From Sooman clan?”

Wufan smiles bitterly.

“Feels familiar with the name? And the mention of his brother?”


Sehun will never gets unfamiliar with that name .

Kim Jonghyun. He’s the son of the former head patriarch of the Kim family before Heechul. Sehun remembers how he always had the best jokes, and how great his public speaking skill is. Sehun also remembers how much he treasures his older sister – the only filial sibling that Jonghyun had.

And of course, Sehun will never forget who is Jonghyun’s only brother. Jonghyun’s adopted stepbrother.


Living really well now after leaving your family, huh – Kim family's youngest son, Kim Jongin.


Sehun clenchs his fist, as he glares at the semi-built building of Kim Ventures. Sehun hates betrayal; more than anything in this world. He always hated it and Jongin knew that – he told Jongin everything.


 “I’ll help you to confront Jongin.” Says Wufan suddenly, his eyes looks really determined – “I’ll help you with anything that you need, with any power that I have here. I’m unable to touch him because I’m a police who got placed in an isolated island, and he’s a business conglomerate who is also a junior leader in a huge mafia clan. And Sehun – you’re everything that I’m not. You’re the only one who can confront him and raise back our dignity.”


“Just get me out of here,” cuts Sehun who still clenching his fist until his veins are popping out.

“I can arrange that.” Answers Wufan assertively, “..Anything else?”


“And give me money. Lots of money. Or if you cannot afford it, at least give me a weapon. A fit-for-killing one.”


“W-What?!” Wufan’s voice suddenly hitches up. “Wait, you cannot kill him- he’s your blood brother, right? Aren’t you guys are not allowed to hurt each other?“


“There’s no such promise in blood brother relationship,” answers Sehun, as he releases his fists, but keep his eyes glaring at the window.


“..and he’s no longer my blood brother. He’s my enemy.”


hi~ is it weird or is it confusing? i'm really sorry because when i wrote this i was in a somekind of mental breakdown bcs of kim jongin and i kept thinking about him ERHG.

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I'm scared of what Sehun's gonna do when he finds out about the marriage /-\
xoxo_Luhan #2
Chapter 13: I just found this and I have to say it good REALLY GOOD !
jeyoun #3
Chapter 12: update soon
jeyoun #4
jeyoun #5
Chapter 10: choi minho?! omooo update soon
jeyoun #6
Chapter 9: update soon
This story is soooo awesome!!!Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 8: Update soon pleaseee:)
Chapter 4: Omgeee aouthernim I'm totally subscribing to you.this is awesome I love the concept.
Chapter 2: Lovely story really :)
Keep going! x
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Xo, Mary :)