Chapter 10

For His Freedom

1st January, 2019


“We’ve arrived.”

Sehun glances up and stares at the van’s door. The van slowly stops, indicating that they really have arrived at Sehun’s new ‘home’.

The van’s door abruptly opens, and the bright light of the sun strikes inside the van. Sehun closes his eyes instantly, avoiding the light.

Suddenly, his handcuffs are pulled roughly by the man who was sitting in front of him during the trip. The man pushes him forward, until Sehun’s out of the van.

Sehun opens his eyes, and finds six men standing in front of him. All of them are wearing uniform, and have weapons inside their trousers’ pockets.

Must be the warden and his men.

“Oh Sehun!” the man with a really husky voice greets him happily. “Welcome to Daegi Prison, Ganghwan County. This is your new home, until your execution date. Oh, and I’m Bang Yongguk, Daegi Prison’s vice warden. And oh, Happy New Year!!”

Sehun glances up without any expression on his face, then nods.

The husky-voiced man raises his eyebrows. “Wow, cold attitude.  My friends were right about you, huh? About how you never shown any expression. How you always kept that poker face.”

Watching how Sehun still didn’t answer and only keeping his expressionless face on, Yongguk snorts. “Well, as expected from the legendary murderer.” he speaks sarcastically. “Junhong, Jongup. Take him to his cell.”

The so-called Junhong and Jongup steps forward, walks until they’re behind Sehun, and pushes him forward. Sehun slowly steps forward, following Yongguk and his other men who are in front of him.

Sehun steps inside the corridor of the cells, and right after that, screams and shouts from other prisoners starts echoing throughout the prisons.


“Isn’t that Oh Sehun?! From Sooman?!”


“A legend got transferred here?! Is this real?!”


“That Oh Sehun who killed 16 of YG’s top men? Really?!”


“Must be transferred because of death row, huh?”


“Sehun, you’re our hero!!”



Sehun decides to keep silent as he walks past through the never-ending rows of cells, and ignores those shouts. He keeps his expressionless face on – the same face that he already kept for more than 10 years.


“Yah, Sehun! tard!”

Sehun pauses his walking, but decides to keep silent. He’ve dealt with too many harsh nicknames after being in prison for more than 10 years – this one is as unimportant as the other harsh nicknames that he had received before.


“Yah, little ! Keeping your mouth shut because too embarrassed, huh? Too embarrassed after humiliating your own clan?”

Oh Sehun, keep walking. Ignore them, keep walking.

“Too embarrassed after humiliating your own family and made them banished? After making your own family’s worth more lower than those beggars and trashes?”

Oh Sehun..

EXO family? They’re worth nothing compared to any shi-“


The screams and shouts fall silent after a loud bang fills the air, followed with a scream filled with pain. On the next second, the prison gets more chaotic as they got a new attraction.


“Yah, Oh Sehun!!” screams Yongguk angrily, while running towards Sehun who busy grabbing the noisy prisoner’s hair and hitting his head repeatedly on the cell’s iron bars, until blood flows from the prisoner’s head to Sehun’s wrists. Yongguk, Junhong, and Jongup quickly pulls Sehun away while yelling at him from the prisoner who collapsed on the floor inside his cell, bleeding heavily. Junhong quickly calls the medic and Yongguk quickly holds Sehun, helped by Jongup.

Amidst the shocked and surprised expression of people around him, Sehun keeps his blank expression on – the same expression that he always put on since 10 years ago, since the day he got put into a jail. As he harshly being pulled away, his expressionless stare still haven’t left the bleeding prisoner.


 “Keep your mouth shut,” Sehun speaks, still without any tone – “cowards who doesn’t belong to live like you shouldn’t speak to those who are meritorious.”


“Meritorious my .” Jongup suddenly speaks, while pushing Sehun away from the wounded prisoner – “what that were saying are true.”

Sehun sends his deadly glares to Jongup, while Jongup, Junhong, and Yongguk pushes him into an isolated cell inside a dark, abandoned corridor.


“That was a ing bad start, Oh Sehun.” Hisses Yongguk angrily while getting his iron baton ready – “no one s up my prison. No. One.”

Sehun glares at Yongguk, then at the iron baton on Yongguk’s hand. He’s going to get beaten up. He definitely is. That’s how prisons for death row prisoners are , from what he’d heard– either you get killed because of the legal execution, or get killed because of the officers.

Sehun was getting himself ready to be beaten up and Yongguk was ready to swing his iron baton when suddenly the iron door of that dark cell slams open.


“Yongguk, stop.”


The man who slams the door open were standing outside the dark cell – the darkness of the corridor envelops him that Sehun can’t identify his face. Yongguk hisses angrily again when the man starts walking inside the cell.

The man wears a mask, covering his face except his eyes.  Sehun can sense a charismatic yet intimidating stare from the man’s eyes – and somehow, the man’s eyes seems familiar. Has Sehun saw him somewhere else?

Yongguk clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Pal, this guy almost beaten one of our prisoners to dea-“

“I have matters to deal with him. We’ll punish him later, after I finished dealing with him. Now,” says the man, while pointing at the door –“go.”

Yongguk hisses again, then throws his iron baton on the floor and left the room in annoyance. Jongup and Junhong quickly follows him out, leaving Sehun and the mysterious man alone.


The mysterious man squats in front of Sehun, and stares at Sehun with his sharp eyes and plain expression - and stays in that position for few minutes. But somehow, after few minutes, the sharp stare starts changing – into a soft, teary one.


“Oh Sehun, from Sooman Clan, EXO family; am I right?


“Do you still remember me?”


“Who are you?” asks Sehun, still with his expressionless face –“if you’re going to cover your whole face like that, how can I recognize you?”

The man closes his eyes for few seconds, then nods. Slowly, he pulls off his mask and his facial features starts showing.


“We haven’t met for so long, haven’t we?”


And when his whole face is clear enough to be identified by Sehun’s eyes, Sehun freezes.


Sehun could swear that his breathing stops; right after the man shown him his full face. Sehun could swear that his jaw just drops, as he saw the man’s nose and lips.

And Sehun could swear, that few minutes ago, finally, an expression came back again to his face. One piece of his soul, just went back to his body.


Never in these 10 years; he ever thought that he will ever meet any of them again. He always thought that he would only meet them in hell one day – after all of them were dead.





it's so short isn't it TTTTT i'm sorry TTTTTTT i promise i'm going to update as soon as possible!

anyway aren't you guys happy that Sehun finally appears again~

thankyou for everyone that had commented and subscribed! <3

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I'm scared of what Sehun's gonna do when he finds out about the marriage /-\
xoxo_Luhan #2
Chapter 13: I just found this and I have to say it good REALLY GOOD !
jeyoun #3
Chapter 12: update soon
jeyoun #4
jeyoun #5
Chapter 10: choi minho?! omooo update soon
jeyoun #6
Chapter 9: update soon
This story is soooo awesome!!!Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 8: Update soon pleaseee:)
Chapter 4: Omgeee aouthernim I'm totally subscribing to you.this is awesome I love the concept.
Chapter 2: Lovely story really :)
Keep going! x
Please read ours if you want

Xo, Mary :)