Chapter 3

For His Freedom


13th May, 2008


        You glances at the digital clock that just showed the number 00:02 , and sighs. You quickly turns off the tv, then walks to the door to lock it.


        Oppa really need to fix his habit of not telling me that he wouldn’t come home.. I hate staying up late for nothing.


        You put the key inside the keyhole, and about to turn it when suddenly a knock on your door was heard. You narrows your eyes. It’s past midnight; is it one of your brother’s friend?

        You slowly turn the doorknob, and as the door creaks open, your eyes went wider when a red velvet cake appears in front of your face, along with so many candles.

        “Happy birthday Sooyeon!!”

        You glances at the guy who hold the cake and the guy beside him, then laughs. Both of them were grinning happily, while singing that infamous Happy Birthday song.

        “Seriously, Sehun-oppa, Jongin-oppa?”

        “Yah, quick, blow the candles! It’s going to melt and dirtied the cake!” says Jongin, while pointing to the candles – “this cake is too delicious to be dirtied by candle. But I only got one hand with all of these gifts so let's go inside fir-”

        “Make a wish first, Sooyeon.” Says Sehun.

        Jongin sneers at Sehun and lift his casted right arm. “ Can't you pity your bestfriend who just got his right arm broken?!"

        Watching how Sehun didn't response at all, Jongin sighs in defeat. "Don’t take too long! The candles will melt!”

        You rolls your eyes at Jongin’s ridiculous remark.  You closes your eyes for a few seconds, then blow the candles. You and Jongin claps happily,while Sehun still holding the cake.

        “Get inside before our neighbors complain.” you ordered to Sehun and Jongin. Both of them quickly walks inside and put the cake on the dining table.

        “Eh..? Noona’s not home?” asks Jongin, referring to the maid, Ms. Eunji, that takes care of you and Sehun.

        “I heard she was going to ajumeoni’s grave and visit ajumeoni’s grandchildren.” Answers Sehun – “ajumeoni’s grandchildren are already like her kids, right? Since she’s already close with ajumeoni’s since a long time ago, even before our orphanage was established.”

        You winces as you heard the word ‘orphanage’, that instantly makes you recall the painful memory of that attack 5 years ago – or maybe you could even call it as a ‘massacre’. It was so sudden – four men came to the orphanage, trying to rob and steal money from the orphanage’s owner, Mrs. Daesom, whom you, Sehun, and Jongin usually called as “ajumeoni”. Those men went mad and killed everyone including Mrs. Daesom. You were lucky – Ms. Eunji, one of the orphanage’s maid, quickly took you away and escaped through back door. You both ran away without any destination and lived on streets for few days; until suddenly your brother, Sehun, and his bestfriend, Jongin, whom you thought had also dead, found you and Miss Eunji, then took you to an empty apartment that now became the home for you and Sehun. Slowly, you discovers that your brother and his bestfriend are recruited into a mafia clan and will work there. Your brother got an apartment – given by the clan’s chairman – as a place to live, meanwhile Jongin was adopted by the former head patriarch of Kim family, and had been living with them until now.

        “Oppa, you should tell me if you’re coming home late.” You says, trying to distract yourself from the horror memories of the massacre – “if you tell me, I don’t have to stay up so late, waiting for nothing.”

        “Well, if I tell you, then our plan will be ruined!” answers Sehun – “we’ll ended up waiting outside the apartment’s door until all of the candles melt.”

        “Oh, anyway!” says Jongin suddenly, then opens his bag - “Here’s from me!”

        Jongin hands you three boxes of gift. Your jaw drops as you stares at gifts.

        “Jongin-oppa…? Aren’t these too much?!”

        “These are from me.” Says Sehun suddenly, then hands you another three boxes of gifts. You stares at the six boxes of gifts in disbelief.   


        “Yah!” you suddenly shout, successfully surprises both Sehun and Jongin.

        “Why are you guys doing this?” you asks, in confusion – “giving surprises are not your thing. And why do you handed me so many gifts?!  It’s like you guys will not be able to give me gifts anymore in the future..”

        Without you realizing, Sehun and Jongin steal glances at each other, worry flashes through their eyes.

        “W-Well..” answers Jongin – “it’s because we have a job today. We will not be able to accompany you throughout your birthday this year, so we’re giving this as our apology!”

        Sehun nods. “Yeah, this is our apology. I’m not going to be home for this whole day, Sooyeon – we’re really sorry.”

        You narrows your eyes, but then rolls your eyes and sighs. You put the plate in the counter, then stiffles your yawn.

        “I have school tomorrow, so I’m going to bed early, okay? Clean your own dishes, Ms. Eunji’s not here. Good night!” you says, but then you stop walking and turn around – “oh, and good luck for your next job. Whatever it is. Be careful.”

        “Good night!” replies both Sehun and Jongin together.

        You waves your hand then walks inside your room, close the door, and quickly throw yourself on your comfortable bed. Let those boys eat the cake. You’re never a real fan of red velvet anyway.

        As Sehun and Jongin silently eats the cake, the door of your apartment slowly opens, and a man walks inside your house. He pokes Sehun’s back.

        “Sehun-ssi, the car is ready.” Says the man. Sehun nods, then quickly taps Jongin’s shoulder.

        “I’ll go to the target place in few hours, okay?” says Sehun – “get your guns back at your house first, Jongin. We’ll meet at the target place. I’ve reported to Suho.”

        Jongin raises his eyebrows as the sign that he understands, then he jumps from the chair and walk out towards the door.

        “See you later then, bro.” says Jongin with his infamous smirk, after doing fist-pump with Sehun.

        “I’ll kill you if you don’t show up. I don't care even though your right arm is broken. ” Says Sehun, trying to ease the usual tension that always appears when they’re about to do any missions.

        Jongin chuckles as Sehun’s words reaches his ears. He turns around, then lightly flicks his finger on Sehun’s forehead.

        “Yah, Sehuna!” says Jongin, mentioning his favorite nickname for Sehun – “I will never leave you alone. We’re blood brothers. We’ve sworn five years ago that we’ll be loyal to each other. This broken right arm is nothinggg!”

        Somehow, Jongin’s words have successfully calms Sehun’s heart a little.

        “Still remember that quote from the Chairman?” asks Jongin, his smirk never left.

         Sehun smiles, as Jongin raise his eyebrows goofily. He chuckles lightly, before he opens his mouth.


         “Brothers always stand by each other.”


14th May, 2008


        “Brothers always stand by each other.”


        Sehun mumbles that infamous quote that the Chairman told him five years ago.

        He glances at the car’s clock. It’s already 7.00 A.M. , and the targets are supposed to be here in 15 minutes if the calculation’s right. And Jongin’s already late for two hours.

        The time is getting closer, and Sehun finds out that he started worrying. Worry never came across him during his previous missions – he was known for his laid back personality and how relaxed he always been during missions.

        But now, the always calm and collected Oh Sehun is getting worried.

        “Where the are you…” hisses Sehun, as once again, Jongin didn’t pick up his cellphone. Sehun throws his cellphone to the passenger’s seat in frustation, and as he peeks to the rear mirror, he spots five black BMW car.

        Those cars just stopped in front of the black bean noodle restaurant, maybe around five or six meters behind Sehun’s car. On the next second, the car doors are opened and people starts coming out from the car – all of them are wearing black tuxedos, except one. He seems like the eldest from them all and he’s wearing a grey tuxedo.

        Dammit, the targets are here already…!

        Sehun glances again at his cellphone. Still no sign of Jongin replying any of his messages or call. He glances again at the rear mirror, and still, no sign on Jongin outside.

        If Sehun follows the plan that had been carefully made by the head of his and Jongin’s family, in three minutes, he will start the attack.

        And one minute already passed.

        Sehun hisses. Where the hell is Jongin? He’s the one who emphasizes that blood brothers will never leave each other yesterday. Did he get scared? Did the huge risk of death scares him off and makes him change his mind? Sehun acknowledged that by doing this, death will awaits him – either one of the targets will attack and kill him, or he will successfully kills everyone, get caught by police and get death penalty as punishment.

        But Sehun didn’t care about the risk. As long as he able to proves his loyalty. As long as he able to raise up his rank in the family and his famiy’s rank in the clan.

        His family, that named as “EXO” by Lee Sooman, is different – it’s filled with people who are not blood-related with those families that have filiation with the Chairman. EXO family’s members came from different family surnames, different backgrounds, without any filiation with each other. Simply said, his family is a pack of men that was personally recruited by the Chairman to be the members of Sooman Clan because of their talents and abilities, not because of the filiation.

        Sehun is proud with his family; even when there are only 12 men in it, his family is well known in the clan as the strongest family with the biggest success rate in doing any tasks that Chairman gave. Spying, investigating, killing, collecting money – any jobs that mafia do.  The popularity and big success rate of course invites hate, envy, and jealousy from other families. Sehun clearly remembers how other families address them as “worthless and replaceable pawns”. And oh, how much he hates the way every head patriarchs of families ignores opinions from EXO’s head patriarch, Junmyeon, in every meetings because he doesn’t have any filiation with other head patriarchs of families; how every head patriarchs of families sends sarcastic and hateful remarks when any EXO members are around..

        Sehun grits his teeth as he glances at the clock. It’s already past his 3-minutes limit.

        Time’s up.

        The anger, with slight disappointment that directed towards Jongin fills Sehun’s body as he opens the car door and quickly jog to the baggage of his car – and take out 4 shotguns. The image of Jongin and him receiving praise together from Junmyeon in his brain starts getting blurry as he kicks the restaurant’s door and starts shooting the first two men who sit near the door.

         Instead, that image starts getting replaced with images of Junmyeon receiving praises from the Chairman, also with images of EXO members gets called to the meeting room and receives praises along with jealous remarks from other head patriarchs of families. The images get clearer and clearer as Sehun keeps aiming and shooting the heads of the targets, until he arrives in front of the main target; fiveteen dead bodies already sprawled behind him with hole on their foreheads and chests.

         Sehun unconsciously smiles as he aims the gun; the main target cries shamelessly as Sehun reloads the gun.

          Another shot was heard throughout the air, and Sehun’s smile turns into a grin.


        Hyung, we did it.


A/N : Cheers for 'you' who finally appears!! *\(^w^)/* Every comments and subscribes from you are highly appreciated~ 

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I'm scared of what Sehun's gonna do when he finds out about the marriage /-\
xoxo_Luhan #2
Chapter 13: I just found this and I have to say it good REALLY GOOD !
jeyoun #3
Chapter 12: update soon
jeyoun #4
jeyoun #5
Chapter 10: choi minho?! omooo update soon
jeyoun #6
Chapter 9: update soon
This story is soooo awesome!!!Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 8: Update soon pleaseee:)
Chapter 4: Omgeee aouthernim I'm totally subscribing to you.this is awesome I love the concept.
Chapter 2: Lovely story really :)
Keep going! x
Please read ours if you want

Xo, Mary :)